Harley Davidson or Rotax — Sounds can be unique and associated with a certain brand. Harley motorcycles have made their sound a trademark, defending it vigorously against wannabe knock-offs. Sling Pilot Academy found Rotax 912iS engines output a particular sound, too. However, they wanted to shield their neighbors from it. As busy as Sling Pilot Academy has become, keeping good relations is essential. So, Whisper Sling Necessity is the mother of invention, so the saying goes. Necessity, in this case, was success. (SPA) at the Torrance, California, airport has grown to become a training behemoth, with their fleet flying more than 4,000 hours per month, the bulk of it in the Sling two-place LSA it uses as a primary trainer. That makes the SPA one of the busiest training companies in the region. And Torrance, like many urban airports, faces increasing complaints from non-pilot neighbors; in fact, Torrance’s very existence has been threatened for decades by those opposed to the presence of airplanes at, get this, an airport.