Aero Adventure, Inc.

NEWS — Aero Adventure is now associated with Aero Affinity, a new organization at the DeLand, Florida airport that can serve the needs of pilots with a variety of sales and services.
For those looking for adventure flying that you can actually afford, you need look no further than Aero Adventure.
Seaplanes are highly enjoyable and usually quite expensive, even in the Light aircraft sector. “Surely,” you may think, “a $49,000 price tag has to be a loss leader,” that is, just something to grab your attention but not what you want to buy ... right? So, how much does an Aventura II truly cost when a typical owner completes the building job? “$55-56,000,” reports producer Aero Adventure. No matter how you evaluate it, that is an excellent value for an airplane with a history in the decades.
Like most companies, Aero Adventure has been around long enough to have different owners today. Lead by Alex Rolinski, this is a young team with backgrounds such as FAA Airframe & Powerplant credentials. The present day company can tally nearly 200 Aventura models built but that’s being conservative with their numbers. Pressed to count all the airplanes of this type, leading back to the original Buccaneer, the number leaps up to about 1,000 aircraft. In light aviation that is a very solid fleet size that shows the appeal of this well-proven design.|

Because Aventura is a kit aircraft, it can be offered in a wide variety of configurations and personalized even further by the owner/builder. One choice such craftsmen will find useful involves a selection of engines. Aero Adventure works with AeroMomentum offering the 117-horsepower Suzuki conversion. This is not some used engine modified for use on an airplane but a brand new engine block to which engine developer Mark Kettering adds the components needed to make the AM-1300 or AM-1500 an interesting and complete choice that conserves your cash. Aero Adventure also offers the handsome Viking engine and for those that want the light aircraft industry’s most popular engine, they offer the Rotax 912 as well (as pictured above on Tanille DeLair’s orange-accented Aventura II that she named, “Juliette.”)
Aero Adventure is located at the DeLand, Florida airport, home to several other light aircraft companies about 30 miles inland from the Atlantic ocean city of Daytona Beach, where they enjoy year-round good flying weather at a most welcoming airport (even the restaurant is great). The team encourages a visit where you can examine their efforts of kit building and can look over component depictions that have been completely converted to CAD drawings.
Our articles and videos on Aventura are located below. Enjoy exploring this affordable seaplane. Also check out the other offerings from Aero Affinity, of which Aero Adventure is a principle partner.
Phone: 866-494-5367
DeLand, FL 32724USA