Aerotrek Aircraft

One of the most consistent suppliers of reasonably-priced Light-Sport
Aircraft is Aerotrek Aircraft. A seller of tricycle gear and taildragger aircraft, longtime light aircraft businessman Rob Rollison settled on Aerotrek. Over the years Aerotrek has firmly established itself on the Top-20 market share chart and you truy have to examine one of these beauties to appreciate the attention to detail.
At only $88,950 (as of summer 2016, check with Aerotrek for current information)... Aerotrek A240 and A220 remain price value leaders among more than 100 Special Light-Sport Aircraft. Yet especially with its newly standard radio, intercom, transponder-encoder and the beefy 100-hp Rotax 912 (up from the former 80-hp model that is still available), Aerotrek certainly doesn't act like a bargain-priced airplane.

However, it does use entirely conventional construction executed by craftsmen who obviously care a lot about the final appearance of the plane they're building.
Rollison sells more than aircraft through his related enterprise which represents high quality items like LightSPEED and Peltor headsets, Xcom radios and Becker avionics, Lynx helmets, Microair panel components plus other items too numerous to list here.
Rob is a most engaging person with a keen sense of humor. You'll like talking to him and you can expect honest, informed advice about flying products. Give him a call, send email, or visit his websites that are loaded with photos of the A240 or A220 plus the gear he sells.

Phone: (812) 384-4972
Bloomfield, IN 47424USA