In our original post, we linked to video of the TrueLite performing taxi tests. Now it’s done better: flying! See the new videos below as Chip Erwin documents the first flights of the TrueLite happening now in Florida. Those of us looking for pure flying in lightweight form can’t help but be intrigued by the TrueLite ultralight, marketed here by Chip Erwin’s Aeromarine company. “The taxi test went fine. I didn’t have any airspeed reading so I’ll have to see what’s going on there,” Erwin says in the video. While the 36 hp Vittorazzi Cosmos 300 ran a bit hot during the taxi tests, he feels it was because it sat idling for 5 minutes before the test, saying that it cooled down once he got moving. Here’s a sampling of videos related to the TrueLite.
Phone: 262-408-0124
Lakeland, FLTrue Story about TrueLite — Update on this Much-Anticipated Part 103 Ultralight Entry
Longtime industry expert Paul Hamilton (L) congratulates Robert Perry on earning his new certificate. Contact Paul at Sport Aviation Center.
TrueLite Update
You read about this airplane before — here's the intro article. In this follow-up, I want to tell you how Aviad is preparing for TrueLite's American debut at Sun 'n Fun 2024. Does that sound far off? It's not. Sun 'n Fun starts in just 10 weeks: April 9-14. The finished version of TrueLite has new, longer wings to assure meeting the regulation.TrueLite now sports longer wings that will more precisely fit Part 103's tight parameters. This mostly-metal aircraft makes weight with a parachute.
TrueLite's wings fold in two minutes by a single person.
Assembling an all-metal TrueLite wing. Note CNC tool in background.
TrueLite entering final preparation and evaluation before shipment to Sun 'n Fun 2024.
See TrueLite at Sun 'n Fun 2024
Chip Erwin noted, "Aeromarine has a long history with Aviad, which is Francesco Di Martino’s aircraft company founded in Italy. We built quite a few of his Mg12 Zigolo (earlier article and video about an electric-powered Zigolo).ARTICLE LINKS:
- Earlier article on TrueLite with more detail and information
- Aviad, manufacturer's website
-, all contact info and content on this website
- page on TrueLite
- See TrueLite at Sun 'n Fun 2024
UPDATE from Francesco January 29, 2024
"Thanks for the article! Here's the latest news… "The new [longer] wing and my flap design are working exceptionally well. The aircraft can now fly both slowly and quickly at the same time! I'm extremely happy.Article UPDATED 1/29/24 — See at bottom —DJ You may have experienced this but I just got sticker shock. A young pilot told me he is facing a $1,000 fee for his Private Pilot check ride. What?! I got my license so long ago I forgot how much I paid but, obviously… “A dollar doesn’t buy what it used to!” A few sources confirmed $1,000 is a common fee. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying a check ride isn’t worth that much; it’s merely a bigger number than expected, although my young pilot friend still has to come up with that amount of dough. Whew! When friends and family complain about grocery store prices or the cost of air travel, I shrug and say, “Tell me something that has not gone up by 50 or 100% in the last three years.” No one loves the situation but those are economic facts.
Simple, Light, Affordable… Why Recreational Flying Can Soar in 2024
TL Sport Aircraft's Sparker, already in active operation, is a candidate for Mosaic LSA.
SIMPLE PLEASURE — Quicksilver Sport 2S; photo by James Lawrence
Sometimes I find my attention returning to the easy pleasures of sightseeing around the local area, basic stick-and-rudder flying, feeling the air. While features like modern economical autopilots make cross-country flights easier, operational procedures for sophisticated instrumentation absorbs my time. Using this great gear becomes almost second nature, a muscle memory, if you fly often. Yet as with apps on your computer or device, you must invest time to keep up with software changes and the particulars of operating digital avionics offered by Garmin, Dynon, MGL, and Kanardia (among others).The Aircraft Factory's Sling HW, a four seater already flying and ready for Mosaic. Lots to occupy you in this cockpit.
Badland's F-series, based on the former Kitfox Lite.
Aviating can be simply about the physical act of flying. It doesn't all have to be about sleek designs, cool tech, or powerful engines.
Kolb's Firefly, seen aloft with rare tricycle gear, has long been an affordable choice for homebuilders.
CGS Hawk is available in two-seat or single seat; different builders each supply affordable models in kit or ready-to-fly.
Light is a key ingredient in keeping aircraft affordable. Require more material inputs and you increase costs in a multitude of ways. Physically larger, heavier aircraft cost more, maybe a lot more. You'll need more power and your skill set must be kept in tighter tune. True, light aircraft are more affected by turbulent air. So what? If it's that kind of air, I might choose to ride my bike rather than fly.Aeromarine-LSA's Merlin Lite has excited pilots with its potential; electric propulsion, already worked out on earlier models, is available.
Affordable is a major focus of this website. If you can't afford it then you are somewhat doing a Walter Mitty, dreaming about owning some shiny new speedster that you may never buy. If you can't afford flying, you won't fly or will fly less. Those aren't good choices.Fisher Flying Products' Koala looks very cub-like and is affordable and fun to fly.
Aerolite 103 offers gas or electric, all for remarkably low prices. Their order book is overflowing. (image from an article appearing in EAA's Sport Aviation)
- Future Vehicles Dingo, contact info and all content on this website
- Aerolite 103, all content on this website
- Quicksilver Sport 2S, all content on this website
- Badland F-series, all content on this website
- CGS Hawk Single, all content on this website
- CGS Hawk Two-Seater (incl. SLSA), contact info and all content on this website
- Aeromarine-LSA's Merlin Lite, all content on this website
- Kolb Firefly, all content on this website
- Fisher Koala, all content on this website
- Electric-propulsion aircraft, covered on this website
- Many other choices can be found on this website. Please use these free features:
H A P P Y N E W Y E A R !
Simple, light, and affordable is not a throwaway line. Each word is pivotal. Like many of you, I have enjoyed the advancing development of the LSA space, leading to Mosaic LSA in about 15 months. Additional operational capabilities plus features like autopilot, synthetic vision, and powerful, compact engines… all these can build a very exciting airplane. With Mosaic, the list gets even longer: more weight, more seats, more powerful engines, plus retract, adjustable props, even aerial work for entrepreneurs (see full list). Wonderful, I agree. Some pilots have asked for more and industry with FAA have been working to achieve these potentials. Yet this is a path to ever-more complex (and expensive) aircraft. Have you been waiting for Mosaic LSA? If yes, your wishes may be answered in 15 months. If not, please continue reading. Simple, Light, Affordable — All three words are key. Much depends on your aviation goals.
TrueLite’s New Wing — U.S. Importer On-Site Finalizing Affordable Part 103 Project
Designer Francesco Di Martino pilots his second-generation Zigolo called Mg21, now rebadged as TrueLite.
Chip Erwin relaxes aboard the Zigolo Mg12. It weighed in well under Part 103's limits.
The original Zigolo and TrueLite seem to bear little resemblance, but share a common heritage.
A single person can fold TrueLite's wings in just two minutes. That might make storage at a hanger or at your home a lot easier.
New & Improved Aviad TrueLite by Aeromarine-LSA
Chip Erwin recently wrote, "I happen to be here in Viladamat, Spain at Francesco's workshop getting my hands dirty. I can use a coffee break so here is your update." Those who know Chip recognize he writes exactly as he speaks.- Trailing your aircraft with you behind your RV or car when traveling
- Park on your boat lift when on Aeromarine’s 750 floats
- Share a hangar with several TrueLites
- Store in a shipping container or Harbor Freight-style portable garage
- Aeromarine LSA, U.S. representative for TrueLite, contact info and content on this website
- Technical Information on TrueLite, much detail on Aviad manufacturer's website
- M-Squared Aircraft, assembly enterprise for TrueLite, Merlin Lite, and Zenith CH-750.
When I wrote about TrueLite a little over one year ago, readers loved the concept pushing the article to one of my best-read pieces of the year. That story had lots of detail, different from what follows. Now the story is the start of production and preparation of import to the US for final assembly. Francesco Di Martino is the man behind Zigolo, a superlight Part 103 entry. Zigolo looked so light in construction, relying partly on cable support, some pilots were hesitant about the design. A few years passed and sales were made but behind the hangar door, Francesco was busy with his Aviad company. As a follow-on to the earlier project, Francesco created the all-metal, much-updated Mg21 as he called it; Zigolo was called Mg12. When Francesco linked up with Part 103 impresario Chip Erwin of Merlin Lite fame, things started to move quickly.
It’s What!? “It’s an …Ultralight Motorglider Floatplane,” and Many Can Afford It
When the prototype Merlin Lite showed at Midwest LSA Expo 2021, tens of thousands of readers quickly devoured info on this Part 103 entry. It was our most-followed airplane of the year.
Why a… Ultralight-Motorglider-Floatplane?
Following is what Chip has to say about his new creation. This is not identical to what's in the video, so you want to read the following plus catch the video to learn more. Then, go to his website where you can read Chip's cleverly-phrased blog, see many pictures and drawings, plus find more information about his products.Merlin Lite with the motorglider option exhibits long, slender wings and features highly-effective Fowler flaps. Both can aid floatplane operation.
Chip has a long and illustrious background in float building and flying. Readers should enjoy his fascinating blog about his float history.
How Affordable?
With its special attributes — from qualifying as a Part 103 Ultralight, and therefore, needing no medical certificate, or even a pilot license for that matter …to a floatplane, one that still qualifies as a Part 103 …and as a motorglider with long, slender wings that offer a great glide and slow water operations (easier on the airframe) — you should not expect this is the lowest-cost Part 103 ultralight you could buy. Nonetheless, I consider Merlin Lite floatplane motorglider to be quite a value. Let's sum it up.ARTICLE LINKS:
-, all contact info and content on this website
- Float pricing and entertaining blog, on manufacturer's website
For a video about the land version of Merlin Lite, see the very top of
In 2021, Merlin Lite lit up cyberspace after I wrote about the new entry’s introduction at Midwest LSA Expo in Mt. Vernon, Illinois. So many tens of thousands of you wanted to read about this intriguing aircraft that I worried the website could crash. A few other airplanes have drawn large numbers of readers but Chip Erwin creations seem to do that with regularity. Most companies I write about struggle to come up with something new each year when we greet each other at airshows. Contrarily, Chip is so bubbling with new ideas and excitement about them that he can barely talk fast enough to get all the words out of his mind. He’s always an exciting interview and a new video below offers another. Why a… Ultralight-Motorglider-Floatplane? Following is what Chip has to say about his new creation. This is not identical to what’s in the video, so you want to read the following plus catch the video to learn more.
Innovative, Versatile Merlin — a Video Series You Loved (because?) It’s Affordable
Catching Chip
In a few short years, this energetic Florida-based developer has created an entire line of aircraft around the name Merlin — Merlin PSA, Merlin Lite, Electrolite, and a coming Merlin II. In addition, he offers the also-affordable TrueLite, about which I've written in this article. We start off some years ago with Merlin PSA, for Personal Sport Aircraft. Merlin PSA was an aircraft with several tempting features and a short build time, but it was just the beginning.Merlin Production
So vigorous and thorough has been Chip's development of the Merlin line that the one element of criticism I hear is that production suffered. As anyone with small business experience is aware, when you have a lot of irons in the fire, it can be challenging to keep on schedule. Chip must not sleep much because he's always thinking and networking.Paul Mather (L) has also assembled Zenith CH-751s for customers. Here Paul and I go aloft in one. CONGRATULATIONS to Paul as this year's honored inductee into EAA's Ultralight Hall of Fame.
A two-seat Merlin II has already been flying in Europe. It is not Chip's present focus.
Magical Merlin
Now that we've been through the line, and you've heard some update, consider this: the airplane you see in the pictures, on floats, is truly a Part 103 aircraft, but one which can also qualify as a motorglider. This gives this aircraft some very unique privileges.STANDARD FEATURES: AeroMarine LSA Merlin Lite So many, Chip "feels compelled" to list them
- All-aluminum construction
- BRS-500 emergency airframe parachute
- Polini 303 DS liquid-cooled engine
- Electric starting
- 3-blade ground adjustable carbon propeller
- Interior fully epoxy primed
- Electric trim
- Tundra tires
- Dual hydraulic brakes
- Parking brake
- Airspeed indicator or full EFIS
- Fuel gauge
- Engines instruments: Tach, water temp, CHT
- Tricycle gear
- 12-volt power supply/charger
- EarthX battery
- Dual air vents
- 5 windows
- Pushrods with triple bearings
- 4-position slotted flaps
- 25-pound baggage capacity
- 4.15-gallon wing tank
- Cabin heat
- Defroster
- Aeromarine LSA, full contact info plus all content on this website
- Merlin article from Sun 'n Fun 2023, describing the line, on this website
- Article with video introducing Merlin Lite and weighing it, live
- 2017 article describing the kit-building effort for Merlin
- M-Squared aircraft plus contact info for Paul Mather
- Article on TrueLite, another very affordable aircraft Chip offers
- Dave Loveman's YouTube channel with more than 1,500 videos
This Merlin has nothing to do with kids in colorful costumes seeking sweets from their neighbors. It does have to do with pilots liking interesting airplanes that they can fly over their neighbors… especially when they can afford the airplane. In the last couple years, I’ve created videos with Merlin developer, Chip Erwin that have been among the most-watched on Dave Loveman‘s Light Sport and Ultralight Flyer YouTube channel. I interviewed numerous industry leaders like Chip in around 1,000 videos. The 50 most popular of those productions have been watched more than 10 million times. In addition, when I write about Merlin on this website, lots of readers seem to love it. So it’s hardly any wonder that I would be pleased to continue our Top 50 video series with one from just a couple of years ago. In a short time, it passed the 275,000-views mark. Since then, I did another on Merlin that went over well on my own channel (see below).
More than Spinning Multicopters, Here’s an In-the-Wing Electric Idea that Recently Won a Patent
Describing DEPOD Distributed Electric Propulsion On Demand
- TAKEOFF THRUST: The wing-imbedded electric motors seriously augment takeoff thrust, letting the aircraft reach Vr quicker and shortening takeoff and over-obstacle distances.
- ROLL CONTROL: DEPOD adds airflow directly over the aircraft's control surfaces at low airspeeds to greatly improve roll control when it's needed most.
- REVERSE THRUST: DEPOD can be spun in the opposite direction upon touch-down to provide nearly the same thrust as they add in takeoff, but in the opposite direction -- even before there is enough weight on the wheels for effective braking.
- SMALL BATTERIES: DEPOD is used at full power for only 10-15 seconds on takeoff, at only 15% power for up to 30 seconds on approach to landing, and 5 seconds or less on landing. This totals under one minute running time per flight, 20 seconds or less at full power. (The battery packs are so small that they have little impact on payload and aircraft performance.)
Further Attributes
- Other advantages available with Depod is an ability to program to counter inadvertent yaw. This feature can help prevent spins such as the deadly base-to-final stall/spin event. The system can assure an aircraft is always in perfectly coordinated flight.
- DEPOD can provide enough power to enable a pilot to complete a pattern and return to airport in the event of a main engine failure. "This can take the 'impossible' out of the 'impossible turn'," Chip added.
- DEPOD can aid seaplane pilots with (optional) differential thrust to help maneuvering and docking on the water (nearby image).
- Notes: When not engaged, the 2-blade propeller on each motor is fixed horizontally inside the wing, minimizing drag. Pilot is always in control: DEPOD is engaged on the pilot's command along with the autonomous yaw control. As the idea is further developed closures might be devised for the slot opening to reduce any drag.
To learn more about Depod, here's two things you can do:
- Watch the video interview with Chip below, and…
- Come visit Aeromarine at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh booth 195 in the Main Display Area.
Naturally, sharp-eyed readers already know about Chip’s big idea. See this article; scroll down. What you didn’t know is that this idea was unique enough to win a patent. That’s uncommon in recreational aviation, though, of course, an idea like this may go far beyond sport flying. Chip Erwin is one of those restless people who probably lays awake night cooking multiple ideas in his brain at the same time. Many industries have their “Elon Musk” type who moves forward on several fronts despite plenty of people telling him he can’t do what he does every day. As the mainstream media hyperfocuses on multicopter air taxi ideas consuming vast amounts of money (why media pays attention in the first place), people like Chip have different thoughts about using electric power on aircraft. Depod is one of those concepts. Depod is not intended for Merlin Lite.
Magical Merlin Motorglider Goes Both Ways: Part 103 or Motorglider; Gas or Electric
Market Ready?
Chip is a great salesman for his projects, which builds expectations. Pilots waiting to satisfy their interest have had to be patient but now production is drawing close. A partnership with M-Squared is eagerly anticipated by Chip, M-Squared's Paul Mather, and all those interested pilot-customers.An original (and immaculate) European Merlin powered by an HKS 700E, one of several motors Chip used before settling on the Polini for the Part 103 model. Compare this engine cowl to the white aircraft above.
Long slender soaring-style wings are part of the Merlin Lite magic. Like the entire aircraft, wings are all metal.
Merlin Lite sits atop Aeromarine-LSA straight floats. We have another video coming on this product. All Merlin Lites come standard with fitting for floats. ••• Electric power is also coming to Merlin Lite, but that, too, is a subject for another article.
Regular readers know I have closely followed the Merlin developments. I use plural because developer Chip Erwin has steadily built this single seat flying machine into a whole fleet of its own. At Sun ‘n Fun we saw a display of three airplanes in different variations. Let’s begin with a focus on the modest cost of Merlin. I promote affordable aviation all day long. That word “affordable” means something different to every single pilot so every time I use the word someone is going to tell me, “It’s still too expensive.” Look I get it. I’m a consumer, too. Plus, who doesn’t enjoy a deal? So here’s the short answer: “Finished Price: $34,000.” That’s a direct quote from Aeromarine-LSA. I know some may say that doesn’t work for them but in this day and age, that is a bargain for a ready-to-fly aircraft. When that buys an airplane built like Merlin Lite, one equipped the way Chip has configured it, I consider that one of the great values in aviation.
Made in America — The Affordable Ultralight Formerly Known As Zigolo Mg21
At airshows throughout 2022, I repeatedly spoke to pilots interested in ultralights, the true Part 103 variety. I continue to be impressed by two apparent facts.
Welcome Back, Zigolo New Name & New Production
"Aeromarine is proud to introduce the newest and most practical ultralight ever," Chip Erwin exclaimed! "Or nearly ever… TrueLite is designed by Aviad and manufactured and distributed by Aeromarine." TrueLite follows on the Zigolo from the same designer (article).About TrueLite
"It only takes two minutes to fold the wings on the TrueLite," Chip boasted. "This means hangar space is no longer required. Simply roll the TrueLite onto a small trailer (available separately) and drive it home." TrueLite can fit into a one-car garage, trailer and all, Chip assured. Given long waits to secure a hangar at most airports, this adds real value.These are preliminary specifications; changes are likely as production progresses.
This historical image from 1984 shows how long Aeromarine-LSA developer Chip Erwin has been involved with floats. In this view, he flies with his brother in a Zenith Zipper sporting early Chris Heintz-designed floats leading to the system Aeromarine offers today.
"Aeromarine has been manufacturing aluminum floats for ultralights and LSA for decades," Chip said. "Our latest floats weigh only 30 pounds each and are perfect for TrueLite. Now you can store your TrueLite on a small boat lift or jet ski docks. Or, you can simply take it home on a small boat trailer behind nearly any size car."
- Aeromarine-LSA, contact info with coverage appearing on this website
- M-Squared Aircraft, Paul Mather's operation in Alabama
- Article announcing MG21 (now TrueLite), on this website in February 2022
- FAA Part 103 regulation, originated in 1982 (this is Part 103's 40th year)
- FAA field guidance to evaluate the applicability of a Part 103 ultralight
- Pilot report on first generation Zigolo, as reported on this website in 2014
TrueLite comes standard with EFIS (Electronic Flight Information System) and an emergency airframe parachute.
At airshows throughout 2022, I repeatedly spoke to pilots interested in ultralights, the true Part 103 variety. I continue to be impressed by two apparent facts. First, among the better-informed recreational pilot population, virtually all know what a Part 103 ultralight is but most think they remain a small percentage of the aircraft being sold to pilots each year. Many also think a legitimate three-axis Part 103 is no more than a fantasy — one critique is that most fixed-wing 103 entries exceed allowed weight. Secondly, the less-well-informed general pilot population has heard of Part 103 but often believe those aircraft mostly disappeared back in the last century and are only seen rarely these days. Both could not be more wrong. In numerous conversations, I’ve expressed my belief that Part 103 ultralights sell at approximately the rate of new Light-Sport Aircraft. Most folks find that hard to believe. I understand but this reveals how invisible these flying machines tend to be.
Four Stroke Power for Light-Sport Aircraft Aircraft? YES! …a Modern Rotax 582 Replacement
2020 Sensation!
The one and only airshow in 2020 was the Midwest LSA Expo… about to start this week! Two years ago, in preparation for the show, Chip Erwin lit up the blogosphere with his Merlin Lite entry (image below). Here's more about that all-metal, weight-making Part 103 aircraft (our most-read article of 2020, which was then our strongest year ever).Breaking the Mold?
How about this? No TBO! That's right. Chip claims you never need to overhaul your Vtwin. Why not? "Our engine replacement price is lower than the cost of most overhauls, so it is cheaper to buy a new engine."Chip Erwin is something of a perpetual-motion machine as he innovates in the very light aircraft space, by which I mean single seaters. This underserved category has a following and Chip’s order book shows strong interest. As he reveals here and as you can see in the video below, one innovation to speed kit building involves custom circuit boards that help you wire your avionics.
Cost of a Vtwin?
Aeromarine LSA is offering the Vtwin engine with reduction drive and wiring harness for $7,250. This price is for people building another aircraft or replacing a Rotax 582 on one they already own. For more details, contact Aeromarine LSA.When Chip first introduced the Merlin Lite at Midwest LSA Expo 2020 it was nothing less than a sensation, especially after it was weighed to prove it could make Part 103 (video — and, yes, it can make weight with an engine cowl that was not yet ready at the time this image was taken).
- Aeromarine-LSA contact info including lots of content about the company
- "News from the Hangar" blog
- Midwest LSA Expo event (September 8-9-10, 2022)
- Rotax Aircraft Engines
- Merlin Lite introduction (2020)
A common question from affordable aviation enthusiasts asks about four stroke engines, either for genuine Part 103 ultralights (available but somewhat more challenging) or for very light aircraft. Such inquiries are commonly for aircraft that have previously used a Rotax 582. The last two-stroke offered by the big Austrian engine manufacturer — builder of the ubiquitous 9-series four-stroke engines — was the Rotax 582. Producing 65 horsepower and earning a good reliability rating over many years, the 582 has been a dependable powerplant for the lightest powered aircraft that are larger and heavier than genuine Part 103 ultralights. 2020 Sensation! The one and only airshow in 2020 was the Midwest LSA Expo… about to start this week! Two years ago, in preparation for the show, Chip Erwin lit up the blogosphere with his Merlin Lite entry (image below). Here’s more about that all-metal, weight-making Part 103 aircraft (our most-read article of 2020, which was then our strongest year ever).
Aviad’s Reimagined Zigolo Ultralight for 2022; Welcome to Mg21
Welcome to Zigolo Mg21
Check out earlier articles on Zigolo — here's a full pilot report — but know this: While Mg21 shares the name Zigolo, nearly everything about the new model from Aviad developer Francesco Di Martino is different. I recently exchanged email with Francesco regarding his listing in our new Part 103 List; Mg21 is the newest entry.Flying Mg21
Mg21 will be powered by the popular Polini Thor with a 130-centimeter (51-inch) propeller, but Aviad will also offer the more powerful Vittorazi Cosmos 300. Both are known in U.S., but the Polini has a broader following.America in 2023
Once Francesco can find a U.S. distributor, he said, "I believe next year I can start sales in USA. The Part 103 segment requires flaps. I need to reduce stall speed a little bit." However, he notes, "The wings are designed to have flaps and a longer span. Torsion and bend moments were tested for the different versions. While the fuselage is the same [on all versions], the horizontal tail is also made to have two different sizes."Americans know Zigolo thanks to U.S. importer, Chip Erwin. He brought the genuine Part 103 ultralight to the USA but also to other countries where he found customers. Those who know Chip are aware he has many international connections. Beside importing aircraft to the USA and helping customers build them, Chip experimented with electric propulsion for Zigolo. In short, he did a lot for Italian producer Aviad but Chip is now focused on his Merlin PSA and Merlin Lite plus his Hybird V-Twin, 60 horsepower, four stroke engine. You’ll be hearing more about that as Sun ‘n Fun 2022 approaches. Welcome to Zigolo Mg21 Check out earlier articles on Zigolo — here’s a full pilot report — but know this: While Mg21 shares the name Zigolo, nearly everything about the new model from Aviad developer Francesco Di Martino is different.
Video Bonanza! Despite Covid and Distance, Fresh Light Aircraft Videos Continue to Arrive
The night airshow continued to be very popular with large crowds (image from EAA)
You've Got Video!
For a few airshows now, I've had to do my job and Videoman Dave's job.Aeromarine-LSA's Merlin Lite now has a much longer wingspan helping the model stay within Part 103 parameters. The inset features another development using this platform.
Oh-So-Fast JMB VL3 / Speedster — Shooting like lightning across the sky, JMB is now beginning to install and deliver their sleek speed machine with Rotax's potent 915iS.
With the potent Rotax 915iS installed in JMB's VL3 the European speedster will continue to be one of the fastest in the sky.
Roomy and Well-Behaved Montaer MC01 / Touring — One of the most common questions I get involves payload. How much stuff can you carry and how do big fellows fit?
Talk about spacious… and Montaer's MC01 has even more room aft of the seats, with a third door to access it.
Affordable and Handsome Ultralights / Affordable — Tri-State is one of those companies that's been around a long time yet you may still not know of it. Well, that won't do. You should know about Smithsilvers or Quicksmiths (casual, not official references).
Artful sail work is only one of the skills Tr-State Kite Sales brings to market. Most components of the "Smithsilver" line are produced in-house.
For 18 months, the world has been under assault from a bug so small you can’t see it without a big microscope. Plenty of us are hungry to return to what we once quaintly called “normal.” Hundreds of thousands of people at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2021 started back on that path! Let’s review: Lots of people. Lots of exhibitors. Perhaps a record number of aircraft flown to the show by visitors. Airplanes were selling, according to many vendors. Weather was good; it only rained at night. No serious accidents. No subsequent reports of any “superspreading.” I’d say it’s all good, except… I was able to gather lots of material and put up daily posts. That made for very long days and short nights of sleep but it’s what many readers have asked for and I’m happy to oblige. What I did not do was shoot enough video. In the five days I attended, my Apple Watch said I walked almost 75 miles, nearly 15 miles a day on average.
AirVenture Day 4: Generation 3 Ultralight Electrics — Where Electric Propulsion Works Today
What's Working Today? Electric Part 103
In the lead photo (as seen on social media and our homepage), I imply that we are in a Generation 3 of electric aircraft. I admit that is completely arbitrary. The entire field is still too fluid to assign the likes of generations but let me explain my word choice.Now something mostly for fun…
Jabiru importer and longtime industry expert Scott Severen demonstrated a rare but effective sales technique. His Jabiru J230-D has a cavernous aft cabin. It's that large because in Australia, the same airframe can be turned into a four seater. *** Scott entered the aft cabin through Jabiru's third door to answer question of a couple checking out an aircraft for sale. *** It appears her expression is one of approval …"Look at all that room back there!" Scott's lanky build and tall height appeared to fit easily and he entered with ease. (Kangaroo not included.)
A mid-week demonstration featured Europe’s Volocopter and America’s Opener BlackFly. The two (three actually, a pair of BlackFlys flew) demonstrated their eVTOL flying capability. They could hardly have been more different. Billionaires are investing in, uh, what to call them? …drones, multicopters, eVTOLs, UASs, UAVs, Powered Lift aircraft, the list literally goes on and on. The lack of a widely accepted generic name is one of several indications these air taxis of tomorrow are still in a fairly distant tomorrow. Two industry experts gave me their judgment after viewing the Volocopter and BlackFly demonstrations. Both agreed the Volocopter presented better, performing a true demonstration of its vertical launch then transitioning to forward flight, manuevering, and then doing a landing. Both also said the BlackFly was much less impressive. “They just kind of bobbed and floated around, not doing any maneuvering or making a transition to forward flight,” each agreed. Both wanted to like each aircraft but one clearly won in their minds.
Weighing and Flying Aeromarine-LSA’s Part 103 Merlin Lite — Does It Make Weight?
Weighing Merlin Lite
Developer Chip Erwin came to 2020's Midwest LSA Expo prepared to tackle the hesitation in pilot's acceptance of Merlin Lite as a legitimate Part 103. He brought six bathroom scales plus a fish scale to the show.Aeromarine-LSA developer Chip Erwin enjoyed telling the many who checked out Merlin Lite that "it comes with seven windows." It also has deep-deploying Fowler flaps that are known to be very efficient.
Flying Merlin Lite
Within a short time of returning to his base of operations, Chip took Merlin Lite aloft for its first flight. The video below captures this and shows the aircraft performing well with its Polini Thor 250 engine.This video show views of the Merlin Lite but also the weighing of the aircraft, proving it can make Part 103 weight.
The most popular article of this crazy year — when people have been visiting in record numbers — was about Aeromarine-LSA‘s Merlin Lite. Tens of thousands of you devoured this article within days of it being posted. The word sensational is vastly overused in modern American society but in this case the word fits the intense interest in Merlin Lite. For the back story, see the article in this link. Despite obvious enthusiasm for this new Part 103 entry, many of you were skeptical. No wonder. An all-metal, fully enclosed aircraft does not closely resemble many of the other Part 103 aircraft that are selling briskly over the last few years. If you were among the doubters this post — and the video below — may serve to allay one of your concerns. Weighing Merlin Lite Developer Chip Erwin came to 2020’s Midwest LSA Expo prepared to tackle the hesitation in pilot’s acceptance of Merlin Lite as a legitimate Part 103.
Welcome Hybird — New Four-Stroke Engine for Light Aircraft; Replaces HKS
HyBIRD, not Hybrid
As those who know him realize, Chip does not just go out and find components for his airplanes and then adapt them to his designs. He actively works the project. He's done that with Hybird V-Twin, too. For example, this engine has a custom-designed prop made expressly for his Merlin.Plenty of pilots at Midwest carefully examined Hybird V-Twin.
An Airplane Engine?
Although companies like Viking, Aeromomentum, Corvair, and AeroVee have converted automobile-based engines very successfully for aircraft, some pilots question if this type of conversion is satisfactory for airplane engines. It's a reasonable concern for pilots accustomed to very reliable engines such as Rotax's ubiquitous 9-series.Engineering drawing showing installation of Hybird V-Twin on Aeromarine-LSA's Merlin.
An electric implementation of the Hybird V-Twin engine, reported by Ben Bosma in 2019.
A new engine was debuted at Midwest LSA Expo 2020 for light aircraft from Aeromarine-LSA. Paired as it is with a new engine-specific prop, this is a refreshing bit of news for ultralight enthusiasts and other single seat light aircraft lovers. It’s called Hybird… and, no, I did not spell that incorrectly. As you’ll hear, the new powerplant has some possibility to be a form of hybrid (this time spelled as you expect) but it is different in that respect, too. Since HKS decided to exit airplane engines — although our favorite datastician, Steve Beste reports he can still get parts for his HKS — the light aircraft industry has had an ear to the ground for a new four stroke replacement. It appears Chip Erwin has what many are seeking. HyBIRD, not Hybrid As those who know him realize, Chip does not just go out and find components for his airplanes and then adapt them to his designs.
Merlin Lite… New, All-Metal, Fully-Enclosed, “Deluxe” Part 103 Ultralight
Merlin Lite Delight
Among affordable aircraft, Part 103 ultralights have a solid position, both as fixed wing aircraft or alternatives like weight shift, powered parachutes, and gyroplanes.Observe brake lever (dual) on the front side of the joystick. You can use both at once or operate differentially.
Is Merlin Lite Affordable for You?
- 3.125-inch EFIS with GPS — $950
- Second wing tank — $600
- Painting — $2,500
- Cabin heat and defroster — $450
- Temperform seats — $350
- Tricycle gear — No additional charge
- Speed wing — No additional charge
- Freight to USA — $2,000
- Packing / crating — $500
- Merlin Lite Quick-Build EAB airframe kit — $22,000
- Polini 250DS engine and firewall-forward package — $7,000
- Freight to USA — $2,000
- Packing / crating — $500
* More About Search
See Merlin Lite for the first time anywhere at Midwest LSA Expo 2020 in just a few days. Until then (or for those who cannot attend), here's a video review of the Merlin PSA.
Are you looking for an affordably-priced airplane? On this website, you can find many choices of aircraft that qualify, with something to fit the budget of almost any pilot. Using the Search bar at the top of the page, you can look for any text anywhere on this website. Have you tried it? More on this below…* In this article, let me introduce a new aircraft to you …and, no, this is not Merlin PSA. Merlin Lite Delight Among affordable aircraft, Part 103 ultralights have a solid position, both as fixed wing aircraft or alternatives like weight shift, powered parachutes, and gyroplanes. However, such “alternative aircraft” may not be what you had in mind. Many are open cockpit and pilots trained in a Cessna or Piper can feel uneasy being out in the open (even if behind a pod and windscreen). Also, weight shift trikes, powered parachutes, or gyroplanes handle differently from stick (or yoke) and rudder.
Midwest Light-Sport Aircraft Expo — What to See at 2020’s Last Airshow
Rare and/or New Aircraft
Who Won't Be Present?
I understand a few cannot be present and while I certainly respect their decision not to take chances, well… darn it! I'll miss these folks.To help you psych' up for Midwest 2020, here's a few videos assembled by Videoman Dave. He's putting up lots before this event — go to his YouTube channel to see many more.
I hope you can attend 2020’s Midwest LSA Expo — the last airshow in 2020. If you cannot attend, rest assured your trusty reporter will be onsite and gathering all the info on the coolest aircraft I can find. What will be available? Well, if I am honest, we will have to see when we arrive to be certain. In these virus-impacted times, things have a lousy way of changing at the last minute, however… Those who attend should see a few aircraft that few Americans have seen before. Here’s a quick take, not forgetting the statement about how arrivals can be altered beyond the wishes of any particular vendor. Rare and/or New Aircraft MC-01 by Montaer — We almost didn’t see it. Insurance has been getting harder to find and more costly. That’s true for all aircraft but the situation is especially challenging for a new design (even if it significantly resembles an earlier design).
Back to the Future… Let’s Go to Oshkosh (OK, from last year) for a Full Tour of Light Aircraft
Oshkosh Redux
Sometimes called "Disneyland for Airplanes," if you like things that fly — whatever form they take — you can probably find it at Oshkosh. Like a kid in a candy store, everywhere you look offers sweet temptations.Last Year Outtakes
Normally I stick so closely to aircraft and engines — because that's what interests readers most — that I must leave out a number of other points of interest. Here I'll catch a few of them…
It’s almost July and any active pilot knows what that means: Oshkosh! Except not this year. ☹️ I interrupt the ongoing battle with Covid-19 to take you on a nostalgic tour of Oshkosh-19. View this excursion by video below. Hey, when you can’t go to EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2020, why not simulate from the safety and comfort of your home or backyard? Just like Netflix urges you — “Watch It Again!” This brief virtual tour of aircraft and people from AirVenture last year may have you wishing you were starting to pack your bags for the big show this year …sigh!… Oshkosh Redux Sometimes called “Disneyland for Airplanes,” if you like things that fly — whatever form they take — you can probably find it at Oshkosh. Like a kid in a candy store, everywhere you look offers sweet temptations. Oshkosh is so sprawling you can’t see it all but this post along with the video below tries to capture objects of interest to readers of this website and viewers of Dave’s “The Ultralight Flyer” YouTube Channel.
Ready for Sun ‘n Fun 2019 — Airplanes and Engines on Display in LSA Mall
LSA and Sport Pilot Kits
- US Sport Planes — will feature not one, but two of their speedy high wing composite models powered by Jabiru
- Aeromarine LSA — entries including Merlin and Zigolo; both will be available with electrical propulsion
- Bristell USA — the sleek, luxurious low wing from BRM Aero enjoyed a strong year of sales in 2018
- Fly High — this newer company will display a surprise entry from TL Ultralights, maker of smooth carbon fiber LSA
- SWT Aviation — presenting the super-popular CarbonCub that has risen toward the top of the sales charts
- Dreams Come True — offering a closer look at the deluxe Evektor Harmony with a special price on the one displayed
- Pipistrel — see a long-winged, long-gliding Sinus and learn about the entire line available such as Virus SW
- Viking Aircraft Engines — see a Rans S-12 with the Viking 90 installed; their planes are always eye-catching
- Florida LSA — examine a CTsw (the "hot-rod" version of this popular model) and check out a good price point
- Sport Aero Services — representing a very clean Breezer, another attractively priced LSA available for immediate delivery
Light Aircraft Engines
Rotax — maker of the new 915iS plus many other 9-series models widely used in LSA and Sport Pilot kits Continental Motors — the builder of the 180-horsepower Titan engines that have taken LSA and SP kit by storm Jabiru — maker of thousands of engines used around the world; see one of their several popular models. Viking Aircraft Engines — based on Honda's advanced components, Viking has a range of engines available at excellent prices AeroMomentum — based on Suzuki latest automobile engines, AeroMomentum offers wonderful valueNeed a Free Ride?
This year celebrates 15 years of Light-Sport Aircraft and its companion pilot certificate, Sport Pilot. This year also celebrates the 12th year of LAMA providing the LSA Mall. What a fascinating ride it has been! For 2019, LAMA will again host its special location at the big spring celebration of flight that is Sun ‘n Fun. LAMA is able to mount this attraction thanks to longstanding support from Sun ‘n Fun management and many industry players. The purpose of the LSA Mall is twofold: (1) present aircraft to visitors in a convenient, enjoyable setting, and (2) showcase the light aircraft industry in one location. The LSA Mall is not limited to Special Light-Sport Aircraft but features Sport Pilot-eligible kit aircraft and ultralights plus specialty light aircraft that may be of interest to pilots. For 2019, the LSA Mall will add a few previously-owned LSA, as this part of the light aircraft market is developing.
Sebring Day 4 — 2 Video Pilot Reports, a Surprise Arrival, and a Wrap-Up Interview
An unanticipated event on Sebring's closing day was the arrival of the somewhat hidden-from-view Aeromarine LSA Mermaid LSA seaplane, the first such to win FAA acceptance as a SLSA.
Gone Flying …for You!
Our VPRs have proven popular with some approaching a million views and several with hundreds of thousands of views.With the Sebring Expo in the background over jet jockey demo pilot Shannon Diaz's head, we begin our hourlong VPR.
Going home for the night, SilverLight could park three or four of its AR1 gyroplanes in a single T-hangar revealing another benefit to this type of LSA.
All smiles aboard AR1 is your faithful author with demo pilot extraordinaire Greg Spicola in the instructor's seat.
The final day of the Sebring U.S. Sport Aviation Expo brought good flying conditions until mid-afternoon when light precipitation returned. The good start allowed us to record two Video Pilot Reports (VPR), one on the Magnus Aircraft all-carbon-fiber Fusion 212 and the other on the fully enclosed SilverLight Aviation American Ranger AR1 gyroplane. The videos will take some time to edit but I’ll provide a quick glimpse below. One surprise arrival was Aeromarine LSA‘s Mermaid. Remember this model? This Chip Erwin creation was really the forerunner of the modern LSA seaplane category. Before Mermaid, we had Progressive Aerodyne‘s Searey and Aero Adventure‘s Aventura. Both those models have been upgraded for the time of ASTM standards compliance but early in the new millennium it was accurate to call them “ultralight seaplanes” built of gusseted aluminum structures covered with sewn Dacron surfaces.