If you look at Dingo and smile, you may be an ultralighter. Appearance and qualities about Future Vehicles‘ single seat bi-wing flying machine attract certain pilots like bees to a bright flower. If you must have two seats, large flat screen displays, an autopilot, and luxurious appointments, you probably are not attracted to Dingo. Fine. The good news is that you’ll have plenty of choices among Mosaic LSA. Those of us still smiling at the nearby images might already be captivated. If you are caught by Dingo’s interesting specs and its affordability, you might want to learn more. So, here’s more… Dingo Is for Fun Shown to Americans for the first time at MAX 2024 (Midwest Aviation Expo) by Bluff City Aircraft, Dingo drew steady interest from the fun flying crowd. For a grin-producing flight at the end of your workday, Dingo might be just about perfect.