Sebring Sport Aviation Expo 2019 — I’m here. Where are you? Weather looks good for the opening tomorrow here in Sebring, Florida, where temperatures were in the mid 70s (23 C). Blue skies prevailed although the air was bumpy according to several who flew airplanes in for display. While a good many airplanes are already here, an equal number were still not on the grounds at 6 PM, so some hustling will have to occur. …and it will! I attend seven or eight airshows every year. I’ve done this for many years. I’m here to assure you that the night before opening, the place is utter pandemonium with no possible hope in sight of having everyone in position and ready for business by morning. It can’t happen. …yet it does! One of the most marvelous transformations to be seen is a lonely expanse of concrete ramp turning into a colorful, energetic, ultimately cool place to hang out, look at lots of pretty airplanes of all kinds, talk flying to your old pals and new friends, catch a forum, participate in a work shop, take a demo flight if you’re in the market — heck, take several flights.
Twin Accomplishments for Flight Design and their CT series of Light-Sport Aircraft
CT Super Sport Injection
The German developer of the CT series is now planning to offer the CT Super Sport Injection in North America. CT Super Sport is the popular model sold in Europe with a cruising speed of 120 knots, VNE of 146 knots, useful load of more than 600 pounds (272 kilograms), and an affordable price.The very sporty CTSW banks over Lake Tahoe, Nevada.
European CTLSi-ELA
Flight Design general aviation is pleased to announce that on 15 November 2018, the Czech subsidiary of Flight Design was awarded EASA Part21G approved Production Organization Approval (POA) under approval number CZ.21G.0065 issued by the Civil Aviation Agency of the Czech Republic. What does this mean?We're Off to Sebring!
As a new season of flying is upon us (even while northern pilots may still be still shoveling snow), one company continues their vigorous comeback. Flight Design announced completion of a new product and is offering a second. Based on the same CT-based airframe, the two are notably different. CT Super Sport Injection The German developer of the CT series is now planning to offer the CT Super Sport Injection in North America. CT Super Sport is the popular model sold in Europe with a cruising speed of 120 knots, VNE of 146 knots, useful load of more than 600 pounds (272 kilograms), and an affordable price. “This variation will now be reintroduced to the Americas,” reported Tom Peghiny, President of Flight Design USA. “We have sold versions of the CTLS since its introduction in 2008 and wanted to bring back a lighter model primarily for the U.S.
MORE Light Aircraft Now Included in Our Count of Fun Flying Machines
Go Exploring — ALL the Aircraft!
To go roam around the ocean of info about light aircraft, click or tap to this NEW Tableau Public page*. On it you will find the familiar "Dashboard" as you arrive at the website. At the top of the page, look for a row of tabs. You will now find two new tabs labeled, "This-Yr Ranking" and "All-Yr Ranking." I think they are pretty self-explanatory.A pair of Just Aircraft SuperSTOL SPK Kits. photo by Jean-Marie Urlacher
Why Did We Make This Change?
Simply put, you asked and we want to be responsive. We also want to include ALL aircraft that a Sport Pilot (or someone using a higher certificate to exercise the privileges of Sport Pilot) may fly. I think we have all of them now, but if we find more, we will include them in ongoing reporting.Kolb is a brand now counted in our more inclusive tally.
Our former, familiar chart of aircraft. Good as it was, we left out too many aircraft and have now solved that shortcoming while adding more groups and models.
Update 1/15/19: Thanks to reader feedback — a resource we value very highly — we have updated our statistics to correct another naming challenging. “Zodiac” turned up 53 more registrations since 2005: 52 601s and one 650. “Of the 53 additions, four were registered in 2018. That bumps our total fleet to 8,027,” wrote Steve Beste. Check Tableau Public for the latest data. —DJ “What about my plane,” a number of you asked? “I didn’t see [XYZ brand] of aircraft,” a few others wrote. “How come you didn’t include what I fly,” several inquired? You spoke (or wrote). We listened. The result? 7,974 aircraft (up from 6,305) is our refreshed count of all Sport Pilot/Light-Sport Aircraft flying machines registered in America. My advisor and consultantant in this deep data dive, IT expert Steve Beste and I decided to enlarge the “universe.” While sticking to the 2005 date when FAA accepted the first SLSA, we can now broaden the aircraft registration database search to include brands like Kolb, Quad City, Sonex, Titan, Murphy, Aero Adventure, Sport Performance and more, plus additional kit aircraft models from companies that do both SLSA and Experimental Amateur Built (EAB) deliveries.
LSA Market Info 2.0 is Here! — Broader Survey, More Aircraft Types, User Controls
Introducing Tableau!
Using a new service that our associate Steve Beste engaged, check out the "Dashboard" look at the LSA industry at Tableau Public. At a glance, view a quantity of information you've never seen before. You will find colorful charts, lists, and maps but the truly great aspect of this is that you can modify what data shows with a few clicks or taps. You can rearrange the data to your interest and the charts will change to depict your selections.The Calendar 2018 SLSA registrations leader is Icon's A5 (note that registrations are not identical to customer deliveries.)
By the Numbers
Big Numbers First — For our categories of "Light-Sport Aircraft, Light Kit Aircraft, and Modern Gyroplanes," the total swelled to 6,305 U.S. Aircraft Registrations, a much larger number than our last report (with data through 2016).Here We Go…!
All-Fleet Rankings — Our familiar category of fully-built SLSA are slightly more numerous (3,245/51%) than Kit/Other (3,060/49%), for a total fleet of 6,305 aircraft of all types, SLSA and kit. Among SLSA builders of ready-to-fly aircraft, Flight Design returned to its lead position in All-Fleet at 328 aircraft, followed by Czech Aircraft Works (271), CubCrafters (245), and Tecnam (203). Trailing these leaders are American Legend (194), Jabiru (115), Remos (107), Progressive Aerodyne (97), Aeropro/Aerotrek and Pipistrel (96 each), and Evektor (89). See all brand ranks here. (Note Cessna was omitted after the company ceased selling their Skycatcher and destroyed all unsold examples.)Steve Beste poses in his HKS-powered trike. We hope you appreciate the monster amount of work Steve did to assemble all this info, go through iterations to be sure we had it right, and then to create the Tableau presentation.
If you like Light-Sport Aircraft and if you like statistics, you are going to love this article.* Our wholly refreshed look at aircraft registrations marks the return of our popular market share rankings and now includes much more information. We also provide more aircraft classes in various tables and charts and much of this is user-configurable. Yet, as late night TV advertisers might exclaim, “That’s not all. It gets even better!” You have always been able to consume all our market share info that includes articles about the industry and enterprise of light aviation conveniently grouped on its own page. With the relaunch of this popular and vital component of, you gain new ways of looking at the information. Let’s call it LSA Market Info 2.0 Introducing Tableau! Using a new service that our associate Steve Beste engaged, check out the “Dashboard” look at the LSA industry at Tableau Public.
Brave New Year — Will Aviation Finally See the Biggest Change Since Orville and Wilbur?
Infotech + Aircraft = Multicopters What Happens When Infotech Meets Air Traffic Control?
Jabiru importer Scott Severen alerted me to the Motherboard article but it was about more than Lift's new aircraft. The article addressed the challenges of air traffic control in the new age, that new age that may herald a coming swarm of multicopters. Consider the following…According to the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), there are about 5,000 passenger aircraft in the sky at any given time, which require 521 aircraft towers, 25 air route traffic control centres, and 6,000 airway transportation systems specialists to coordinate. Meanwhile, the FAA also predicts that the number of unmanned drones registered in its database could surge to more than 6 million by 2021—a fleet of robot aircraft that will have to be taken into account when we’re divvying up the skyline.
Throughout the 115 years since the Wrights took their Flyer into the skies for the first time, aviation has enjoyed remarkable progress. Wing design, engine design, instrumentation changes, safety enhancements… we have witnessed many dramatic changes in how aircraft ply the skies and do so with increasing efficiency and with less danger to occupants or those on the ground. All of us who enjoy flight know much about this, but things are changing and perhaps fast enough to push many of us current-aviation experts into a discomfort zone. As you have seen on this website and just about any media outlet reporting on new developments, multicopters are looming ever larger on the horizon. More and more startups — many funded with tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars! — are jumping into the game. Huge aviation names such as Boeing and Airbus are deep into work on new-style flying machines.
Merry Christmas to All! — Celebrating Another Great Year of Light Aircraft
Snoopy the biplane-flying pooch decorated the yard of one of my neighbors. In the flying community where I live, many of these can be seen on an evening tour of Christmas lights.
Hang glider pilots will wonder why Santa is hanging from the base tube but as one who enjoyed this kind of flying for many years, I was simply glad to see one included in Christmas decorations at my home airport.
Friends in the Sky
Besides the great airplanes I am privileged to fly and report, I have the opportunity to meet many fascinating people. The Seamax LSA seaplane image shows me (still draped with or holding camera gear after doing a Video Pilot Report) along with very-talented Brazilian design Miguel Rosario (center) and William "Rocky" Roquemore (right), the generous owner of this flying machine who was kind enough to let me take his plane and receive about an hour's worth of flight instruction in handling Seamax on the water and in the air.Seamax LSA seaplane with Dan Johnson, Miguel Rosario, and Rocky Roquemore. photo by Shalom Confessor
Here's to 2019 being a great year of flying for thousands of pilots around the world and a successful year of business for those who make the airplanes we love. Thanks to Tomas Brødreskift and the team at Equator for the home page and social media photo used to promote this article.As pilots clear the skies so Santa and his flying reindeer can go about their mission, it seems fitting to offer a word of thanks to all of you who have frequently visited this website. Our surveys show more than 65,000 Light-Sport Aircraft and LSA-like aircraft around the globe and we are proud to reach most of these pilots at some time every month. Pilots have often told me that I have the best job in the world and they may be right. Certainly I enjoy what I do and hope it shows on this website and in the hundreds of videos on which I have interviewed talented people or reviewed aircraft. See the best of them here and all of them (and more) on Light Sport and Ultralight Flyer. As 2019 approaches, we near the 15th anniversary of the Light-Sport category and the Sport Pilot certificate.
Does Flying Around the Globe Sound Challenging? How About with a Chair?
Handiflight Goes Global into 2019
Beyond the monumental task of planning such lengthy flight, this and other emergency scenarios were surely contemplated by the pilot team from Handiflight as they prepared for their circumnavigation of the globe in twin CTLS Light-Sport Aircraft.- Departure — November 2018
- Australia — February 2019
- New-Zealand — March 2019
- South Pacific — April-May 2019
- South America — June 2019
- North America — July 2019
- Europe — August 2019
Hand controls installed on CTLS allow use of the rudder pedals by the handle (black) near the throttle (blue).
Lots of extra fuel is carried in a special installation in the right seat.
UPDATE 30 Dec 2018 — Sad news about a crash of one of the Handiflight aircraft with the loss of one of the pilots. See Comments. —DJ Imagine you are flying along in your well-maintained Light-Sport Aircraft with its reliable engine. You are flying a long distance over all sorts of terrain, including vast stretches of water. All is humming along and the miles or kilometers are clicking past. What an experience to fly around the world! Very, very few pilots will ever tackle such a grand challenge. Then, the unexpected happens. Your engine quits. You have a plan. You trained for this and you are experienced. You leap into action. Imagine that you find an acceptable landing area but the location is very remote. That seems rather likely when flying all the way around the planet. Touchdown goes OK. The airplane is undamaged. You are fine. However, you cannot raise anyone on the radio and you are not sure your airborne mayday call was heard.
Hit the Books! Too Cold to Fly? How About a Good Read? Here’s Two Choices…
Electric Airplanes and Drones
Not many years ago, such a title would have provoked raised eyebrows or confusion. We didn't have any electric airplanes until around 2007 when Randall Fishman showed up at Oshkosh with his very credible single place (Part 103) trike ultralight powered by battery-supplied electric motors. But wait… is that right?Roy's Powered Parachute Book
Stop! Don't quit reading here because you're a fixed wing or trike guy or gal that does not care about powered parachutes. Indeed, as our new market info guy, Steve Beste, has shown (and you will soon get to read), powered parachutes continue to sell in stronger numbers than you may have known.UPDATE 12/20/18 — Video added regarding the second book below. See at bottom of post… Unlike most aviation outlets, I’ve refrained from putting out a Christmas gift guide for pilots. I prefer to stick closely to aircraft as that’s what you pilots want the most. I learned this lesson many years ago when I starting writing light airplane reviews and found a market that lead to this website. However, as a content creator I admire the work of other writers and in this post I have a couple for your consideration. Possible Christmas gifts or otherwise, these offer good wintertime reading when the snow flies and temperatures drop below freezing. Electric Airplanes and Drones Not many years ago, such a title would have provoked raised eyebrows or confusion. We didn’t have any electric airplanes until around 2007 when Randall Fishman showed up at Oshkosh with his very credible single place (Part 103) trike ultralight powered by battery-supplied electric motors.
Speedy Sling TSi Powered by Rotax 915 — News from The Airplane Factory USA
“Sling TSi was hands-down the hit of the show,” exclaimed The Airplane Factory USA. They reported one media outlet dubbed it the "Best New Sport Plane of 2018."
Builder Assistance for TSi
At an upcoming event at TAF USA’s base of operations — KTOA Airport in Torrance, California — the importer is closing a strong year by hosting one of their TAF Sling and Sling Flying Club Taco Social events.After Building, Learning to Fly Sling
Once you’ve built or bought a Sling aircraft, you can travel to SoCal and be trained at TAF USA’s new New Sling Pilot Academy.
“Life is grand in Carson City, Nevada at the Sport Aviation Center, said proprietor Paul Hamilton. "This has been a great year for flight training in the Sling. We have had a number of Sport Pilots go through the complete course from start to finish and successfully take their check ride.”
Paul continued, “We are also teaching private pilots in the Sling LSA and now we have successfully completed three Private Pilot training and checkrides in the Sling. Additionally, two CFI long-expired certificates were reinstated with Sport Pilot CFI checkrides per 61.427. The Sling has been a reliable and tough workhorse and everybody loves how it flies up in the mountains. Check us out here.When Rotax debuted their new 915iS engine at an Oshkosh press conference, Sling designer Mike Blyth raced forward at the end of the conference to closely examine the new power plant. It was clear to me this answered a creation he had in mind and now we can see the fruit of his ambition: the new Sling TSi. Since the Rotax 915iS remains a powerplant that requires an in-flight adjustable prop, it cannot be used on a Light-Sport Aircraft, but TSi is based on The Airplane Factory’s Sling 4 four seater so kit-built it must be. More on the builder effort below. For Oshkosh 2018, The Airplane Factory USA said, “[We are] excited to present the North American debut of the all-new Sling TSi! This kit is the airplane Sling fans have been waiting for!” The Southern California importer said TSi has all of the style, economy and practical utility of the Sling 4 but with more speed.
Liaoning is a Chinese Aviation Name That Flying Enthusiasts Should Learn
Electric Aircraft Upgraded
Xin Gou often reports via Twitter regarding Chinese light aircraft developments. Xin works with Willi Tacke, a well-known German publisher, electric flight enthusiast, and emerging China magazine entrepreneur. Xin and Willi work together on Flying China magazine. I actively follow Xin on social media where he is prolific posting items of interest to aviators.This short video will give you a brief tour of the earlier version of RX1E: For lots more videos about electric aircraft use this link to the Light Sport and Ultralight Flyer YouTube channel.China Opens the Door to Kit Building
One year ago, I was touring around China thanks to my good friends at AeroJones, the China-based manufacturer of the popular CTLS for the Asia-Pacific region. It was my second trip halfway around the world and I learned more about this country and its move to enter light aviation. In this article, I want to spotlight the newest model of an all-electric aircraft called the RX1E, plus the very first kit-built aircraft in the country, and Continental Motors’ support of another kit project. Electric Aircraft Upgraded Xin Gou often reports via Twitter regarding Chinese light aircraft developments. Xin works with Willi Tacke, a well-known German publisher, electric flight enthusiast, and emerging China magazine entrepreneur. Xin and Willi work together on Flying China magazine. I actively follow Xin on social media where he is prolific posting items of interest to aviators. Reporting from the recently-concluded Zhuhai air show, Xin tweeted, “Liaoning GA Institute, China has upgraded their electric LSA called RX1E-A” — the “-A” denotes this change.
Continental Motors Powers Top Cub — First China-Built Kit
Continental Motors Group's Titan Engine Powers Top Cub
The availability of the Top Cub as a kit aircraft, powered by a Titan kit engine, marks the opening of the experimental market in China. Top Cub Aircraft and Continental are the first companies to offer a complete aircraft in kit form, after the Chinese CAAC agreed to allow experimental building in China. Wolfgang Qian, CEO of Liaoning Cub Aircraft Corp, said “The combination of the Titan IO-360 engine with our airframe offers the best power to weight ratio that we could hope. The strategic partnership with Continental Motors Group allows us to offer a highly reliable engine to our customers and to provide them with industry leading technical support. We are convinced that the experimental market will expand rapidly in China."Continental Motors, part of China’s Avic International Holding, announced recently that they have entered a strategic partnership with Liaoning Cub Aircraft Corp to be the engine provider for the Top Cub, which the company said is the first kit aircraft built in China, for the Chinese market. The experimental Top Cub is based on the Part 23 certified Top Cub CC18-180, originally designed by CubCrafters and acquired by Top Cub Aircraft Inc., a subsidiary company of Liaoning, in 2015. Continental Motors Group’s Titan Engine Powers Top Cub The availability of the Top Cub as a kit aircraft, powered by a Titan kit engine, marks the opening of the experimental market in China. Top Cub Aircraft and Continental are the first companies to offer a complete aircraft in kit form, after the Chinese CAAC agreed to allow experimental building in China. Wolfgang Qian, CEO of Liaoning Cub Aircraft Corp, said “The combination of the Titan IO-360 engine with our airframe offers the best power to weight ratio that we could hope.
Hmmm? How Can Duc Hélices Sell More Props? Hey, I Got It! …Multicopters!
Enter Multicopters
The little single place Kitty Hawk Flyer pictured above is one of several examples. Qualifying as a Part 103 ultralight, it may also be a multicopter you can actually buy and fly in the near future.Duc Hélices News
At the Aero Friedrichshafen 2018 show in Germany, Duc Propellers lifted the veil on their latest innovation as they presented a prototype of rotors for multicopters …eVTOLs, flying car, air taxis, and who knows what next.- Complete rotors for multicopter (composite blades and hub rotor head)
- Helicopter blades (up to 9 meter or 29.5 foot diameter)
- Full anti-torque rotor (RAC blades in composite and hub)
One More (New) Thing
Imagine you are in charge of marketing for French propeller manufacturer, Duc Hélices. The boss stops by your office and asks, “How are we going to sell more props?” You begin to cite statistics (maybe even this website and its market share data). With more worldwide sales of LSA and LSA-like aircraft (chart), sales could be good, you say. Successful twin engine airplanes like Lockwood’s AirCam or Tecnam‘s Twin that swing two propellers per aircraft certainly add to sales. (Rotax enjoys this, too.) Yet in the tech world, a 10% or 20% increase is nothing. Those hard-charging Silicon Valley companies have gotten used to things improving by orders of magnitude. “How can we increase sales by ten times,” demands the boss? “Well, hmmm…” you thoughtfully reply, “I think I have an idea.” Enter Multicopters The little single place Kitty Hawk Flyer pictured above is one of several examples.
They’re Back! — Our Very Popular Market Share Statistics Are Returning
CubCrafters may be the SLSA market leader but Van's has delivered more RV-12s to customers. Image by Ed Hicks
Pipistrel with their long gliding Sinus and Virus models have done well but were previously challenging to count accurately. See charts below.
FAA's database shows numerous "manufacturers" (MFR) for Pipistrel's Virus models. Steve labored to simplify this list.
Using algorithms, a simplified Pipistrel list is more understandable. Thanks for Steve's diligence.
Since shortly after went live (on April Fool’s Day 2004, just a few months before the LSA rule was released), one regular website feature has earned positive reviews. Our LSA market shares and ranking information was an instant hit with business people seeking data to use in running their LSA enterprises. Before long, pilots and customers began to value the effort. Later, I discovered people in government agencies in the USA and other countries were following these reports. With that support and attention from other media outlets, our LSA Market Share reporting became a staple of this website. Oddly (it seemed to me), this was the only place you could find it.* More and more of you have been asking about this data …and I am pleased to say it’s coming back! Our longtime data investigator, Jan Fridrich, got an offer he couldn’t refuse to help China grow their nascent general aviation market and his time is now too committed to perform the tedious and time consuming survey of FAA’s N-number database.
DeLand Showcase 2018 Final Results — and Dates for 2019 Announced
The Airplane Factory's Sling LSA; represented by Aerosport
Evolution Trikes has grown to three models.
DeLand 2018 By the Numbers
The key number that everyone seems to focus on is attendance. Jana Filip announced, "The total attendee count for Showcase 2018 was 5,500 over the course of the three day event." Some organizations — including the biggest shows — count each person entering through a gate each day, even if the same person comes every day (meaning one individual could be seven "persons" if the show runs for a week. Many call that legitimate; they may buy something each day. Other observers think that is only one person attending seven times. In the end, what matters is consistency as you could argue either method is correct.Magnus LSA • All images courtesy Roy Beisswenger of Powered Sport Flying
Aero Adventure's well-priced S17 seaplane
DeLand proclaimed another success for 2018. As one of the “troops in the trench,” I can attest to a satisfactory event, as I chronicled in Day 1, Day 2, and Day 3 articles. Of particular note, DeLand can boast nine of nine days of wonderful weather. OK, fine, it rained one evening and winds blew somewhat furiously for a short while, but the precipitation came after show hours and no aircraft were damaged (although a couple tents took a nose dive). I’ve opined how the thick crowds of the giant shows are not necessary and may not even be desirable. At smaller events, customers get more face time — and air time, through many demo flights launched. Exhibiting vendors got actual orders, made deliveries, and connected with pilots who may act later. When both customers and suppliers are happy, I’d call that a success.
Flight Design Update — Sales in USA and Round-the-World Flight
All aircraft images by Rezo Photo Agency
Handiflight to Depart Soon
Another way this storied company shows its global approach to business is by sponsoring a worthy effort called Handiflight.At the season ending DeLand Showcase show, Flight Design was ably represented by John Hurst. We interviewed this longtime LSA veteran; watch for that as editing is completed. What we did not get was an update from the company, as we did with several other vendors (see earlier reports). Flight Design USA president Tom Peghiny since reported that his import enterprise enjoyed a reasonably good year in 2018 with a few weeks remaining. Indeed, he communicated while flying a new CTLS up to Canada for delivery under their Advanced Ultralight program*. New unit volume is lower than the early gold-rush days of Light-Sport Aircraft (2005-2007) — the same as for other companies — but new sales are returning for Flight Design; in addition, their service, factory parts. and used business bolsters the longtime U.S. operation. Longtime market leader Flight Design took something of a breather in 2016 and 2017 as the German company reorganized under new leadership (article).
DeLand Showcase 2018 …a Wrap after a Strong Third Day with Plenty of Flying
CGS Hawk is another company and product (the two-place Hawks) that described a good 2018.
SilverLight's American Ranger AR1 — now available with optional full enclosure — continues to grow.
Paul Mather now helps customers build the Zenair CH750 Cruzer. We recorded a Video Pilot Report (VPR).
The Used LSA Factor
One conversation happened many times. While sellers of new LSA seek those customers, the almost 15-year-old LSA industry has now accumulated a solid and growing supply of quality used aircraft. Sellers are realizing that their enterprise can be composed of both.Scott Severen (photographer here) and I went aloft in a Jabiru J-230D after we loaded our seven Garmin Verb cameras for a VPR.
In this Video Pilot Report, seaplane pilot and instructor extraordinaire, Russell Miley, gave me and all those who will view this video a solid LSA seaplane flying lesson in the delightful SeaMax.
Still, Questions About 3,600-Pound LSA
Frequently at DeLand, I had discussions about news from last month concerning a huge weight increase for Light-Sport Aircraft. I did an interview with AVweb's Paul Bertorelli, who also interviewed other industry leaders. And Videoman Dave recorded my commentary. Both should emerge soon on YouTube. I hope these and other efforts will quiet the concerns or pilots and airplane sellers by presenting real information and less of the sensational stories of early October.DeLand Showcase 2018 is over, which signals the airshow season is over for this calendar year. At the end, many concluded the show was good for customers and vendors. Pilots placed orders for new aircraft and left with smiles on their faces; I spoke to a few of them. Many of you also said hello during the event; that’s always fun. Despite my positive words, some feel these “regional shows” aren’t as meaningful as the large shows. Is that right or not? It depends on the observer to some extent. I venture to say that if you could evaluate orders placed with cash and create a ratio of those people compared to the number of persons coming in the gate, DeLand (or the other LSA- and light kit- specific shows) would smoke all others. No question the big shows with their thick crowds satisfy the soul of attendees and vendors alike.
DeLand Showcase 2018 — Day Two …the Good Times Continue
A beautiful 2013 SportStar Max brokered by Evektor dealer Dreams Come True. Used aircraft sales are a growing part of their enterprise.
New Jabiru distributor Scott Severen of U.S. Sport Planes said he exceeded his first year sales goal.
2018 Results Keep Adding Up
Yesterday's Day One post related several conpanies giving satisfactory results for their sales this year. Perhaps encouraged by a buoyant economy, pilots are choosing new LSA but in parallel more importers and manufacturers are helping to move used LSA. The fleet has grown enough to generate a good supply of low-time, desirable Light-Sport Aircraft. Any representing looking to sell new machines can boost their enterprise by also facilitating the sale of used aircraft. In either new or used transactions, pilots win as they can acquire aircraft that interest them. It's all good and 2018 is proving to be a respectable year.At a reception ending Day Two, DeLand Showcase Director Jana Filip reported that front gate receipts were greater on Thursday than either Thursday of the two prior years of the Showcase. Then she announced Friday’s gate was greater than the two previous Fridays. DeLand Showcase 2018 is the third running of the event. Showers rolled in threatening Showcase’s perfect weather record although the rain didn’t start until exhibitors and sponsors had gathered in the main show center tent. Under shelter, live music was presented by the Flying Musicians Association, lead by professional music man, Gary Filip. A catered dinner fed the group and as the evening concluded, the rain died off as if on cue. A couple tents were damaged by strong winds including one in the Dreams Come True booth of Steve and Debbie Minnich and an EAA Chapter food tent. No airplane damage was reported.
DeLand Showcase 2018 Off to a Good Start; Industry Players Generally Upbeat as Year Closes
A view from Scott Severen's Jabiru J-230D cockpit as he approaches DeLand Showcase 2018.
Van's Aircraft RV-12iS — image by Roy Beisswenger / Powered Sport Flying magazine
Who Is Succeeding?
In one day, we did not speak to every vendor and we did not get to the inside booths yet. However, those we did approach for news and updates provided feedback that was significantly on the positive side. Here is a partial recap (again cautioning that this is not inclusive):Icon Aircraft A5 — image by Roy Beisswenger / Powered Sport Flying magazine
BRM Aero Bristell — image by Roy Beisswenger / Powered Sport Flying magazine
M-Squared SLSA version of Zenith's Cruzer — image by Roy Beisswenger / Powered Sport Flying magazine
Aeromarine-LSA Merlin PSA — image by Roy Beisswenger / Powered Sport Flying magazine
Day One of the third running of DeLand Showcase is complete. As Videoman Dave and I scoured the show grounds looking for good stories, we spoke to a few vendors reporting that 2018 has been a good year. Our video news gathering exercise brought a pleasant discovery. Many companies are reporting a solid year of sales. The light aviation industry is composed of many small companies. None are corporations the size of Cessna or Cirrus so they don’t require hundreds of unit sales to break even. A U.S. importer delivering 20 aircraft can experience a good year from sales and other services they offer. When several companies report noteworthy sales success it suggests the market is healthy and customers are buying airplanes they want to enjoy. In parallel, the used LSA market also appears active and a virtuous circle begins to take form. The show itself enjoyed the great organization we have come to expect from director Jana Filip.
Everything You Need to Know About Titan Engines and Much More at the DeLand Showcase 2018
Here's Our Top-5 Reasons
The end of the year is approaching. We just wrapped Halloween and now begin the headlong rush into the holiday season. However, before all that retail excitement starts, here comes the third running of the DeLand Showcase. This is my new favorite airshow for one reason everyone seems to understand instantly. Why would I put one airshow above another given that I love them all? Easy …I get to sleep in my own bed every evening. Sweet! Yep, DeLand airport is a mere 25 minutes from my home, on another airport, the Spruce Creek Fly-In. How much better could it get? Lots of shiny new airplanes and lots of very knowledgeable people to help answer all your questions. My personal comfort is good for me, but why should YOU be making your way to DeLand? Here’s Our Top-5 Reasons Reason #5 — It will be a few months before the next show, when the Sebring Sport Aviation Expo starts in late January.
Aero Adventure, Offering Affordable Seaplane Fun at DeLand (FL) Airport
DeLand Is Home Base
Beyond Showcase and a gazillion skydivers, DeLand is an active field. A brand new terminal building attests to both the activity level and John’s management skill.In mere days now, DeLand Showcase starts. The new event closes out the year’s shows. Find out more at their website. DeLand is a thriving year-round sport and recreational flying airport. It has very long been established as one of the world’s premiere skydiving centers. More than 30 parachuting-oriented enterprises employing hundreds of people keep DeLand humming all year with skydiving activity. It is known around globe by enthusiasts. Matter of fact, the timing of the DeLand Showcase leaned heavily on what Showcase director Jana Filip found upon collaborating with the skydiving community as she chose a date. Early November offers reasonably predictable weather and, true to form, the first two years of this show were wonderful with temperatures in the low 80s and lots of blue sky. I have my fingers crossed for a repeat of this year, but its hard to dispute years of carefully kept records by the skydivers — who also depend on good weather.
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