Now that we are in the middle of winter, activity is brisk. Middle of winter!? Down under in New Zealand, residents are presently in the colder months of the year. Pilots in U.S. states currently sweating through summer may need a moment to ponder that. New Zealand may be a long ways away but the Vickers Aircraft team building Wave are bringing their fascinating aircraft ever closer. As they work, they are gaining experience with new equipment used to build Wave LSA seaplanes. “Our tooling is all in place now,” said CEO Paul Vickers. “Initial parts are coming out of molds and they are matching the CAD files perfectly.” Modern design, even of more affordable aircraft, are often fully created on computer work stations. The days of hand making a prototype are passed and the older way is nearly extinct. “We’ve also recently doubled the size of our facilities,” added Paul.
Sonex Homecoming 2017 and Lots of New Products for Kit Aircraft Builders
Sonex will again hold its Open House and Homecoming Fly-In the day before EAA AirVenture Oshkosh on Sunday, July 23rd, at their factory headquarters on the east side of Wittman Regional Airport. "Our 2017 event marks the 14th annual gathering for customer-built aircraft at the Sonex facility," noted the company in a pre-show announcement. "The event runs from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM and concludes with a mass taxi 'arrival' of customer and factory aircraft across Wittman field to AirVenture grounds (photo)."
This year’s Homecoming Fly-In will feature the first customer-built SubSonex Personal Jet in-attendance, as builder John Corneal will be bringing his SubSonex to AirVenture from Petersburg, Pennsylvania. The jet-powered Sonex, called SubSonex, has attracted a lot of attention. Learn how a Private Pilot can fly a jet in the video below.
More announcements from Sonex
Sonex will also present the tricycle gear version of the new B-model Sonex for the first time. The B-models now include the Sonex, Waiex, and Xenos motorglider models but to-date all have been taildraggers. If that's not your experience, Sonex now has you covered with tricycle gear. After hearing from customers, the company has also created a mount system to accommodate the very popular Rotax 9-series engines. "Rotax Attach Bars can also be used for custom Rotax 912 engine mounts on any experimental aircraft," the company reported. "Rotax Attach Bars eliminate the need for expensive and complex Rotax ring mounts and Rotax mount rubbers. As a bed mount system, AeroConversions Rotax Attach Bars bolt directly to Rotax 912-series engines and are designed to use simple AeroConversions AeroVee Shock Mount Rubbers, eliminating the complex shock mount geometry found in other Rotax bed mount systems."Even though Sonex employees are doing double duty during AirVenture, the company conducts daily factory tours during the event. However, if you aren't going to Oshkosh or don't want to tear yourself away from the show, you can catch our 30-minute-long factory tour with General Manager Mark Schaible.
Sonex Aircraft supplies a series of sport aircraft — Sonex, Waiex, and Onex sport planes, the Xenos sport motorglider, and the SubSonex Personal Jet — as well as their own AeroVee engine line. "Our aircraft offer outstanding performance in an easy to build, easy to fly kit package that can be purchased and completed with full technical support at an unrivaled price."
Show goers can check out all things Sonex at exhibit space 622 in the North Aircraft Display Area, where most light kit-built aircraft can be found. If you can't wait, check this short video packed with details. you seek affordable aircraft (like most readers), then you already know Sonex Aircraft. If you have somehow missed this iconic brand, you are in for a treat. Great planes, nice people, and more enthusiasm than an airshow crowd watching an aerobatic performance. The only light aircraft producer based right at the home field of EAA AirVenture Oshkosh, Sonex parlays their co-location with the big event to good advantage. Sonex will again hold its Open House and Homecoming Fly-In the day before EAA AirVenture Oshkosh on Sunday, July 23rd, at their factory headquarters on the east side of Wittman Regional Airport. “Our 2017 event marks the 14th annual gathering for customer-built aircraft at the Sonex facility,” noted the company in a pre-show announcement. “The event runs from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM and concludes with a mass taxi ‘arrival’ of customer and factory aircraft across Wittman field to AirVenture grounds (photo).” This year’s Homecoming Fly-In will feature the first customer-built SubSonex Personal Jet in-attendance, as builder John Corneal will be bringing his SubSonex to AirVenture from Petersburg, Pennsylvania.
Kitfox Is Bringing 2017 Speedster to EAA AirVenture
One of the stalwarts of the light aircraft sector is Kitfox, a brand known widely around the globe. First flown in November 1984 by Dan Denney, nearly 5,000 aircraft in various models have been produced. Nearly all were built from kits but the company also achieved Special Light-Sport Aircraft status allowing flight instruction for compensation. Kitfox, like all that appear somewhat similar, evolved from the original Avid Flyer by Dean Wilson in 1983. The Kitfox brand went through various owners after Denney sold and today resides with John McBean though the company has always hailed from Idaho. “Working from the very successful and robust Kitfox S7 Super Sport, we created a clipped wing, aerodynamically refined, and superbly stylized taildragger Speedster that is guaranteed to get the heart rate up to redline,” said McBean in news announced just before Airventure 2017 is set to begin (next Monday, July 25th).
Workhorse Dragonfly Rancher Takes on Heavier Duties — Aerial Work LSA?
Dragonfly Grows Up
Dragonfly was designed to fly slowly. A hang glider cannot be towed safely at speeds much above 30-35 mph. Dragonfly can stall below 20 mph. It has elephant-ear-sized flaperons, a large empennage, and Vne was 55 mph on the first models. As I said: purpose-built to tow hang gliders.
What else might it do? Well, plenty perhaps, and especially so should FAA allow LAMA to coordinate with industry for a test period to see if Light-Sport Aircraft can become working aircraft. More on that another time. Ed Pitman, a longtime hang glider pilot turned aircraft manufacturer, recently gained approval for a Dragonfly Rancher model as a Special LSA. "Got both 900 & 582 series Dragonfly Ranchers approved SLSA yesterday," he wrote, taking after Bobby in being frugal with words. I pried a few more from him. "We reworked the Dragonfly to make it more pilot friendly to the GA market and targeted farmers and ranchers, by making it a tax-deductible piece of farm equipment." Under current regs a farmer can use such a flying machine for his own fields. "However," Ed added, "second and third world countries are interested in it for commercial crop dusting." Every U.S. state is different when it comes to aerial application, said Ed. "Here in California, a land owner is allowed to spray their own property from the air with a standard Applicators Permit. Dragonfly Rancher is a bonafide piece of farm and ranch equipment." "Vne on Dragonfly was 66 mph (upped from those earlier models) and Rancher goes further, to 88 mph Vne." The newly beefed-up Dragonfly can carry enough payload to do micro spraying, which — if you don't know as I did not — is a legitimate method of application in some situations. "We increased the gross weight to 1,200 pounds because we will be putting it on floats, also," said Ed. "Bobby re-schemed the wings, which only gained 2.2 pounds each to get to that higher gross weight." The all-up weight went from 992 pounds (450 kg) earlier. I asked Ed to explain what they did to bump gross and Vne speed. "We reduced rudder pressure, added electric flaperons, reinforced the main gear, and improved longitudinal stability of the Dragonfly," he clarified. A nose cone and windscreen reduces fatigue for a working pilot. Yet Dragonfly remains "fun to fly," he asured. "It actually performs better with flaps up in aerobatics — spins and loops — and still does a controllable spin." "With floats it can be used for Introductory Flights as a SLSA," added Ed. Training pilots for towing required a second seat, though it is commonly, and easily, removed along with the aft joystick and pedals. Interested in micro spraying? "My website has tax calculator link to see federal tax benefits," reported Ed. (calculator is another website) Also some videos. Get more info on this hard-working aircraft on Ed's website, then click Rancher. Go here to see more of Dragonfly's history.You may not know this Dragonfly airplane but I do. Very well. Since before it was called Dragonfly, I followed the development of this unusual aircraft by Bobby Bailey. You probably don’t know him either but he’s one of the most inventive light aircraft designers. A man of very few words, he prefers to create than to talk about it. Dragonfly is an important icon in the hang gliding community. This aircraft was purpose-built to tow hang gliders aloft. At a place near Sun ‘n Fun called Wallaby Ranch, this happens nearly every day of the year. Proprietor Malcolm Jones founded “the Ranch” in 1992. He has a fleet of Dragonflys that he uses to tow up experts, students learning to fly, or almost anyone wanting to get an introduction to hang gliding. Dragonfly has been fantastically productive, towing so many thousands of flights that I doubt they could be accurately counted.
Sexy Arion Lightning Taildragger; a Beautifully-Done Homebuilder Project
How did Mike Lotz do it?
"While doing first basic construction steps, I kept toying with the tail wheel idea. I started researching plans and books: Tony Bingelis' Sportplane Builder and my favorite, Ladislao Pazmany's Landing Gear Design For Light Aircraft. "While in construction, I decided I would commit to the tail wheel conversion. At the same time, just to see if it could be done, I decided to modify Lightning's controls to create center stick, another thing the factory had not done. I thought this would make entry easier and also let my wife have her own uncluttered space. This was my first project and at the rate I was going, I figured I wasn't going be doing too many of these so I wanted to do this one exactly how I wanted it. "I contacted Nick and got some better clarity on center of gravity and possible wheel positions and applied them to Pazmany's formulas until everything came in within the guidelines. Theoretical weight and balance and prop clearance were also considerations. I am a retired machinist, so the metal work and fixturing was very familiar to me although I did have to 'tune' up my welding for about a year and a half before I attempted the landing gear legs and supports. "At this time I've got about 2,500 hours into it. Although the empty CG moved a little more than an inch aft with the tail wheel, we are still well within the envelope and Light-Sport limit with two people and 20 gallons of fuel. "I'm using the Jabiru 3300 and without the nose wheel, I hope to add a few miles an hour in cruise and lose a couple on landing." Wisely, Mike hasn't decided if he'll do the test flight on his Lightning TD. "I've spent more time building than flying lately," Mike admitted. This is a common, smart move… to let a person other than the builder do the test flight. Mike continued, "Buzz Rich, who is very involved with Nick at Lightning and has a ton of time in the Lightning and tail wheels, has offered to do the first flights and it would be a kick to get his take on my project if we can work it out. I'll be flying amateur built but Lightning TD will come within Light-Sport limits. "This is way more plane than I could have ever imagined for myself." Make is both clever with technical skills and is diplomatic as he added an essential thank-you note. "Thanks to my wife Kathy for the great seats she sewed, for helping me move, lift, hold, and generally assist in the barn and for tolerating airplane parts in rooms around the house for seven years now. In fact, I think she misses the propeller not being in the living room anymore." Mike also added thanks to Nick, Mark, and Buzz at Arion Aircraft. So, now that you know Mike's story, what will you do this weekend?I readily admit I find Arion’s Lightning LS-1 (the Special LSA model designation) one of the most handsome in the Light-Sport fleet …which is saying something as we enjoy dozens and dozens of quite beautiful aircraft in this sector. It’s also all-American, referencing its design and manufacturing. Lightning lives up to its name, running easily to the 120-knot maximum for LSA, especially when powered with a very muscular six-cylinder, 120 horsepower Jabiru 3300 powerplant. Every Lightning to date has been a tricycle gear airplane and, honestly, for most pilots, that is the right choice. However, like many aviators, I love the look of a tail dragger so when I stumbled across the one you see in the photos, I did a double take. Whoa! That looks hot! What you see here is a product of seven years of work by builder/owner Mike Lotz. I asked him to tell me about it and he offered enough that I’m going to let him tell his story.
Summertime is Float Flying Time; Legend Cub Has the Gear
When summer rolls around and the sweat rolls off, it’s a perfect time to think about float flying. In the Light-Sport Aircraft or light kit-built airplane space, you are lucky to have a broad number of choices. This includes seaplanes (with boat hulls), floatplanes (land planes equipped with floats) or either of those on aircraft such as weight-shift trikes. Legend Cub is a modernized version of the old Piper Cub. Sulphur Springs, Texas-based Legend was an early entrant to the LSA world. They’ve done well enough under the leadership of Darin Hart to occupy the #5 spot on our all-time-fleet ranking of Special LSA; they are one of only five LSA producers with more than 200 aircraft registered with FAA. American Legend flew a float-equipped Legend Cub way back on March 11, 2005 even before the first Special LSA were accepted by FAA. Legend’s floatplane offering boasts advantages. “It weighs less than comparable aircraft, cost less, and came with the added advantage of doors and windows on both sides of the cockpit,” observed the company.
Affordable Merlin PSA Quick Build Kit Saves Time
A key phrase for this website is “Affordable Aviation” (in fact, we bought for future use). Our focus is on aircraft that can work within the budgets of many recreational or sport pilots. Reading about bizjets or self-flying drones in major magazines may be interesting but those of us who love to fly prefer flying machines we can genuinely afford. A kit-built aircraft is one way to make airplanes more affordable, and more personal. The great news is you have many wonderful choices. What you may not have is time and that’s why this article covers Merlin PSA. How much time must you invest to get airborne? Would you believe a mere two weeks? Many kits ask for months, even years of your labor plus a place to do this work. If you love the craftsmanship, that may be fine but if you build so you can fly, why not have the process be easier and swifter?
SeaMax LSA Seaplane Builder, AirMax, Partners with Embry Riddle Aero U
Seamax will join Embry-Riddle Research Park’s Customized Business Acceleration Program, the aeronautical university based in Daytona Beach announced on July 3rd, 2017. “This partnership will allow us to integrate Seamax into Embry-Riddle’s remarkable research and devel- opment cluster to further accelerate our technological and business capabilities” said Seamax CEO Gilberto Trivelato. “It will enable our company to leverage new features to our aircraft and to introduce more reliable products to aeronautical market.” A great partner helps and the business concept with a major academic institution sounds good but what does it mean? For AirMax, which recently reentered the U.S. market after a business reorganization (see recent article). it means a new American location for the Brazilian manufacturer. The company’s U.S. office will be housed at the John Mica Engineering Aerospace Innovation Complex, called MicaPlex, at Embry-Riddle’s Research Park adjacent to the Daytona Beach Campus. This location will allow the producer to work with current Research Park tenants and resident partners as well as access research facilities, technology and resources.
China’s Geely, Owner of Volvo, Acquires Terrafugia’s Light-Sport Aircraft Transition
The electric motors that are hidden inside the body during ground operations allow the TF-X to takeoff vertically before morphing, Osprey V-22-style, to horizontal flight, Power is to come from a 300-horsepower engine providing thrust through a ducted fan. Design estimates are for a cruising speed of 200 mph and a 500-mile flight range.
The four-seat TF-X will be semi-autonmous and use computer controls so that passengers can simply type in a destination before taking off.
According to various media reports, the deep-pocketed Geely will fly the Terrafugia design under its Volvo brand, though like the TF-X, these plans remain conjecture at this time. To get itself to the point of being acquired by Volvo-owning Geely, Terrafugia allegedly raised raised around $6 million in capital through five rounds of funding. The acquisition by Geely could accelerate development efforts considering the Chinese firm's financial strength. Readers of this website probably may not care much about autonomously flown aircraft that look part-quadcopter drone and part automobile, but it's interesting to see where thinking way ahead might lead. According to London's Daily Mail online, "Just how much the Chinese automotive company paid for Terrafugia has yet to be revealed, but experts say the move could be a step toward the ultimate travel solution for commuters. Still, they estimate it will be another 10-20 years before the radical vehicles hit the streets. In the past, Terrafugia has claimed its designs could be ready to fly within the next few years. Last February, the firm said its concept vehicle TF-X could come to life as a prototype vehicle in just two years, and go on general sale within eight."In a familiar theme, a Chinese company has acquired an American aircraft company. Past purchases include Cirrus Design, Mooney, Glasair, and Continental Motors, among others. This time news reports say a Chinese company bought a company from the light aircraft space: Terrafugia, maker of the Transition flying car, or as they prefer to call it, a roadable aircraft. Geely is an automaker based in Hong Kong that bought the famed Swedish car maker, Volvo. The Massachusetts airplane developer has put out slick video presentations of their newer-still model, the TF-X, a hybrid electric variation (video at bottom). I suspect it is this newer entry that has both automobile makers excited. Terrafugia first announced their Transition roadable airplane in 2006, flying a proof-of-concept aircraft in 2009 along with a demonstration before attendees of EAA AirVenture Oshkosh in 2013. The Massachusetts company built a second-generation Transition prototype in 2012.
Magnum Whole-Airplane Parachutes to the Rescue …Literally!
What do you do?
I hope you never face this scenario. You probably will not. Modern engines, airframes, and instrument panels make it most unlikely. Nonetheless, it happens. Do you believe you could set down in the water in such a way that you can escape? Of course, you've never practiced a water ditching and that move by Captain Sully may not be your option. I have flown to the Bahamas with and without an airframe parachute. I never experienced even a hiccup from the engine or other systems but I'm here to tell you the flights with the parachute were far less stressful. Stress is never good and your flight over the lake when the engine quit dramatically increased your stress level. How well do you think you will perform when your heart is pounding? Disclaimer: I used to be involved with a company producing these systems. I am clearly biased in their favor. Yet in my former role I spoke to literally dozens of people who had pulled the handle and every single one of them thought it made all the difference in the world. Most said, "You just saved my life!" Certainly, if you can fly to an emergency landing, do so! Absolutely! However, sometimes, even a Captain Sully has to play the cards he's been dealt. In his case that turned out well. He became a hero. Yet if you fly in a fixed gear airplane the odds of your airplane flipping upside down are seriously high. If so, and you and your passenger are upside down in the water, will you get out in time? Look, this may not be how you choose to think about your flying. It's supposed to be fun and enjoyable and it nearly always is so. Nonetheless, you practice stalls, emergency approaches, and crosswind landings so you are ready if it turns ugly on you. Most of the time that training works great. Even better, it is rarely — very rarely — needed. Is it wise to ignore the possibility a parachute might be your only option, even once in your flying career? Check Magnum Parachutes page and see a list of some (but not all) the times when a parachute might be very valuable. Can you avoid all these situations? Yes, maybe... hopefully! Do you want to bet the farm on it? I'll tell you from my four trips to the Bahamas flying that such crossings completely out of sight of land were enormously more enjoyable with a parachute than without. I knew I had a way out if the worst happened. Magnum Parachutes offers rocket-deployed systems for a wide variety of airplanes. They are supplied from a U.S. importer who has all the credentials to do so competently and safely. Check their product line to see what Magnum offers and what a system will cost. Then do your best planning because when the engine hiccups over unlandable terrain, it's too late to buy and I don't want to lose any of my flying buddies to an avoidable incident. The video below shows a fuselage extraction test performed by manufacturer Stratos 07.’s say you are flying on a wonderful cross country trip. You’ve been humming along enjoying a beautiful day. The plane is flying great and sightseeing is superb. The ease of the trip in one of our modern flying machines with a big digital screen showing the way could lull you into crossing a large lake between you and your destination. Midway across the lake, your engine unexpectedly sputters and stops. You calmly run through your checklist. Nothing appears amiss. You try restarting but the engine won’t cooperate. Anywhere you look it’s the same distance to land. You calculate you can’t glide far enough. What do you do? I hope you never face this scenario. You probably will not. Modern engines, airframes, and instrument panels make it most unlikely. Nonetheless, it happens. Do you believe you could set down in the water in such a way that you can escape? Of course, you’ve never practiced a water ditching and that move by Captain Sully may not be your option.
The Aero Adventure Continues — Aventura Light Seaplane Kit
Aero Adventure News
Hammerhead "canard sponson" — Although it looks like (and is) an add-on feature, this could easily catch on for Aventura buyers and current owners. Dispensing with the wing-mounted sponsons you see in the nearby photos, their canard sponson offers more than a cool look. These sponsons do the same job as the wing-mounted ones, namely keep the wings out of the water on turns or in moving water. However, since you can also walk on them, they aid entry, give you a platform in the water — for fishing, as one example — and they eliminate the drag of the tubing structure to hold the wing versions. "They actually develop a small amount of extra lift," said business owner Alex Rolinski. This is no Icon A5-inspired idea. The canard sponson idea was first conceived under the leadership of Carlos Pereyra, a previous owner of this company who was something of a guru about fiberglass construction. The prototype was first fitted in early 2000 on a 1998 Aventura for a kit builder who wanted to explore the idea. The original was built of fiberglass and used an interior aluminum tubular structure. It also had extra fuel in the sponsons, but when Alex and his group brought back the canard sponson, they removed the fuel tanks. Aventura carries plenty of fuel in a tank aft of the seats. "Aventura with these canard sponsons flew fine," added Alex, "but the assembly was heavy." Eliminating the fuel tanks considerably lightened the component. "They are made of very dense and very light foam," said Alex, "The construction uses technology borrowed from boats and is very strong." Installation can be done to older Aventura seaplanes. Two 2.25-inch holes are cut in each side of hull but this is not a structural issue as the hull is independent of the airplane's structure. Nothing is fiberglassed to the hull but the assembly conforms with a snug fit. "One aluminum tube runs under your knees and another behind the seat, continuing through the hull to protrude on the other side," explained Alex. The canard sponsons extend 43 inches from each side. They have a taper from 44 inches of chord to 33 inches near the sponson. This is an all-new sponson design; it is not the wing mounted one moved inboard. "They work well in water and in-flight cruise," Alex noted. Drag is reduced due to component's overall shape as it eliminates support-tube drag from the original wing-mounted sponsons. Aventura's retractable wheels tuck behind the sponson showing slightly above the upper surface. "The sponsons have no effect on turning; you still maneuver in the water with rudder and prop blast." New Front Deck & Instrument Panel — "We have a new nose deck that you can identify with its extra hump and a larger hatch," Alex observed. A nose cavity allows a limited space for some cargo items. That new nose deck integrates with the instrument panel and Aero Adventure has some news about that as well. "When you choose one of AeroMomentum's engines, wiring is simpler, freeing up space in the panel," Alex said. Aero Adventure will also wire the panel for those that prefer not to tackle this job. Many homebuilders choose this — indeed, Aircraft Spruce has a whole division that will prewire panels for builders (see video on this) — so it fits in FAA's task-based method of determining compliance to the so-called 51% rule. Still More Developments — Other new work in development is fiberglass ribs in lieu of slide-in tubular ribs. "These do not change the wing shape or profile," said Alex, "it's still a Hershey bar-style wing." "With more than 200 aircraft flying we often hear from current customers and new customers who bought used ones," Alex added. He reports a fairly active overseas market as well as American customers. Support for Buyers — Beside making airframes in kit form, Aero Advenure does regular refurbishment of previously-built Aventuras. "We have two Aventura IIs in inventory right now. One is a 2006 model with just 74 hours on it; another is a 2009 model that has close to 400 hours logged," Alex said. I predict these won't last long but Aero Adventure will happily make more at their DeLand, Florida location (right next door to Aerolite 103 manufacturer, U-Fly-It). If you need training, Aero Adventure has a new certified flight instructor joining the team to offer flight training, transition training, and seaplane ratings. The company is organizing a club to allow such training in Experimental aircraft. Want your own Aventura seaplane? You can buy from inventory or order the kit and start work on a brand-new Aventura. The airframe without engine is $31,000 but you can buy any of 19 assemblies and get going without investing the entire piggy bank. Contact Aero Adventure and see how much fun water flying can be.
Let’s make an important point right up front. Seaplanes cost more than land planes. A fully-built, ASTM-compliant LSA seaplane starts at $150,000 and can go way up from that point. With a boat hull and retractable gear, of course, these water birds cost more to manufacture. Must seaplanes be so costly? Fortunately, no! Aero Adventure manufactures a surprisingly affordable light seaplane kit. With the Suzuki-based AeroMomentum engine, you can get an Aventura in the air for less than $50,000 …yep, nose to tail, tip to tip, including a basic panel and powerplant for $49,000. Elect the super-popular Rotax 912 and the cost rises a bit to $55,000, at which level Aventura remains one of the major bargains in light aviation. Learn more about the AeroMomentum engine in this video. AeroMomentum has a few choices for you, Alex indicated, including their 100 horsepower AM 13 model or the 117 horsepower AM 15.
Big Boy Tires (and More) for One of the Most Popular Light-Sport Aircraft
Aerotrek has steadily risen from an unknown brand to the #9 position in the all-time-fleet market share. The brand is one of only ten that have registered more than 100 aircraft in the United States. Excellent prices help but that’s not the whole story. You hear about some of the top brands all the time but Aerotrek is a hare-and-tortoise story where steady progress wins over flashier marketing and wow features. At the heart of this success is Rob Rollison, arguably one of the most experienced men in the LSA space. Pilots Like ’em Big — It seems pilots love an ever-bigger engine. …or ever-bigger digital screens. …or ever-bigger cockpits. Indeed, pilots may like all those things bigger but tires go right along with the big thing. If “tundra” tires are good, then “Alaska” tires are better, and even bigger Alaska tires are just right. …apparently.
Beringer Conquers the “Last Frontier” — Putting the Brakes on Alaska
Beringer Aero USA announced an expansion of the French company’s U.S. presence on what they call “The Last Frontier.” Known for its best-in-class wheels, brakes, and related components, Beringer opened an office at the Birchwood airport in Alaska to wide their network and offer customer support. Alaska is an airplane lover’s state. Reportedly one in 50 residents of the largest American state are pilots, compared to around one in 650 in the “lower 48.” No wonder really, as the vast state has only a handful of roads and most of them are in Anchorage or en route to Fairbanks. The rest of the enormous state is largely accessibly only by aircraft. “The Alaskan Landing Gear and a complete range of wheel and brake systems are nearing certification and will be available to all Cub owners and pilots soon,” announced Beringer. “Our wheel and brake kits raise the level of safety thanks to efficient and progressive braking action combined with the strong and reliable design of the wheels.” Weight savings comes as an added bonus, the company said.
Your “Light-Sport” Quad Awaits, and It’s Affordable (kinda, sorta)
Update: Unknown at the time this article was posted, Viking Aircraft Engines reports it provides the powerplant for SureFly. —DJ July 5, 2017 News from the Paris Air Show probably does not interest you too much, unless you care about the airliner you will fly in eight years from now. However, one article caught my interest because of a few references. (The article I found is available here.) Here’s the parts that grabbed me: (1) “We’re hoping it can be a light-sport aircraft type of licence,” said developing company CEO Steve Burns. “We want to keep it minimal, and we believe it’s easy enough to fly to do that.” (2) It will be pilot-operated; controls are said to be minimal, with buttons for up/down altitude adjustment, and a joystick for forward, sideways and yaw. (3) The company aims to bring the SureFly to market at a price of just $200,000.
Get Ready to Party with DUC Props Like It’s 2017!
Not Going to France?
The good news is, DUC props are available in the USA thanks to SportairUSA. You know this brand for their aircraft, including Sting, Sirius, and Zlin Outback and Shock but they are a full service supplier. The Arkansas company said, "SportairUSA is the United States distributor for DUC Propellers, the industry-leading forged carbon propellers from DUC Helices. There are models of DUC propellers suitable for light sport aircraft, ultralights, powered parachutes and experimental aircraft." Plus, how about this offer? "Guaranteed Satisfaction — If your airplane does not perform better with the DUC propeller, return it within 30 days for a full refund," assured people at SportairUSA. That is a remarkably sure way to know you are buying the right prop for your airplane. SportairUSA lists some of your choices in props from DUC. Swirl (photo above) is a simple, ground-adjustable propeller that performs like a complex constant-speed prop. "It is the propeller of choice for faster airplanes," said SportairUSA. How can that be? "Without movement or twisting of the blades DUC's Swirl propeller has a constant speed effect… [because] the prop takes a slimmer bite under load, and a fatter bite when cruising, without the need for complex electro-mechanical adjustments." Windspoon (lower photo) is for slower aircraft (speeds up to 80 knots for engines up to 120 horsepower). SportairUSA explained, "With its revolutionary shape [that] offers unrivaled performance, Windspoon is the ideal solution for trikes and similar aircraft." For more detail including specifications and prop ordering information, visit SportairUSA's dedicated prop page.
If you live in France or are traveling to the country (soon!), you might want to join the party… the DUC Propellers party, that is. It is happening in a few days. In December 2016 DUC Propellers moved new facilities (nearby photo) to be closer to the airfield for tests and to have a more spacious infrastructure to expedite development. To celebrate their new quarters, on Saturday, June 24th, 2017, DUC Propellers announced they will “organize an exceptional party to celebrate the inauguration of our new location on the Villefranche-Tarare Aerodrome (LFHV) in Frontenas, France.” They plan a big event with more than 500 guests expected along with participation of many operators from the airfield. “Lot of guests will arrive all long the day by plane but the party will officially start at 8 p.m. with the visit of the new facilities, a photoBooth on flying topics, a Beaujolais culinary discovery, a cocktail dinner, a music DJ, and some animations throughout the night,” said DUC representatives.
SeaMax Light-Sport Aircraft Seaplane Returns to American Market—Pilot Report
Flying SeaMax
Though the aircraft looks rather small as you approach it, SeaMax’s interior is surprisingly roomy and its interior has a handsome speedboat-like finish with a generous 46 inch width, close to the broadest LSA and half a foot wider than a Cessna 172. Entering is simple with its widely front-opening canopy; you step on the solid floor and sit. Canopy optics were superb and you have 270-degree visibility thanks to rear quarter windows. Because you'll want the canopy closed in the water — the airplane sits low — air vents are positioned in the canopy with a second set near your head, tucked away in the wing root area. These keep air flowing inside. When taxiing on land you can leave the canopy open and the hinges are robust; even on a bumpy turf runway, the canopy moves very little. After rolling off the ramp or beach, you retract the gear in preparation for launch. SeaMax's electromechanical landing gear takes nine second to fully retract. To help you fully prepare, SeaMax offers a digital flap position indicator and digital trim position indicator. You also flip on an electrical fuel boost pump and a relatively uncommon bilge pump prior to moving the throttle forward. A 100-hp Rotax 912 AirMax moves SeaMax easily on land or water. My experience on the water at 45 mph showed SeaMax to be a great little speedboat. Turning in this configuration employs the water rudder, which extends from inside the air rudder. You use opposite aileron to keep from sticking a sponson too deeply in the water. On full application of power some water spray may contact the prop so AirMax uses a metal reinforced prop leading edge. As mentioned above cockpit side rails in SeaMax are only inches above the water line. The bottom of occupant seats are below the water line. Until your technique is experienced, I consider this a lake airplane although I heard reports of operations in one-foot waves. Such restrictions are common on smaller amphibians. My checkout pilot suggested I apply full power with the stick held full aft until breaking water or ground. As the nosewheel lifts, you relax the back pressure and let the plane fly itself off the surface. Rotation occured at about 45 mph indicated on the Dynon instrumentation. SeaMax’s hull gets on the step in about 100 feet, says AirMax. With continued acceleration takeoff follows in about 300 feet total when flying solo or about 500 feet when flying dual. Climbout at 70 mph produced about 1,000 fpm initially. SeaMax sustained climb at about 700 fpm with 10 degrees of flaps. During landings with full flaps the aircraft approaches at 50 mph. A safe downwind speed is 75-80 mph; this produces about 500 fpm down with the throttle at idle thrust. Water touchdowns proved very straightforward. SeaMax responds very well as a boat. Touchdown was at about 60 mph and it immediately started tracking true. My check pilots said it is essential to keep the stick full aft to prevent porpoising and possible upset. Airborne, the SeaMax joystick has a light touch although I recommend a few hours to optimize. My initial efforts at mild dutch rolls were sloppy suggesting handling that takes acclimatization. Rudder control took the most finesse perhaps due to close coupling behind a large cabin combined with a pusher engine. You need to use the rudder but bumps of it rather than steady pressure worked best for me. Light and responsive controls will delight pilots who take the time to get used to them. Roll rate was medium to somewhat fast. You rarely have to land crosswind on the water in a seaplane but on land, SeaMax has all the control authority it needs. To smoothen airflow around the large cabin, designer Rosario put in a long investigation into the vortex generator tabs seen in many locations. I was recommended to use 4800 rpm on the 100-hp Rotax 912 for normal cruise. That produced about 100 mph. At 4600 rpm we showed slightly less than 100 mph but these are low, fuel-conserving power settings. Push the Rotax a bit harder and SeaMax reached 115 mph, putting it high among other LSA seaplanes. Get all official specifications from the factory. Water runs are relatively short (300 ft. solo) and climb is brisk at 1,000 fpm for a few minutes after takeoff. Landings are also rather short. Stalls were mild in my trials. From most entries, stalls appeared to break benignly in the low 40 mph range though the factory says 36 mph with optimal flaps. Longitudinal stability checks and power changes showed SeaMax to be a generally stable aircraft; it recovered from mild disturbances of the stick on its own and with only a few oscillations. In summary, I'd call SeaMax a "performance LSA seaplane," peppy and demanding a bit more pilot attention but it gets up and goes. Stopped at the airport, pilots checking out SeaMax become impressed quickly. The following video interview was shot at Sun 'n Fun 2017. For more go to our LSA Video page or the Ultralight News YouTube channel.
SeaMax from Brazil has been somewhat absent in recent years. I will spare you the detail but the company used a lot of energy to repel an undesired takeover. In recent months that was resolved and the company is now ready to move forward smartly. SeaMax was an early LSA to meet the consensus standards as required by FAA. The first was the Mermaid in February 2006. Second was the Colyaer Freedom on January 2007. On Christmas Day 2007, SeaMax became the third. However, of those three only SeaMax has remained in regular production for the last ten years. More recently, SeaMax was followed by SeaRey, Super Petrel, and A5 as ASTM-compliant LSA seaplanes. See our SLSA List for all aircraft shown in sortable columns. At Sun ‘n Fun 2017, I did a video interview with designer Miguel Rosario that you can watch below.
China Embracing LSA and Light Aircraft with Help from ASA
Why Should This Matter to You?
Many American pilots enjoying their pursuit of sport and recreational flying often express little interest in what is happening in China. That's understandable, perhaps. China is distant and the beginning of personal flying in the country seems far off. However, that may be overlooking a future value. If American producers of light aircraft want to grow, overseas sales are important. As companies like Apple and many others show, sales in China can significantly aid their bottom line. Interest in American-made products is very strong. ASA reported that Anyang leaders "officially signed the first batch of four sports aviation manufacturers, which will be stationed in Anyang this year, in the economic and technological development zone." Shudong added that Anyang City and ASA have agreed to set up another six overseas sports aviation manufacturers next year. "ASA's 'Anyang International Aviation City' industrial development has laid a solid foundation, and the whole project is ready to go." Revo producer Evolution Trikes, basic LSA builder M-Squared, powered parachute leader Powrachute along with powered paraglider manufacturer Blackhawk Paramotors USA made the long trip to Anyang to show their products. For M-Squared and Blackhawk this was at least their second trip If these companies and more to follow are successful at selling into China one day, that will help their business so they can create new and better aircraft that Americans (and Chinese) can buy. China may be distant but it could help red-blooded Americans get more of what they want. That seems a good thing, so thanks to ASA and Shudong for their ongoing efforts to crack open this important foreign market. More info: M-Squared Aircraft • Powrachute • Blackhawk Paramotors
One of the big hopes of the global aviation community — besides the shared wish for more young people to take up flying — is that Chinese interest in aviation grows. China has convincingly proven it can build vast numbers of bridges, apartments, railways, and all sorts of major infrastructure. Can their people develop an interest in flying? Why might this be important to Americans? To date, Chinese investors have bought all or portions of big GA companies, such as Cirrus, Mooney, Continental Motors, Glasair, and more. Yet those acquisitions do not start Chinese youth on their way to enjoy flying as Americans and Europeans do today. Real growth needs to be grassroots. Chinese leaders have staffed their airlines and their military, but from my own close-up view, the number of Chinese involved with sport or recreational flying is a very small number, microscopic compared to their immense population. One organization working to change that is Aero Sports Association, run by the tireless, ever-positive Shudong Li a former Chinese national who today lives and works in the San Francisco area.
Sonex’s Xenos Motorglider Kit Aircraft Upgraded to B Model
So, I got excited when I read the Sonex Aircraft announce the new Xenos B-Model. You can order a Xenos-B now, kits are shipping, and, earlier purchasers may wish to check out the Xenos-B Conversion Kit.
The Xenos-B combines all of the great enhancements of the Sonex and Waiex B-Models with the distinctive motorglider performance and value of the Xenos. While Xenos looks very similar to the Sonex and Waiex, it is substantially different. Not only the wing obviously much longer — 46 feet in soaring configuration — but the tail has more volume and sits back another foot and a half.
The wing itself is different in multiple ways but two things stand out: no flaps are installed, and Xenos has a spoiler that can deploy to multiple positions. As the company notes, Xenos' spoilers are "surprisingly effective." I've used spoilers many times in various aircraft and I concur. Their small size tempts you to think they won't do much but when properly fitted, they exert a large influence. No flaps are needed. Kill the spoilers and the airplane seems to accelerate forward plus no sinking occurs as when flaps are retracted quickly. Deploy the spoilers full on and you jump from a very slow descent rate to well more than 1,500 fpm.
"The best part of a Sonex Aircraft is the way it flies," said General Manager, Mark Schaible, "and the B-Model Xenos will be no-exception!"
"Xenos follows in the Monnett tradition of bringing the cost of motor gliding to a highly affordable level," Mark continued. Xenos comes standard with "utility wing tips" that can be easily removed to fit inside a 40 foot hangar, and can be quickly interchanged with optional aerobatic wingtips. Contact Sonex to learn more about the wingtip variations.Xenos can either be flown using a Sport Pilot certificate or it can be flown by pilots that hold a glider rating with a self-launch glider endorsement. You can operate Xenos in three mission profiles: (1) as a powered aircraft, (2) as a self-launched glider that soars with the engine off, or (3) it can "motor-soar" over long distances with excellent fuel economy.
"A B-model Xenos completely replaces the original Xenos in the Sonex Aircraft product lineup," said Mark. "However, original A-model Xenos sub-kits will still be available to those needing to complete their existing projects and all original Xenos aircraft will continue to receive full support, including legacy (A-model) parts availability," assuming you registered the purchase with Sonex Aircraft.
How does Xenos fly?
Test pilot Roger Tanner wrote (about flying the A-model), "Xenos is a very forgiving well-behaved tail dragger, easy to handle on the ground with a steerable tail wheel attached to the small rudder and good visibility over the nose. Wheel brakes are applied by pulling the spoiler lever nearly full aft. The lever is located on the left side of the cockpit. Throttle, mixture and pitch trim are also located on the left side of the cockpit." Launch and handling is similar to the other Sonex models. In flight, Roger observed, "Xenos flying qualities include good control harmony, light responsive controls and good pitch and yaw damping at thermalling and traffic pattern speeds 55-70 mph." "Glide performance was evaluated by flying the Xenos (engine off, with the wingtip extensions) in formation with an Schweizer 2-33, a popular training glider. Xenos is equal to or slightly better than the 2-33 requiring an occasional small amount of spoiler to stay in formation. This puts the glide angle at approximately 24:1." I'd call that outstanding for a motorglider than can also be used for distance traveling. For a thorough check out in this motorglider, go along with Jeremy Monnett* to see how she flies. * Sadly, Jeremy was lost in 2015, however, he lives on in many ways including this particular video tour.Sonex made a splash earlier when they announced their “B Models” for the Sonex and Waiex. Read about the B-model changes in this article. Now the Oshkosh, Wisconsin company has brought these same upgrades to their Xenos Motorglider. Over many years I’ve asked many pilots why they fly, what their top reason might be. The answers are nearly as numerous as the number of pilots asked. For me, it’s probably aerial sightseeing, enjoying the view from above. Right after that, though, it is easily and clearly soaring. I’ve logged hundreds of hours soaring hang gliders and the sensation of rising thousands of feet in thermals remains one I cannot top with any other kind of flying. Sonex’s Xenos is a motorglider and is quite adept at soaring. So, I got excited when I read the Sonex Aircraft announce the new Xenos B-Model. You can order a Xenos-B now, kits are shipping, and, earlier purchasers may wish to check out the Xenos-B Conversion Kit.
Progressive Aerodyne’s CEO Adam Yang Resigns
Adam Yang, the CEO of Progressive Aerodyne, resigned from the CEO position on May 18, 2017 and is handing the position to his successor, Geoff Nicholson. Progressive Aerodyne developed and manufactures Searey, which is a very well-recognized amphibious Light-Sport Aircraft. Adam has been chairman of the board and CEO for the past six years. Adam led the company as it evolved from a kit airplane manufacturer of more than 500 aircraft to a factory-built LSA company. In 2013, under Adam’s leadership, the company achieved Special LSA status following an audit that some FAA officials regarded as one of the most successful in the industry. “[Searey] passed FAA’s inspection with no major findings,” noted Adam. The company continues to offer kit versions as well as fully-built LSA in a variety of configurations. Searey achieved another distinction with Adam at the helm. The LSA seaplane claims to be the first LSA to obtained Type Design Approval and a Production Certificate from the Chinese aviation authority, CAAC, in 2015.
Cuban Invasion (by Light Aircraft) Continues
Flying light aircraft to Cuba seems to be a kind of new normal. Whatever the politics of the relations between governments, the fact remains that pilots enjoy using their aircraft and want to fly to interesting destinations. To many, Cuba is one of those places, a reasonably short flight from the USA… albeit over a stretch of mighty ocean. “Exploring new destinations and sharing the joy of flight are two of the key driving forces behind Cruiser Aircraft Inc. So when plans were announced for the first VFR Air Rally,” the company announced, “Cruiser CEO Oscar Starinsky and Thomas Schrade president of the company’s U.S. presence knew they had to be a part of it.” Cruiser Aircraft is a relatively new entity — seen earlier this year at the Sebring Expo. The new enterprise is the exclusive western hemisphere importer of Czech Sport Aircraft’s SportCruiser. Starinsky and Schrade saw the rally as an opportunity to forge new relationships and take the first steps in revitalizing the once vibrant general aviation community in Cuba.
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