A standing room only crowd just walked out of the pre-opening Sunday press conference held by the MVP.aero folks. This airplane has been in the works for many months but principals have done a masterful job of what might be called the “Apple approach.” The giant iDevice maker jealously guards their press announcements and does well considering how many folks would love to blow their cover and tell the world what Apple plans before the company does. Kudos to MVP.aero (yes, that’s the name of their company) … it was founded by a father and son team of software experts and they clearly know how to play that game; they kept their secret very well. To bring you the fastest breaking news, what follows is a series of photos. I look forward to fleshing out the story as time moves forward, but for this post, the pictures are worth more than thousands of words.
MVP.aero…Photos and Art of a Versatile New LSA
MVP.Aero's main men (before they had a chance to change into their press conference logowear): Mike Van Staaggen (L), Darrell Lynds, Mike Lynds, and Steve Pugh.