“I am an Iraqi inventor,” wrote Mahmood H. Hussain, “I have patent number 7396208 about a new blade that can be used to make propellers or turbines.” Take a look at the Divided Blade Rotor from, of all places, Baghdad, Iraq. Now, Americans — and for that matter citizens of many nations — are likely surprised by any aviation invention from Iraq. That may not be fair, of course. Despite the country being upset by war, controversy, and deep religious divisions, intelligent people can still do innovative work. Yet what have you heard about aircraft developments from Baghdad that does not involve the military? Virtually nothing … however, a few days ago I got email from Mahmood because he discovered an article I wrote years ago after a visit to a French airshow called Blois. At that event I saw a fascinating superlight aircraft called the Spratt Controlwing.
Intriguing Prop Design … from Iraq? Yes!
In Iraq, prop test beds may look a bit different.
The inventor of the Blade prop indicated some of his concepts might be applied to turbine engines.