Breaking News … Recently Flight Design in Germany sent a letter to their dealers including this statement, “We have applied for a planned receivership which allows for reorganization of the company.” What does this mean? Since Light-Sport Aircraft burst on the aviation scene in 2004, Flight Design built the largest fleet in the United States. Using internationally-accepted ASTM standards to good advantage, CT series aircraft also sold well in other countries. Flight Design USA president Tom Peghiny was the first ASTM Airplane Subcommittee chair for several years in the mid-2000s while Flight Design Germany’s Chief Technical Officer, Oliver Reinhardt served as overall F37 chair until very recently. Parlaying their prowess in aircraft design, testing, and certification, Flight Design engineered an all-metal version of their carbon fiber CTLS, called MC, plus a four-seat certified aircraft design named C4, among other projects. That may sound positive, but engineering-intensive projects require costlier talent and can consume boatloads of money.
Flight Design USA Forges Ahead with CTLSi
Jack Pelton, actor Harrison Ford, and Tom Poberezny prepare for remarks at an NBAA event with the EAA sweepstakes MC as a backdrop.
Flight Design's four seat C4 made its first flight in 2015.
A new season of flying will feature AeroJones-produced CTLSi aircraft with fully compliant ADS-B hardware.