Icon Informs Customers Longtime Icon PR guy Brian Manning wrote recently. He informed me he would leaving Icon at the end of this year, adding, “I’ve experienced all the ups and downs of a startup aircraft company over the years, and I’m very proud of the accomplishments along the way. I’m still yet to meet anybody who’s been up in the A5 who came away disappointed in the experience. It’s an incredible airplane that’s been a passion project for so many talented people over the years.” Brian has been a dependable contact at the company for nine years. His talents will readily transfer elsewhere but his departure signals more than his own situation. He continued, “I would like to share a note that Jason Huang, the current but outbound president, wrote to some of our owners recently.” “Icon Aircraft will be transitioning a portion of its manufacturing to a new, state-of-the-art facility in China,” wrote Jason Huang.
Big Changes for Major LSA Producers, Icon Aircraft and Flight Design
Icon Informs Customers
Longtime Icon PR guy Brian Manning wrote recently. He informed me he would leaving Icon at the end of this year, adding, "I’ve experienced all the ups and downs of a startup aircraft company over the years, and I'm very proud of the accomplishments along the way. I’m still yet to meet anybody who’s been up in the A5 who came away disappointed in the experience. It’s an incredible airplane that’s been a passion project for so many talented people over the years."Flight Design Reorganizes… Again.
Two months ago, I reported that production was rising for Flight Design's impressive F-2 that will quickly adapt to Mosaic. Despite that advance, the massive upheaval triggered by the Russia-Ukraine war is still taking its toll on the German designer.Aircraft on line in Sumperk, Czech Republic.