Top selling aircraft models in the LSA space over the last couple years are manufactured by CubCrafters. It’s not too strong to say they’ve done well because the Yakima, Washington company got the formula right: Start with an iconic design; add features the original Piper version never dreamed of having; pump it up with lots more power; add in a finer finish, modern materials, and instruments; upgrade it steadily; and finish by doing it all in the USA. To continue building on the best performance among any LSA producer, the company announced a range of updates for their Carbon Cub SS and Sport Cub S2 Light-Sport Aircraft for 2014. Soon we’ll release the first market share stats of 2013 and through the first nine months of the year CubCrafters has a clear lead. Last year, Cessna registered more aircraft but the Wichita giant has been completely quiet in 2013 giving room for CubCrafters to soar.
CubCrafters Upgrades Industry’s Best Seller
CubCrafters stylish instrument panel is available in three configurations; this is the World VFR setup selling for $14,990.