modified photo from Jeffrey Coolidge/Getty Images
In just-completed October, repeated a remarkable number: 70,000+ Unique Visitors, defined as a separate computer [IP] address, came to the website in the two fall months of September and October — after the main airshow season concluded. Before I go any further, let me say, “THANK YOU!” For a specialty website focusing on Light-Sport Aircraft plus kit airplanes and other aircraft Sport Pilots can fly to reach such a large group of visitors suggests that interest in this segment is strong. This may be despite the still-sluggish economy or perhaps it is precisely because of it. LSA and the Sport Pilot certificate are the most affordable ways to own a new airplane or to get started in aviation so I see a bright future for the sector. On this website we try to present information you want and it seems we’re succeeding. We’ll keep working hard; you can count on it.
Website traffic has more than doubled this year and in seeking explanations, one likely reason is videos. At the many airshows we attend, we are happy to hear positive comments about this website (suggestions are also appreciated). Over the years, the share of folks referring to videos has grown rapidly. Many of you have said the videos helped you find the right aircraft to buy or identified some aviation gear — instruments, iPad software, headsets, other panel goodies, tools, and more — that you ended up buying … or maybe not buying because you learned how the product would not fit your kind of flying; either way, the website served your needs. While we cannot answer all questions for all buyers, we are pleased to help whenever possible.
My video collaborator Light Sport and Ultralight Flyer recently updated results from Google, owner of the YouTube website. This top ranked Internet destination serves a billion users worldwide every month. An amazing fact: Every single minute of the day, 100 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube. You can find just about anything you want. Another factoid: “According to Nielsen, YouTube reaches more U.S. adults ages 18-34 than any cable network,” said Google. That is a group all of aviation covets. In October 2013 all videos uploaded by Light Sport and Ultralight Flyer approached one million (881,720) minutes of viewing! I don’t know about you but I find that astounding.
About the only downside to all the traffic is that our email inbox is more full than ever and time is insufficient to answer everyone. If you didn’t get a reply, our apologies. We can only spend so many hours each day responding to email. We think it’s more important to create new content — articles, videos, photos, resource lists — so that is where our time is focused. We also must take care of the sponsors that help us provide content, most of it free of charge. With that in mind, we’ll get back on the job finding new material to maintain the stronger-than-ever interest in Light-Sport and Sport Pilot. People wanna fly!
P.S. Thanks to all of you who are kind enough to support by becoming a Member for $29 per year. As with public TV or radio, our members help a great deal by allowing us to offer most content for free. If you aren’t presently a member, please consider supporting us.
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