Put on them bibs, pardners, if you’ve got an appetite for one of the tastiest SLSA out there. Last year, Van’s Aircraft came out with its Signature Series, an even dozen fully built SLSA. They were assembled by Van’s kit builder support company Synergy Air of Eugene, Oregon. Now I’m not trying to set you up for a fall, but even though the company did just announce another 12 RV-12 batch, priced at $123,000 each (loaded), the odds are reasonable that by the time you read this, they’ll be gone too. My apologies for bringing good, then potentially bad news.
My pessimism derives from the last batch. See, they were snapped up so quick that the next 50 or so eager customers on the list — with checks in hand — were turned away. By the way, that $123,000 sticker includes ADS-B, two-axis autopilot, wheel pants, and premium paint schemes with pinstripe.
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Glasair Shows Merlin Mockup; Will Build MVP
Although not previously known for any involvement in the Light-Sport space, longtime kit aircraft producer Glasair Aviation is jumping in assertively for 2014. At Sun ‘n Fun, the Arlington, Washington company debuted their Merlin and to AirVenture 2014 they brought a full-size mockup. They also participated in the standing-room-only press briefing for the new MVP.aero seaplane. Why? Because Glasair will be one of two initial build locations, handling the Western states while Port Orange, Florida-based Fibercraft will produce for Eastern states. I’ll offer more on the MVP arrangements in another report on that header-turner design unveiled at AirVenture. Yet this association means Glasair will go from no presence in LSA to taking a significant position in short order. MVP production won’t start for more than a year, but Glasair’s Merlin project is ambitiously aiming to hit the market in 2014, according president Nigel Moll. Glasair is famous for the their flagship Glasair II and III, speedsters of the sky in the Experimental Amateur Built category and for their well regarded Sportsmen two seater.
Flying Serbia’s Light-Sport Aircraft Entry
Update April 13, 2018 — At Sun ‘n Fun 2018, I was shown documents and photos to suggest the problem was the opposite of what appears in the following paragraph. Without legal discovery, for which I am not qualified, it is challenging to sort out the truth, however, based on the four years of history that has followed this story, I’m inclined to believe Aeroeast is a legitimate producer. In any event, as the aircraft has since changed in many ways, I consider the matter closed and wish Aeroeast good success in the future. —DJ
Update August 10, 2014 — At AirVenture 2014, I was informed that Aero-East-Europe’s Sila 450 is significantly based on a Max Tedesco design. When I heard this comment, I recall I had looked at the Serbian aircraft featured in the following article and thought it looked vaguely familiar. Many aircraft designs share a resemblance so I didn’t think much of it and I was no where near any of Tedesco’s airplanes to have a comparison.
Renegade Moves Closer to an “American Falcon”
For 18 months, we haven’t seen much of a sleek low-wing airplane called the Falcon LS. Even its name was challenged by French bizjet maker, Dassault Falcon, because … well, you know, someone might be confused. However, Renegade Light Sport Aircraft operator Doc’ Bailey is not an idle man waiting for the weeds to grow between his toes. He’s been busy creating his SPAR race circuit and — even though he had to relocate again after moving from Missouri to Florida (he’s now happily quartered at the sport aviation-friendly Deland airport) — Doc’ has been quietly plugging away on his Falcon line. He’s also kept his spare time to a minimum representing the D-motor video and the B.O.T. Super Cruiser, while simultaneously creating his Lil’ Rascal version of the Pitts S1 biplane. OK, so he’s busy but what about Falcon?
VX Aerospace is an advanced composites company near the Appalachian Mountains in Morganton, North Carolina.
Strutted Quicksilver on Full Lotus Floats
“It’s still the best,” is a phrase I could use referring to Quicksilver’s most-popular-of-all ultralights in general, the Sport 2S. Indeed it remains a delightful aircraft and the strutted construction appeals to many pilots. Or, I could be referring to flying an ultralight on floats, that being one of the very best ways to enjoy an ultralight. Or, I could be talking about both. You’ll want to read on and see.
I might also be talking about the strutted version of the venerable Quicksilver model being the best of the design series. Or, I might be talking about the innovative company representing the Quicksilver 2S on floats in central Florida. Every one of these statements is accurate in one way or another.
It was my pleasure to fly the Sport 2S on Full Lotus floats and it surely was a dandy experience. Is it the best? Well, it might be for you.
Aero 2014 Review … Starting to Think AirVenture
Life has settled down a little after the rush that began at the end of March. Five weeks back, Sun ‘n Fun was approaching to kick off the season of recreational flying.
Aero in Germany followed with only a one day break before boarding the airliner to Europe followed by plenty of follow-up and contemplating the hot and fast action. With a couple weeks of perspective and to answer a common question — How does the industry look in Europe? — I have some final observations.
I found five areas to consider and list them below. Among all the many wonderful aircraft I saw, two particular subgroups stood out for me personally, one for its sheer success and the other for its subtle return to a higher interest plateau.
I refer first to gyroplanes and secondly to, well … what to call them? How about simply “ultralights?” Even that word isn’t right because Ultralight in Europe means something quite different from ultralight (vehicle) in the USA.
Summer Is Here; Flying the Edra Super Petrel LS
Winter has finally released its icy grip on the northern states that were so punished over the past few months. Here in the “Sunshine State” of Florida, it feels like summer. So what do pilots do in the summertime, in Florida? Go fly seaplanes, of course? What else? Indeed, quite a flock of seaplanes and floatplanes converged on the central Florida city of Tavares, about 45 minutes driving time northwest of Orlando. Appropriately, the area is known as “lakes district” for all the bodies of water. City leaders portray the Tavares as “America’s Seaplane City” and to reinforce that, they have developed their lakefront to include a very welcoming seaplane base with bigger plans underway. On Saturday, April 26th more than 40 seaplanes flew in for the event. One of those was Edra Aeronautica’s Super Petrel LS, one of the newest Special LSA in the fleet. My friend and Spruce Creek Fly-in neighbor, Brian Boucher, is the North American representative for this interesting seaplane and I finally got my first flight in it.
Flying through the Great Halls of Aero 2014
Aero 2014 is history now but sorting through all the discoveries and reviewing hundreds of photos I shot will consume more time. Just to give a flavor of the diversity in the halls, I present some images below with photo captions. As time allows I will provide several articles about aircraft and concepts contained in the great halls of Aero. One topic I will not cover is the large number of radio control or other model airplanes I saw. In some years, such can take an entire gymnasium-sized hall by themselves … fascinating! Yet the image you see nearby is a shot taken by a small quad copter (photo inset) with its wide angle lens. Such tiny flying machines are surely part of our future and seeing things below is part of their mission (for better or worse). My LAMA Europe associate and friend, Jan Fridrich, asked a vendor to shoot the image you see, which would not have been possible by any means other than a hydraulic lift.
Rotax Announced 912iS Sport & Headquarters Fly-In
At Sun ‘n Fun 2014, Rotax Aircraft Engine manager Christian Mundigler noted the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the four cylinder 9-series engine family including 80-horsepower 912 UL, 100-horsepower 912 ULS, 115-horsepower turbocharged 914, and fuel injected 912 iS. In further celebration he also announced the worldwide introduction of the new 912 iS Sport. “The new model delivers an improved takeoff performance that results in a better climb rate and shorter takeoff run even if the aircraft is equipped with a fixed pitch propeller,” said Christian. He proudly stated the marketing line: “Stronger. Faster. Higher.” Using a redesigned aluminum airbox atop the 912 iS unveiled two years ago, air intake is improved to boost engine torque. Visible differences are slight compared to last year’s 912 iS but the new airbox stands 27 millimeters (1.06 inch) compared to the lower profile plastic airbox manufactured over the last two years.
Model Merger; Is S-20 Raven a Best of Breed?
I view Rans’ newest aircraft as a benchmark design for the airplane company based in Hays, Kansas, more than 100 miles northwest of another aviation hub known as Wichita. Rans started 31 years ago with a little single seat ultralight called Coyote. Company designer Randy Schlitter shows marketing savvy using both numbers and names for his models — they help people remember — so it was another benchmark of sorts when he hit 20, and that would be for the S-20 Raven. His designs don’t plod along with incremental changes. For example, his S-11 (never produced) was quite a radical departure and the S-19 Venterra that preceded the S-20 Raven was an all-metal low wing design. Raven isn’t anything like S-19 but it is a great deal like two other airplanes in the bulging portfolio of creations from Randy. You might think of it as a merging of two of the most successful models ever made by Rans.
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