SAB’s Vulcan isn’t entirely new. The design has existed in Europe and arrived in the USA more than two years ago but stealthily avoided our radar as a Special Light-Sport Aircraft until the 2012 Midwest LSA Expo at the Mt. Vernon, Illinois airport. The secret is out now and Vulcan C-100 has been added to our SLSA List and comes at #127. Basically, the Italian SAB Aviation jumped the Atlantic into the American LSA market with their derivative of the famous Falco kit aircraft. The low-wing all-metal design first arrived to importer Phil McCoy and his Florida-based Light Sport America enterprise. McCoy promoted the introduction at Sun ‘n Fun 2010 but evidently didn’t complete the process for the Vulcan C-100 to earn its Airworthiness Certificate. Representation at the Midwest LSA Expo was by the team of Niley Church and Valter della Nebbia under the business name SAB Aviation of Americas.
SLSA #127, SAB Vulcan, Appears at MW LSA Expo
Vulcan C-100 first appeared in the USA at Sun 'n Fun 2010 and now again at the Midwest LSA Expo 2012 with new representation.
Vulcan can be sold in Europe with retractable gear.
Interior view of the SAB Aviation Vulcan C-100.