M-Squared Aircraft is one of the light sector’s pioneering airframe producers. Founded and operated by industry veteran Paul Mather, M-Squared has discovered two particular niches that I can identify. First, if you are new to ultralight aircraft — easily the most affordable end of aviation — the odds are high that you are attracted to a fixed-wing aircraft in our Part 103 List. You’re lucky. You have many choices. Of course, being Part 103-compliant aircraft, they have one seat. So, how do you learn to fly them? Second, way back when some of us trained new pilots in single place machines because that’s all we had. We used radios and a well-developed system to ease newbies into the aircraft without harming themselves or the aircraft. It worked but it was a distant second to proper training with a flight instructor in a similar aircraft. Any new pilots and many who transition from heavier, faster aircraft need instruction to fly a Part 103 safely.