Sun ‘n Fun started the recreational flying season as it always does, taking place this year in the beginning of April. Aero Friedrichshafen ended the month at the end of April. These two shows make April the strongest month of the year for airshows, certainly for the affordable aviation crowd. Aviation journalist and LAMA board director Marino Boric was able to find many worthy stories at the popular German show. People that know Marino — many of you pilots, but nearly every producer — are aware he is an energetic, superbly-informed, and technically-competent individual. I am pleased to present his work in this and additional articles to follow from the recently-completed Aero Friendrichshafen show in southern Germany. In this article, Marino provides a short bit about six interesting projects. Some of these you know; some you don’t. I hope you enjoy Marino’s quick tour. Look for more… soon.