In the late ’90s, an earlier iteration of Remos Aircraft delivered their first aircraft, a G-3 Mirage, originally designed by the very talented Lorenz Kreitmeyer. That was twenty years ago. Recently, the Pasewalk, Germany company delivered serial number 450. Susanne and Harmut Lang, the new owners of the GXNXT — known as a GXnXES in the United States — took possession at their aircraft after it was flown to Bremgarten in southern Germany by Remos engineer Paul Foltz. The Lang’s new GXNXT is equipped with the latest avionics by Dynon and Garmin. Upon receipt of the aircraft, Harmut Lang said: “The Remos GXNXT suits our needs perfectly [and] the flight characteristics are amazing and the quality of this aircraft is well known.” If you are confused by the model name, that could be because attention has been focused on the GXiS model that won European ultralight approval recently. Even more recently, the company made news regarding its new owner, Stemme Aircraft.