Bad as in-flight break-up accidents are, many opinions often blur the big picture. Last spring NTSB recommended FAA “ground the fleet,” so to say. FAA chose further study. When additional CH-601s became involved, media and organizations jumped on the bandwagon. Let’s review. *** The focus is on the CH-601XL, of which about 1,500 kits have been sold since its introduction in 1984. Approximately half are complete and flying, said Zenith boss, Sebastien Heintz. *** Of the airplanes that broke up two were fully-built SLSA. One was built by Czech Aircraft Works; the other by AMD. The rest are owner-built kits… essentially one-off airplanes. Comparing one to a factory-built airplane is apples and oranges. *** Some allege Zenith and AMD have ignored the problem, but lots of detailed info on Zenith’s website suggests otherwise. Sebastien buttressed this saying, “We believe our effort is an example of an industry doing the right thing.
Belite’s Carbon Fiber Part 103 Ultralight Vehicle
If you’ve been around aviation long enough you’ve heard the Q&A: “Know how to make a small fortune in aviation? Start with a large one!” Yet aviation can always use fresh talent, so welcome former tech entrepreneur, James Wiebe, turned aviation businessman. From his days building Mac peripherals under the name Newer Technology (and reaching sales of $60 million), Wiebe sold his tech enterprises and, in January 2009, bravely launched Belite Aircraft. The first flight came July 4th. Wiebe chose to incorporate stronger, lighter carbon fiber technologies to replace steel, wood, and aluminum. The result is a three-axis, full-cockpit airplane with a full instrument panel that can be built to weigh less than Part 103’s 254-pound maximum. Though employing plenty of costly carbon fiber including on the firewall, Belite uses a welded steel frame for strength and safety. The premium Belite 254 CF includes carbon fiber wing spars and ribs, hydraulic brakes, aluminum wheels, full flight instrumentation, built in transceiver, a bigger 45-hp engine, enhanced electrical system, and a Gizmo GPS dock.
Flying MySky’s MS-1 — Homebase: Spruce Creek
Lucky me. On a warm, sunny day I drove less than a mile to the airport’s Downwind Cafe restaurant where I met the developers of MySky (the company) and their MS-1 (a new LSA model). After a tasty lunch we strolled over to their facility and hangar. All the while I was within a mile of my home; last year my wife and I caught a good deal at Spruce Creek, an upscale residential airpark. *** MySky is located on this airport and quietly, their team has been developing what I’d call the first of the “high-performance tandem LSA.” We have seven other tandem LSA (check at PlaneFinder 2.0) but none cruises near the 120-knot limit. MS-1 will, with its 120-hp Jabiru 3300 6-cylinder powerplant. *** Company VP, Tim Plunkett (an engineer and pilot of airliners to Pitts Specials) has been flight testing for 140 hours.
AOPA Summit 2009 Broadens Outreach of LSA
In its first year as the AOPA “Summit” (versus “Expo”), the 70-year-old, 415,000-member organization made lots of changes large and small. Among the most notable under capable new president Craig Fuller was much greater attention to LSA. Here’s the fast-read update… *** AOPA announced their 2010 Sweepstakes airplane is a Remos GX; the company had multiple displays and aircraft. Cessna brought a Skycatcher for selected reporters to fly. Craig Fuller had Icon A5 developer Kirk Hawkins on the center-hall stage. EAA’s Earl Lawrence led a LSA panel of FAA and industry experts (including yours truly). LAMA operated an LSA Mall area and had fruitful discussions with AOPA to advance goals of the LSA industry. SeaMax USA showed off their simulator seaplane running on MS Flight Sim. Tecnam North America, with several aircraft on display, announced new service centers for the popular Italian line of aircraft they now represent.
Heavy Topic for Light Aviation… LSA Safety
Others have written about LSA safety but did not reveal underlying facts. While I prefer to blog about new aircraft, LSA safety is a worthy topic. Here’s the quick summary: While every loss is tragic to family and friends, LSA safety numbers are better than some predicted. Now some detail. *** According to FAA records in the four-year period from August of 2005 to June of 2009, Special Light-Sport Aircraft experienced 12 fatal accidents resulting in the loss of 18 lives. *** In 10 of the 12 accidents a licensed pilot was in control (that is, not a Sport Pilot). Altogether, 10 manufacturers were affected. Only one, variations of the CH-601 produced by three companies, had multiple accidents and that veteran design remains under investigation so conclusions would be premature. *** In 2007, a year of high sales and activity, the industry experienced five crashes and eight fatalities. All other years had half that or less.
Triple Play: Fk Lightplanes Is High, Low, and Bipe
Light-Sport Aircraft are nothing if not diverse. We have all manner of aircraft on our SLSA List of 104 approved models. Germany’s FK Lightplanes illustrates diversity through their trio of models: high wing Fk9 series; biplane Fk-12; and low wing Fk14. *** In May 2009, the newest iteration of the Fk9 series was flown by designer Peter Funk. The Fk9 ELA (a reference to European Light Aircraft, a new class EASA is planning) is a stretched, roomier model of the popular series. The changes should play well in the American market. *** Peter Funk commented, “It seemed that [Fk9 ELA’s new] winglets are improving control efficiency and low speed characteristics.” In addition, the newest model boasts a larger cabin space, a larger panel with room for big screens, more baggage area, electric flaps, and optional longer-range fuel tanks. The versatile Fk9 ELA is also available on straight or amphibious floats or in taildragger gear.
Changing Times…and Light-Sport Aircraft’s Future
Word of a few interesting developments arrived in my inbox, bringing with them new questions. *** Point One — EAA announced it will cease publishing Sport Pilot and Light-Sport Aircraft magazine. LSA content will be merged into their flagship Sport Aviation title, bolstered by a new eNewsletter called “Light Plane World” that will focus on LSA and ultralights. *** Point Two — An Australian company, Foxcon, alerted me about their SLSA, the Terrier 200. It’s not presently for sale in the U.S. But they say it has government approval just like the other 104 aircraft on our SLSA List. To assure our list remains up-to-date, a key feature of the SLSA List, do we add the Terrier 200? Is is an American product for Americans or a world citizen? *** Point Three — China is hosting an international GA conference and is featuring Cirrus, Diamond, and Cessna, and, not least, Flight Design in promoting CIGAC.
LSA Market Shares Are Stable through August 2009
As the challenging year for aircraft sales grinds on, Light-Sport Aircraft continue to hold their own. In tough times, when cash is tight, small enterprises may fare better than large companies. Their low expense structures, modestly compensated managers and employees, and lean manufacturing — as allowed by industry-standards certification — become strengths. *** But we see another quality. The half-million-plus general aviation pilots are more accepting of LSA today than three years ago. Organizations like AOPA are more fully embracing LSA, because their members are calling to ask questions. (Watch for a surprise LSA announcement at AOPA’s Aviation Summit in about a month!) GA pilots make up most buyers of LSA and those aviators now recognize the brands and have begun to acquire faith in companies certifying themselves (though many are still reserving judgement). *** Through August, a full month after AirVenture, the LSA fleet has grown to just under 1,700 fully-built aircraft not including ELSA kits or alternative aircraft like trikes and powered parachutes, nor any converted ultralights.
Pair of Floatplanes Announced: Legend and Remos
We’ve arrived at the end of the main float-flying season, but two of our largest Light-Sport Aircraft manufacturers just announced floatplane models. Welcome to the American Legend FloatCub and the Remos GX on floats. Each company contracted with float experts (a big difference from SeaMax or SeaRey). *** The most successful American LSA producer, American Legend won approval on October 2 for their Amphibious Legend FloatCub after declaring they met ASTM standards. FloatCub was put on sale for $159,000 and the first customer aircraft is being assembled. Legend went to long-established float company, Baumann Floats of New Richmond, Wisconsin. The new model flew in July, 2009 and made an appearance at Oshkosh. Unlike original Piper Cubs that were often put on floats, the Legend Cub has doors on both sides, a big benefit when docking. If purchased with the 120-hp Jabiru 3300, Legend FloatCub should prove quite energetic even at high elevations.
First Annual Midwest LSA Expo Looks Successful
Plenty of aviation enterprises face challenges but one of the toughest has to be starting a new airshow event. Not only must organizers get myriad details right and try to satisfy a broad range of expectations while trying to avoid losing a pile of money… they must also be blessed with agreeable weather. Good management may address the first items, but only Mother Nature can deliver sunny skies. *** Airport manger, Chris Collins, his Expo board, and a hard-working crew of Midwest LSA Expo volunteers faced overcast skies on Thursday and 20-25 knots of wind on Friday. Yet the two days brought highly positive reviews from every vendor I queried, a few sales were logged, and day three is forecast to have the best weather yet. On Saturday (the last day), the turnout is expected to be good enough that organizers think they could break even financially while drawing about 1,000 attendees.
Handsome New High Wing… Sirius — SLSA #103
Most folks following the Light-Sport Aircraft development know the Sting, refreshed for the U.S. market with the S3 model. I covered the development announcement of TL Ultralight’s new high wing. Now, welcome to the TL3000 Sirius as the newest SLSA to hit the market in a blur of new offerings seemingly triggered after the industry hit #100. *** Importer SportairUSA maneuvered their low-wing, all-carbon-fiber Sting S3 into one of the best-equipped LSA on the market. Adding a high wing gives the company new versatility to meet market interest. *** I see the potential for keen demand from GA pilots, especially those legions trained in high-wing, yoke-controlled Cessna models. Sirius’ 48-inch wide cabin is nine inches wider than a C-172 and it can haul 420 pounds of payload even when topped off with 30 gallons of fuel that can take you 800 miles (numbers will vary depending how you equip a Sirius).
Making A Splash… in China: Ramphos Trident SLSA
A few years back I evaluated Ramphos. Now, the boat-hulled trike is our newest Special Light-Sport Aircraft amphibian — SLSA #102. Priced at less than $40,000 for the Rotax 582-powered version to something north of $50,000 for the four stroke Rotax 912 powerplant, this seaplane qualifies as a bargain. Ramphos Trident won its SLSA approval back in April 2009. *** In revealing this achievement, one of the most interesting points from U.S. partner Gil McGarity concerned a Ramphos entry to the potentially huge China market. “Just when things looked the darkest, what with spending all our money for the certifications and the recession starting with a vengeance, we were invited to China,” Gil recalled. “We struck a deal to help develop a line of weight-shift aircraft and train personnel to fly. We were given 10 young engineers trained in using the Katia CAD programs, two 747-sized hangars with state of the art paint rooms, composite labs, 5 and 7 axis CNC [machines], assembly areas and a seemingly endless stream of development funds.” To show how serious officials are about opening the gates to sport aircraft, Gil said authorities… “built a 500-meter asphalt runway for LSA craft very near us in Changsha.” He noted that very few if any recreational aviation runways exist in China.
Cheetah XLS Speeds through SLSA Approval — #101
Reaching SLSA model number 100 produced loads of media attention and a feeling of pride in reaching such a benchmark in less than five years. How do you follow that act? With SLSA #101, naturally. *** Welcome to the Cheetah from Rainbow Aircraft in South Africa, imported by Midwest Sport Aviation based in Wisconsin. While working on ASTM approval the Syvertson brothers sold a kit version. If this modestly priced SLSA is beyond your budget, the Amateur-Built kit can save $10-20,000. *** The ready-to-fly Cheetah represents one of the true bargains of the SLSA industry, priced at $52,950 for either trigear or taildragger models powered by the 85-hp Jabiru and delivered with a MGL radio, cloth-finished interior, and those cool swing-up armrests with built-in throttle on each side. Even well optioned, a fully-built SLSA Cheetah can stay under $60,000 and that’s the price some folks expected for Light-Sport Aircraft back when the rule was announced… so there you go.
LSA-Only Expos… Everyone Likes Them!
We all love the big aviation trade shows like Sun ‘n Fun and AirVenture. They offer something for everyone who flies… and that’s their problem. At such large shows you must walk extensively (or ride trams) to see all the aircraft in the Light-Sport Aircraft community. LSA Malls at these events help, but they can’t provide demo flying for purchase. *** Indeed, this latter reason is one of the most compelling for the January Sebring LSA Expo. All day, every day of the show, you can arrange for a demonstration flight, weather permitting. Notably, Sebring 2009 outdrew even AOPA’s Expo a few months earlier. *** Last year’s Fairfield, New Jersey one-day LSA Jambo produced by the Mid-Atlantic Pilots Association attracted a dozen LSA and 250 attendees. This year’s longer event drew 19 airplanes and 652 people. Of future plans, organizer David Simpson said, “Jambo will be bigger and better and will include flight reviews and demo flights throughout the day.” Jambo is tentatively slated for July 9th and 10th, 2010.
Van’s RV-12 is SLSA #100; Here Come the ELSA ’12s
[UPDATE: The Krucker Cygnet won approval on July 3rd, making that weight-shift LSA #99… so Van’s RV-12 is technically the #100 LSA model to win an airworthiness certificate. It was previously reported as #99.] The top-selling kit airplane producer, Van’s Aircraft of RV-xx fame, secured an airworthiness certificate for their fully-built RV-12 Special Light-Sport Aircraft on July 21, 2009. And the next day, the company’s East Coast representative, Mitchell Lock, got an ELSA certificate for his RV-12. EAA reported that 250 RV-12s are under construction around the world. *** So, quickly, Van’s looks ready to dominate the ELSA community that has been waiting to take off. True, thousand of ELSA are flying today — many more than SLSA at present — but that’s because so many “fat ultralights” were converted to ELSA status under FAA’s now-expired grandfather period. *** Van’s reports that it will take 600-900 hours to complete an RV-12 to unpainted stage, so the rush of RVs into the LSA fleet may not be swift, but they’ll just keep coming.
Ultralight Trainers…Exemptions?…SLSA Trainers
Ah, sweet Part 103 ultralights. These lightest of powered aircraft have the least FAA regulation of any flying machine. A single piece of letter paper holds the entire rule. But how do you learn to safely fly a single seater? Oh, there’s the rub. *** Through January 31, 2010, two-seat ultralights converted to ELSA status may train pilots for hire. Then they must cease… maybe. Some feel that the nation lacks enough such trainers so Aero Sports Connection petitioned for an extension. Sounds reasonable. *** But what about companies that spent resources to win FAA approval? It sounds like those who played by the rules as FAA wished could miss their reward of taking over such training aircraft sales. The controversy has complications and you probably don’t want to read it all. *** But here’s what industry organization LAMA has to say: “In the 4.3 years since the first approval, 100 SLSA models have been approved.
LSA #100 Reached! …in Less Than Five Years
Triple digits! In five years the LSA industry has reached SLSA model #100. Actually, here’s another one that slipped by our radar. Info now shows SLSA #99 was the Krucker amphib trike named Cygnet and Van’s RV-12 was technically #100. Our SLSA List shows Special Light-Sport Aircraft in order of their approval. *** “We got our SLSA completed 3 July 2009,” wrote U.S. representative, Michael Percy, of XL Kites. This means the Cygnet he imports was approved a couple weeks earlier than the Van’s RV-12 on July 21st, which came one day after the fifth anniversary of the new rule announcement (July 20th, 2004). *** One hundred models approved in such a short time has no comparison in worldwide aviation history. In fact, reaching #100 only took 4.3 years because the first approval occurred on April 7th, 2005 …that’s two new models every single month!
SeaRey Reports Superb Oshkosh; Who Will Get #100?
We sit on the edge of hitting triple digits of Special Light-Sport Aircraft. Just before Oshkosh started, Van’s Aircraft announced their RV-12 qualified for SLSA airworthiness (which also allows the Oregon company to sell ELSA kits). People have started to ask, “Who will offer Number 100 SLSA?” One possibility is the SeaRey from Progressive Aerodyne. *** SeaRey marketing man, Darrell Lynds reported a spectacular Oshkosh event, “We sold 11 kit SeaRey aircraft (the LSX) and four SLSA versions to be called the SeaRey Sport.” That represents quite a performance, causing me to inquire what amount of money changed hands in order to call these an order. “We collected $5,000 toward a kit and $10,000 on a fully-built SLSA,” explained Darrell. I’d call that enough cash per airplane to make for genuine orders. *** I spoke with many sellers at Oshkosh who reported “very solid leads,” and “genuinely interested buyers,” but a few complained that despite these positive comments, they were not seeing the cash.
A First Look at Two New Tandem LSA
Here come the new tandems. And I do mean new! Suspending a full flight-trial regime, U.S.-based MySky took their new MS-1 on a long maiden voyage from Daytona Beach, Florida to Oshkosh 2009. And just yesterday, the Slovak Republic-based sportShark, from Shark.Aero, took its first flight. *** Tandems seat occupants fore and aft like some existing SLSA models but that’s where the similarities end. MS-1 and sportShark are clean-sheet designs aimed at performance and comfort, where all tandems presently approved are recreational aircraft. *** Other than the composite Sky Arrow*, all other seven tandems in the SLSA List are simpler, first-generation designs. All are fabric covered. None are speedsters. (Note: You can find all these qualities for any of the 99 SLSA models using PlaneFinder 2.0.) *** One and sportShark are second-generation designs. In both cases they were created after and because of the Light-Sport rules and ASTM industry-standards certification.
New FAA Administrator Pleased with LSA Safety
Like any new aviation segment, early incidents attract disproportionate attention. Now that we are five years into Light-Sport Aircraft, the outlook is good. Sure the industry still has work to do as it creates a new industry from the ground up, including writing all its own certification plans. But the heavy lifting is done and accident rate is acceptable. What remains is filling in gaps and fine-tuning the ASTM standards and producer execution to them. *** Yesterday, Flight International reported new FAA Administrator Randy Babbitt’s positive comments about LSA. “Babbitt says that the accident rates for factory-built light sport aircraft ‘are very compatible with what’s goes on in the rest of the general aviation world’,” wrote reporter John Croft. Commenting on the progress of the light sport industry in general, Babbitt continued: “This is a whole experiment for this category of aircraft where the manufacturers themselves have said, ‘We are going to design these aircraft, we are going to have statistics and design specs and all of those things people have to follow’.” Elaborating further, Babbitt said, “And the FAA has said to [the LSA manufacturers], as long as you comply with your own high standards then you will be fine.
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