At a major show in China called Zhuhai visitors saw something: a new 6-axis LSA flight simulator. The developer is AeroJones Aviation, the CTLS manufacturer for the Asia-Pacific region. The company exhibited their simulator to a warm reception. General aviation is beginning to develop in China lead by airport construction at hundreds of the country’s huge cities. As I’ve written before, I have no doubt the airports will be built, but actual flying at most of them — by Light-Sport Aircraft or other recreational aircraft — seems somewhere off in the future. China has a massive job ahead. Chinese business people have proven very capable of building many things, but developing a culture of the citizenry flying in light aircraft still has quite a distance to go. However, AeroJones new simulator may help the country take a huge stride forward. First, Simulate — Then, Go Aloft Chinese citizens play games, including flight simulators, as much as (or perhaps even more than) Americans do.
AeroJones Unveils Their Six-Axis Full-Motion Flight Simulator for CTLS
First, Simulate — Then, Go Aloft
Although having the shortest span of any Light-Sport Aircraft, AeroJones' new full-motion simulator is full-sized and equipped similarly to any deluxe CTLS aircraft.
Who Is AeroJones?
An artist's concept for the new AeroJones factory in Zhenjiang. It has direct access to the Dalu airport.