Think about this: A Rotax-powered aircraft capable of high-speed cruising at 185 miles an hour? That’s pretty fast and some go quite a bit faster …although not in the USA, as Light-Sport Aircraft …not yet anyway. Most readers are aware that FAA will make big changes to the LSA regulation (info also in this video) probably at the end of 2023. The last time LSA regulations were introduced in September of 2004, one geographical region of the world seemed to be ahead of the game. That 15-year-old experience appears ready to repeat. As the new reg approaches — and with a giant assumption that it will remain approximately as we’ve been lead to expect — Europeans once again appear likely to seize an early lead. Today, I am writing about high-speed aircraft with retractable gear and in-flight adjustable props. At Sun ‘n Fun 2021, we saw two such companies exhibiting.