A few years back, when powered parachutes were all the rage, Powrachute arrived on the scene with a a big splash. The brand distinguished itself for hardware more built-to-order than gusseted tubing constructions that were common then. The company’s flare for finish remains through new ownership.
Right at the two year point since the first Special Light-Sport Aircraft approval, Powrachute’s AirWolf 912 powered parachute brings the certified fleet total to 50 SLSA models. Forty two of them are airplanes (the fixed wing variety) with five being weight shift (trikes), and three powered parachutes. Among PPCs, the Canadian Summit II was first in 2006 followed by Infinity’s Commander early this year. *** Team Powrachute loads up their AirWolf 912 with the electric start 100-hp Rotax, a four-blade Warp Drive composite prop with Super Hub, an Electronic Info System with instrument pod, extended footbars, spun aluminum wheels, tundra tires, dual hydraulic main gear suspension paired with springs, stainless exhaust, strobe light, electric fuel pump, dry cell battery, four-point seat belts, oversize canopy carry bag with line socks and a choice of parachute sizes and colors. While some complain about the cost of LSA, here’s one with a four-stroke engine for less than $31,000. Worth another look?
Looking to purchase an Airwolf 912ULS. Price? I’m in Arkansas.