Get ready for summer’s big celebration of flight. It starts Monday, July 25th for the week. Of course, I’m writing about EAA AirVenture Oshkosh… what else? The world’s largest collection of aircraft meeting every description and pilots all over the country and from other nations were flying to Oshkosh and many have arrived, including successful 48-State Challenge aviator Dave Tillema (article).
Videoman Dave of YouTube fame is unable to attend Oshkosh 2022 so you won’t see this distinctive rig racing around, but daily reporting is still planned. That’s Midwest’s Chris Collins posing for this photo.
On Saturday, the field was hit with significant thunderstorms that did some damage as vendors across the field were trying to set up. However, Sunday has cleared and weather for the next couple days looks very promising.
I am onsite starting Sunday the 24th looking for stories and aircraft of the type commonly reported here: Light-Sport Aircraft, kit aircraft Sport Pilots can fly, and ultralights. I will do my best to report daily…
While Oshkosh will dominate aviation news for the next couple weeks at least, I want to preview addition LSA-related events for the rest of 2022. If you can’t attend Oshkosh, perhaps you can make one of these?
The Airplane Company, producer of the Sling LSA and Sling 4, announced that the first three Sling High Wings will be available to examine at at “Sling Island,” (booth 648) in the Homebuilt Aircraft Display Area.
Of course, I will also be following any announcements from FAA regarding Mosaic. I understand a major change has occurred (but don’t know enough to report more yet). I’ll report all I can as quickly as possible.
Midwest LSA Expo
A mere five and half weeks after Oshkosh — just about enough time to recover from the sensory overload that is AirVenture — pilots can attend the Midwest LSA Expo. This may be Videoman Dave’s favorite show as airport manager Chris Collins gives full access to the airfield to capture videos. Attending pilots love it as they can talk to representatives in extended conversations and, most importantly, they can go for a demo flight in minutes. It’s beautiful thing.
Chris noted, “With AirVenture upon us, I want to remind pilots not to overlook Midwest LSA Expo occurring September 8-9-10, 2022 — just a little over one month after AirVenture.”
“I’ll be roaming Oshkosh’s Wittman Airport on Monday and Tuesday,” Chris advised. “Just look for the friendly guy in the orange shirt!”
“As in the previous 13 years,” he added, “if you would like to fly (or trailer) your aircraft to Midwest LSA Expo after AirVenture, I would be happy to store it at KMVN until the Expo. MLSA Expo offers free rides to and from Lambert St. Louis Airport on both ends. These services are free to all our industry partners.” Is it any wonder why vendors return to Midwest year after year?
Learn more about Midwest LSA Expo at their website. Vendors wanting to store their aircraft after Oshkosh until Midwest begins may contact Chris directly at 618-315-5462.
New DeLand Show
The DeLand Showcase is history after five years. Former director Jana Filip has joined Sun ‘n Fun to assist that major Florida event. Yet within literally a few weeks, DeLand is proud to host a follow-on event.
“Aero Affinity Holding Corporation has partnered with the City of DeLand to reimagine a major shift and exciting changes for the DeLand Sport Aviation Showcase,” announced the new collaboration (more info on Aero Affinity in this article).
Under new management, the well-known “DeLand Sport Aviation Showcase” will give way to “Aero Showcase,” which allows the possibility to explore not only the sport and recreational aviation market but also other segments of general aviation as well.
City of DeLand Mayor Robert F. Apgar said, “We are excited that a local company, Aero Affinity, has decided to take over and rebrand this event which will now promote not only sport aviation but all aviation related activities at our airport. I believe this will help us grow more jobs at the DeLand Airport.”
In Aero Affinity’s fleet is the Aventura II seaplane, a modestly priced LSA seaplane.
As the new host of the showcase, Aero Affinity plans to implement changes to the Showcase: a new format and new dates for this year’s show just has been approved.
Aero Showcase will be held at the DeLand Municipal Airport (KDED) on October 21-22, 2022 and the event site will utilize the Leigh Matusick Airport Management Center (the brand-new terminal building) and the main airport ramp on the runway side.
Easy demo flying is a key reason many attend the smaller events. Here I go aloft with Evektor representative Steve Minnich.
The Aero Showcase website is already live with updated and pertinent information for exhibitors, sponsors, and the general public. Buy your tickets, prepare for arrival, and get daily updates about the Aero Showcase 2022.
First launched in 2016, the DeLand Sport Aviation Showcase concluded when Jana Filip moved to Sun ‘n Fun. When she departed, “the City of DeLand decided to transfer the event to a DeLand-based, experienced team of aviation professionals,” it was reported.
photo by Roy Beisswenger of EasyFlight
“As I bid farewell to DeLand, Jana wrote, “my heart is warm knowing there are some dedicated individuals poised to keep a form of the Showcase alive!” She encouraged members of her team — team leaders, volunteers, exhibitors, media, and suppliers to join her in welcoming the future Showcases.
Aero Affinity represents, sells, and services several international aircraft brands. They also provide customers with flight training, and aircraft maintenance services.
DeLand is the county seat of Volusia County and is located just 20 miles from Daytona Beach, main campus of the prestigious Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University which graduates hundreds of pilots and aeronautical engineers every year; also, DeLand is just 40 minutes away from Orlando, and one hour from the Space Coast and its aerospace cluster.
Oh my gosh! I have been waiting to hear about LSA and then you drop this cliffhanger teaser? I’m freakin’ dyin’ over here!
I agree … been waiting on the edge of my seat for this news. Just hoping the “major change” is positive change.