I’ve written about the topic of high-hour pilots and the need for transitioning them into LSA a fair amount now. *** I’ve also heard about it from and talked to a lot of people about it. Avemco Insurance, before they took a hiatus from writing new LSA policies a couple months back, wrote a minimum of 5 hours mandatory transition training into their premium contracts with pilots, stipulating, basically, this: “We don’t care if you be Sully Sullenburger or Wiley Post incarnate. If you want us to insure you in your new LSA, you will get five hours flight training in it.” *** Stumbling around the net the other day, I found this excellent piece written by Ed Downs for In Flight USA, in which he lays out the need, in particular, for veteran pilots to check the uber-confidence at the hangar door and give LSA full respect as unique aircraft with distinct behaviors. *** Definitely worth reading if you’re at all of the LSA = “little airplanes” persuasion.
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