Among many new aircraft shown at Oshkosh, one long-anticipated model was the updated Remos GX. The German company has moved steadily up the market share ranking of Special Light-Sport Aircraft using the earlier G-3 model designed in the 1990s. Following a major engineering effort, GX was shown to American buyers at the Wisconsin event. I was fortunate to fly the new model and found it has light and pleasant handling with several new features. *** Most notably, the wing has changed from the fabric covered version to a composite exterior that will likely be appreciated by customers including flight schools. The outer span is now tapered and the wing section is thinner, helping GX run close to the maximum speed allowed under LSA rules. GX, which is 100% built in Germany, retained the wing folding that attracts many buyers. Directional stability was enhanced by a longer “strake” or dorsal fin leading to the vertical stabilizer.
Remos Aircraft Announces New GX Model
National Service Manager and longtime airshow aerobatic pilot, Cris Ferguson, uses his hands to emphasize how the GX wing has been made leaner. The lower left inset shows clean execution of flaps and linkage. At top U.S. boss Michael Meirer is pictured on the left.