Ed Fisher, proprietor and principal designer of Raceair, has created several intriguing yet highly affordable designs. Here we speak with Ed about his Skylite (which can be bought as a complete kit for less than $10,000 and ready-to-fly, test flown for $20,000, in 2012 dollars) plus his Lil’ Bitts, a lightweight and more user-friendly version of the famous Pitts Special.
Hello Dan,
Just a heads up Ed has retired and I ended up buying the rights to the Skylite and Lil Bitts in 2018. I have been working on tooling up to kit the Skylite and have much of the plane in Solidworks. I also designed a new Rib Jig that takes advantage of 3D printed fixturing and alignment aids. I also bought the sole Lil Bitts with the plan to install a Pegasus DP1 engnine in it. My website is below and there is also a link to another website of mine where I sell specificaly designed gopro mounts for aviation. However, due to the Covid 19 issue, I turned off the shopping cart as I am limiting my time in the hangar until this all settles down. Anyhow, figured good to let you know the hands changed.
I may also try and take over some of the other designs by Ed that have been orphaned as of late.
Take care,
http://www.cloudbaseaviation.com (aircraft plans)
http://www.cloudbaseengineering.com (gopro Mounts)