Get an update on the very handsome F30 from Golden Avio, the very last design from aviation design legend Stelio Frati. To hear the latest we again interviewed Italian compmany representative Luca Ferragatta in the new and improved Paradise City of Sun ‘n Fun 2013. He tells of U.S. distribution, some changes for the American market, plans to gain SLSA approval and more. Come on along and hear more about an airplane that generates strong reviews.
I know the Rotax 912 is supported in the US but how difficult is it to get airframe parts?
As this aircraft has yet to find a market in the USA, I would expect the availability of airframe parts to be minimal and this will definitely impact insurability.
Hi Dan,
Wanted to know if a U.S distributor has been appointed for the F30 aircraft sales. If so, can you please email me the contact information.
Thank you.
Hi Ravi: An importer did represent the airplane a couple years back, but I’ve not seen anything since. I will poke around and see but at this time I believe no importer is active on this attractive airplane.