The video crew at work, interviewing Don Ayers of U.S. Sport Aircraft, importer of the SportCruiser. photo by Roy Beisswenger of Powered Sport Flying magazine.

Lights, Camera, Action…! photo courtesy Remos Aircraft

I find it remarkable. Many of you do not. I’m writing about the arrival of video reports on ByDanJohnson.com and how that addition has been received. In a phrase: You’re Lovin’ It! *** When Ultralight News YouTube channel first approached me in 2009 about doing videos I was hesitant. I may have been unsure but you spoke clearly and you know what? I like doing them as much as you like viewing them. I recently uploaded several more (we have 122 as of this writing, all free) and I have another 15 to upload plus Ultralight News has many more in process. *** No kidding, but I’ve had several people come up to me at airshows and say, “Oh, Hi! You’re Dan Johnson. I’ve watched all your videos.” I try to respond graciously with my thanks for their interest. And… wait a minute! What was that? “Which video did you watch and did it answer questions for you,” I ask? *** “I watched all of them,” the person will say. “Say again! You watched all of them? We have more than 100.” The answer: “Yes, I watched them all.” *** Knock me over with a feather. That’s quite a few hours of watching LSA videos. And, we keep adding more. I never expected video to become such a big part of my life or ByDanJohnson.com. You can read how I felt at the start. *** I don’t tell this story because I think our videos are a form of fine art, though it’s clear they have a large audience. I tell this story as a way to thank Ultralight News for their dedication to this form of communication. He and I have now shot over 150 videos but the history is far greater, posting 500-plus videos to YouTube. I know what I do as we create these short videos, but I watch the finished version with keen interest because they add so much more to them including flight scenes, factory footage, airshow footage, still shots, web addresses, personnel titles, and more. *** Videos appear here, on other websites, on YouTube (the world’s second most visited website), and now in a special all-video website called AircraftReporters.TV. This exposes LSA products and services to potentially millions of people. On YouTube alone, the “UltralightNews” channel has logged far more than three million views. *** We also write articles for print publications even as we publish online. So, when you see us approach an aircraft, it means we’ll be creating in three forms of media: Ink, Pixels, and Video. We love every minute of it. Hope it shows! Thanks for your viewership.
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