A Doubly International LSA SportsPlanes.com imports several light-sport aircraft (LSA) that have found ready buyers. After researching through several designs, SportsPlanes’ owner Josh Foss originally settled on the Comco Ikarus C42 and Breezer and the U.S.-built American Flyer for its fleet. Most recently, the company added the Czech-built Dova Skylark to its offerings. However, the real story of this company is not Josh Foss’ care in the selection of what airplanes to sell. What may be more important to the marketplace is the network his company has built to bring service and support to SportsPlanes.com’s customers. Currently, 15 SportsPlanes centers are operating, with the goal to establish 25 centers nationwide. Investigating the Skylark My opportunity to fly the Skylark came while attending the U.S. Sport Aviation Expo in Sebring, Florida, in January. I flew with Darrell Hamilton, the SportsPlanes representative for Florida. Darrell retired from Northwest Airlines four years ago. He most recently crewed the fly-by-wire Airbus A320, which needs only small control movements.