Our SLSA (Special Light-Sport Aircraft) List is popular with visitors and often generates a heads-up from alert readers about some new SLSA approval that snuck under my radar. This time the heads-up made me aware of new models in two forms. *** Please welcome TampaBay AeroSport’s Apollo Fox airplane and Monsoon weight-shift trike, to which I’ve assigned SLSA numbers 80 and 81. TampaBay, aka Apollo Aircraft, has been deeply involved with Light-Sport Aircraft for some time and previously won approval for the Delta Jet trike, which sells for a reasonable $38,000. Monsoon is a sleek, highly-engineered trike available with Rotax 582 or either 912-series engine for $45,000 to $58,500. *** In early 2008, the Florida Zephyrhills airport-based TampaBay also won an airworthiness certificate for their fixed wing Apollo Fox airplane. This European two seater is a variation of the popular design originated by Avid and Kitfox.