This Merlin has nothing to do with kids in colorful costumes seeking sweets from their neighbors. It does have to do with pilots liking interesting airplanes that they can fly over their neighbors… especially when they can afford the airplane. In the last couple years, I’ve created videos with Merlin developer, Chip Erwin that have been among the most-watched on Dave Loveman‘s Light Sport and Ultralight Flyer YouTube channel. I interviewed numerous industry leaders like Chip in around 1,000 videos. The 50 most popular of those productions have been watched more than 10 million times. In addition, when I write about Merlin on this website, lots of readers seem to love it. So it’s hardly any wonder that I would be pleased to continue our Top 50 video series with one from just a couple of years ago. In a short time, it passed the 275,000-views mark. Since then, I did another on Merlin that went over well on my own channel (see below).