…a web log of developments in Sport Pilot/Light-Sport Aircraft Most recent 20 postings. Click here to see the next most recent 20 SPLOG posts.
Writing about Aircraft…
Photo courtesy EAA
I’m not really one to blow my own horn (though you could be fooled by the frequency with which my name appears on this site). Still some visitors want to know the person behind the pilot reports, SPLOGs, videos, and our several Lists. In my magazine writing days it was only my name that appeared in articles … that’s where the “By Dan Johnson” website name started. Now, with web resources and videos, many of you recognize me at airshows. Thanks for the kind comments often received but I’d rather you focused on the content we offer here. For those genuinely interested, this section of the web site will tell you some things about me. We offer some news about our enterprise here but we hope our content speaks for our work. And I’ve included a short biography for those that truly want to know more about me; I should hope this is more than enough.
NH:SPLog next 20
…a web log of developments in Sport Pilot/Light-Sport Aircraft Second most recent 20 postings. Continue reading more SPLOG posts. Click here to see our index, organized by date.
NH:Splog index
New Tandem SLSA Headed to Market
New Tandem -- The A-16 Sport Falcon is a handsome, all-metal tandem aircraft designed for ease of entry -- as shown top right by company proprietor Dave Saunders -- and huge visibility. Its closest cousin among existing LSA is the Italian Sky Arrow but Sport Falcon is substantially roomier inside ...and it is a Made-in-America design. Demo pilot Dan Rivera models at lower left.
Most of our tandem Special Light-Sport Aircraft — Legend Cub, Courier, SportCub, Savage, Hornet, Hawk, and SkyArrow — are recreational airplanes. Except for the last one (Italy’s smooth, composite Sky Arrow) most might also fall into the “bush” category in that they are slower-flying, fabric-covered, rugged aircraft suitable for landing on unimproved airstrips. *** A brand-new tandem, not yet officially a SLSA, is the MySky MS-1, which I call a “performance tandem.” MS-1 aims to go as fast as the category allows (120 knots) using its beefy 120-hp Jabiru 3300 powerplant. MySky’s entry also plans a deluxe interior not found in most currently-approved tandem SLSA. *** Recently I trekked to California to fly a few hours in the A-16 Sport Falcon from AviaDesign.
Something New in Aviation? Fly a “Hang ‘Copter!”
I readily admit to being a hang glider pilot at heart. After flying several hundred airplanes, I still consider flying a hang glider to be perhaps THE purest way to fly. I’ve always said that if I could just snap my fingers and be in the air — oh, that it was so simple and quick! — I would always choose a hang glider to experience the magic of flight. *** But how about “hang ‘copter” flying? Huh!?! I’ve got almost no time in rotary aircraft but I was caught by some video showing a fellow flying a hang glider with a rotor blade doing the lifting instead of Dacron wings. It struck me as kind of crazy …yes, even a hang glider pilot who loves flying off a mountain. But there it is, looking pretty sane, actually. Near the end of the video, the pilot waves comfortably to the camera before executing a very normal looking landing (well, normal to a hang glider pilot if not a jet jockey).
NH:Jim Lawrence Announcement
Merry Christmas 2009 from ByDanJohnson.com More LSA Content · Completely Free WORLD WIDE WEB / December 23, 2009 – A well-known aviation businessman once said, “Pilots are information starved; they read anything and everything that pertains to their area of interest.” With that in mind, leading Light-Sport Aircraft (LSA) website, ByDanJohnson.com, now offers a larger array of content after enlisting professional blogger, James Lawrence. James Lawrence is the LSA editor for Plane & Pilot magazine and he regularly blogs on that company’s website. Now, after agreement with Plane & Pilot management, Lawrence’s blogs will appear on ByDanJohnson.com — an LSA-only Internet resource — making it easier for those searching for the newest and latest info to find more of it with a single click. Lawrence is also a widely seen photographer of hundreds of cover photos, pilot report photos, and more. His work has also appeared in Outdoor Photographer. The blog postings by two LSA veteran writers on a website dedicated to this newest sector of aviation adds to the user experience and all such content is offered for free and without even the need to register at the website.
Sebring Revs to High Speed; Catch the Videos
Sebring Video -- UltralightNews.com) and I have been working hard to provide lots of short aircraft reviews and general views of Sebring 2010. The sixth annual show is already judged a success. Check the video on YouTube.
Sebring is off and flying… well, like a homesick angel! It appears the sixth running of the show is as strong as it’s ever been. Tim Casey — head guru of Garmin‘s division for aviation portables plus avionics and radios used in nearly every LSA on the market — told me this evening, “I think traffic is nearly double last year [a record year for Sebring]. We completely ran out of literature on the second day!” The giant producer reported solid sales of equipment including their lovely new touchscreen Aera and their complete info glass screen package, dubbed the G3X. *** My pal, Jim Lawrence has been pumping out the blogs as you’ve seen right here (does this guy ever sleep?!) and more will come. In addition, my video partner, UltralightNews, has been working both of us hard to build up a flock of cool video clips. See the highlights here with a coming quick-take tour of the entire show grounds (see below)… followed in the weeks ahead by our continuing review of every Light-Sport Aircraft on the market.
Getting Into the PiperSport LSA
Legacy Brands -- Piper took a different approach from Cessna -- choosing to distribute an established LSA -- and didn't make the errors of Cirrus (who took so long to "Cirrus-ize" the SRS that the economy put the project on hold). The lower left photo shows the PiperSport "Go Team" of marketer Jackie Carlon (L), CEO Kevin Gould (C), with VP and PiperSport Project Manager Derek Zimmerman (R).
What a way to start the year. Piper called a press conference at Sebring and like no other I’ve seen after attending all six Expo events, the media turned out in droves. On opening day the legacy brand unveiled their LSA entry at Sebring 2010 (it was also their first exhibitor appearance). Camera clicked constantly, videos whirred, and recording devices captured every uttered word. It may not have been as spectacular as Apple’s iPad media event, but it generated the same kind of intense buzz. Here’s a few facts I haven’t seen in the other generous media coverage. *** Piper is a 72-year-old much-storied producer of 140,000 airplanes. They have certified 160 models (50% more than the incredible output of all LSA producers combined). They span the general aviation spectrum from the $120,000 PiperSport to the $2.2 million PiperJet. The company’s iconic Piper Cub inspired two replica LSA producers (American Legend and CubCrafters), whose aircraft comprise two of the top five among all LSA manufacturers… and the only two of the top eight SLSA that are built in the USA.
Going Multimedia (Reluctantly at First)
LSA Videos -- Direct from Sebring 2010... thanks to ultrafast editing by UltralightNews -- here are quick takes (top left, clockwise) on Rose Pelton's own Skycatcher; Belite Aircraft's Part 103 ultralight vehicles; the just-announced PiperSport; and the HKS-powered Quasar Lite.
Lots of other aviation news organizations embraced multimedia before ByDanJohnson.com did. We figured online was already quite lively with hyperlinks and true interactivity as represented by our exclusive PlaneFinder 2.0 feature. *** About a year ago, of UltralightNews approached me with an idea to do brief reviews of LSA. I accepted his invitation and today we are well on our way to having a 4-8 minute video mini-review for each of the 105 SLSA on the market. Other professional outlets like AvWeb, ANN, AOPA, and EAA offer multimedia topics all over the aviation map, but ByDanJohnson.com maintains a tight focus on all manner of light aircraft flown by Sport Pilots. *** With that manifesto in mind, we observe for you that we just posted new reviews on our LSA Videos page and we invite you to watch these… for free and without even having to register.
Light-Sport Aircraft Market Shares through 2009
Better Times Ahead? -- Along with the rest of the U.S. and global economy, we expect much improved results for light aviation in 2010. Numerous indications appear to suggest good trends but questions remain, for example, FAA actions based on their 2008/2009 Assessment Project.
If you refer back to our earlier reports, you can easily see 2009 was a down year (no surprise, right?). General aviation was off more than 50% and Light-Sport was down badly as well, with 42% less registrations than in 2008. *** With this post, we present our now-somewhat-famous chart. We hear from some who say they prefer the info to be broken out for the last year only and I will give a summary of those figures below. We realize the limitations of such a brief portrayal of the market situation. But to maintain consistency from chart to chart, we continue to present the relative market shares since the first registrations were filed back in April 2005. *** However, I did omit two listings as they recorded no new entries for more than two years. Interplane and Jihlavan technically rank in the top 20 but their inactivity resulted in a drop from the chart.
Sebring — Light-Sport Aviation’s Season Opener
LSA Season Starter -- For enthusiasts of LSA, Sebring is a Must-Go event that is all LSA and nothing but LSA. C'mon down to warm & sunny Florida and see the latest and greatest.
If you like LSA or if you are following the development of this newest sector in worldwide aviation, you pretty much have to go to Sebring U.S. Sport Aviation Expo. The sixth annual event opens in less than a week and it looks to be yet-another blockbuster affair. Here I’ll provide a few highlights, but I also expect to be surprised by some new presentations. *** The first airshow of a new decade may show a new hope for recovery in aviation. One of the biggest buzzes has to do with Piper Aircraft and their possible entry to LSA (as has been been widely reported). This matter is not settled yet but Piper will have an exhibit at Sebring (itself something new). *** We’ll also see the tandem high-performance MySky MS-1, a U.S. design that is moving closer to production; the new and beautiful P2008, the first to employ composite construction from Tecnam; and attendees can have a look at Rose Pelton‘s own Skycatcher, which will be on display in Cessna‘s space.
Flight Testing Light-Sport Aircraft; How It’s Done
Testing, testing... This series shows views of Flight Design flight testing their new all-metal MC. From bottom right clockwise -- joystick measuring device; sensor on rudder; wingtip probe; test pilot and video host, Tim-Peter Voss; MC in flight (probe circled).
Much has been written about Cessna’s Skycatcher incidents, those spin investigations that caused the loss of one airplane and a parachute deployment from another. Of course, the giant producer knows well the design of light aircraft so it was only a matter of time before all problems were solved. In doing these spin tests, Cessna said they went beyond the ASTM standards, which also call for spin evaluation. (That’s fine. ASTM specifications are intended to be minimum standards; going beyond them is the decision of each company.) *** A new video from Flight Design does a professional job of showing viewers around the aircraft and its test equipment. Check out the YouTube version. Produced by Flight Design test pilot Tim-Peter Voss and his brother Ben, the videographer, we learn that the process no longer depends on a test pilot manually recording results because electronic devices measure more accurately and in real time.
Legendary “Van” Flies His Own RV-12… to Work!
RV-12 N912VA, known as "New Blue," is based in Maryland and was built and flown by Van's East Coast rep, Mitch Lock. Look for New Blue at Sebring and Sun 'n Fun. "Ole Blue" is the original prototype RV-6A, still soldiering along with 5,000+ hours on the airframe, said spokesman Ken Scott. Click for RV-12 specs and info.
Yes, Cessna’s Light-Sport Aircraft entry helps to validate the concept of industry consensus standards in lieu of government certification. They’ll populate airports with their C-162 Skycatcher as shipments ramp up in 2010. Yes, other big companies are looking at LSA — as most LSA enthusiasts know Cirrus offered an entry though work has stalled, and late 2009 rumors hint at entry by another legacy brand. *** While it’s good to see big boys coming into the game, the biggest-of-all kit builder is also playing. And, in their characteristic way, Van’s Aircraft is quietly racking up sales. According to Ken Scott, “We’ve sold 315 [starter kits] for RV-12. Fifteen are flying and judging from the number of powerplant kits we’ve shipped they should start sprouting like mushrooms pretty quick.” *** The company founder likes RV-12, too. Ken added, “Dick VanGrunsven and his brother Jerry recently completed and flew their personal RV-12 and Van often uses it to commute from his home to [the factory in] Aurora.
Sleekest Tecnam Light-Sport Aircraft Yet
Composite Tecnam -- This is the first not-all-metal Tecnam aircraft we've seen in the LSA community. I fell in love with her smooth lines at Germany's Aero show in April 2009.
Tecnam can lay claim to being the “largest LSA manufacturer” by virtue of producing more than 3,000 ready-to-fly aircraft (with approximately 120 of them flying in the USA as “official LSA” — the U.S. is a relatively new market for the Italian company). In my travels to Europe and other countries, I’ve seen a lot of Tecnam models sold under the rules of those nations. And the company was formed back in 1948. *** But even with all those aircraft built and many interesting designs — such as the Echo Super, Sierra, Bravo, Eaglet, and even a new twin that isn’t a LSA — for my money, the P2008 is easily the prettiest two seater the company has ever designed. It resulted from a marriage of Tecnam, an all-metal airplane company, to Spain’s CAG or Composite Aeronautic Group. The latter, bought by Tecnam, was the short-time producer of the Toxo Sportster *, a handsome all-composite LSA.
Homebuilt Aircraft in China Begin to Take Off
This superlight (84 pound) pedal-powered aircraft is built using techniques common to RC aircraft builders. It represents one of several projects taking to Chinese skies in a Do-It-Yourself movement. Photos are courtesy of the designer, Mao Yiqing, as first reported on Wired magazine's website.
“Chinese New Year” invokes images of fireworks but here’s another take. We hear little or no recreational flying occurs in China, but that turns out to be wrong. According to an article in Wired magazine by by Michele Travierso, the Do-It-Yourself spirit exists even in that highly controlled country. *** A Chinese DIYer named Mao Yiqing has built a human-powered aircraft, which he calls Mozi (after the 5th century inventor of the kite), using his skills running Oxai, a company that builds RC planes. Mozi was built using many of the same techniques and materials — balsa wood, styrofoam and carbon fiber — as his model planes. *** Wired reports, “His workshop is covered with pictures of Eric Raymond, an American pilot who flew his solar glider across the United States and, in June, over the Alps.” Yiqing is preparing his plane, which weighs 84 pounds and has a wingspan of 81 feet, for a 4-mile flight across Dianshan Lake near Shanghai.
Ticket to Ride… er, Fly… Well, Both… Maybe
"Roadable LSA" -- Flying cars of the past didn't meet with much market success but this new-millennia edition using LSA rules, modern materials, and sharp young engineers using CAD software might reinvent the category. Terrafugia's Transition has flown successfully.
You’ve surely seen news coverage of Terrafugia’s Transition, the “roadable” LSA from a brain trust of award-winning MIT engineers in Woburn, Massachusetts. This modern version of the well-worn flying car concept has attracted plenty of media attention, and deservedly so, I think. I have been reviewing all their materials and info for an article to appear in Light Sport and Ultralight Flying magazine and I’m impressed with the task’s complexities. *** Step one is the effort to create a powered-folding-wing, four-wheel aircraft that flies as the designers wish. That’s hardly a trivial project especially as the folding wing must work in such a way that you can then drive down the road without removing those wings. (In comparison, Icon’s A5 also has powered folding wings but they stay full length, sweeping back against the seaplane’s fuselage.) *** Step two is making a road-capable drive train using the same Rotax 912 powerplant.
Flight Design… “Has a Map for That”
CT Population -- The map above shows the location of all CTs in America. You can get N-numbers for each one or expand the map to show additional detail by clicking here. Below the map are examples of the evolving CT series. Map courtesy Flight Design USA
If you study FAA’s registration database as I do, you’ll quickly discover that Flight Design and its various CT models have a strong presence in the USA (the world for that matter, with 1,500 flying, according to the company). Since CT was first certified in April 2005 — the second LSA to win Special LSA certification, after Evektor’s SportStar — the German brand has steadily planted CTs across America. You can see a CT at more airfields than any other brand by more than double; the next closest is the American Legend Cub. *** The accompanying graphic was created by Flight Design USA to show the locations of more than 300 CT aircraft in the United States. The distribution is surprisingly even with obvious concentrations in big aviation states such as Florida, California, and Texas/Oklahoma with another area of strength in New England, home base of the U.S.
More for You Visitors… Same Price: Free!
More Great Content -- Professional aviation photographer James Lawrence (top left) coaches pilots on setting up a photo mission to capture the FPNA Cape Town amphibian. While aloft, I couldn't resist taking a shot of him in reflection (in left seat).
The Internet has transformed life in countless ways. Running an e-commerce website involves providing useful services, most commonly at no cost to visitors. In keeping with this new paradigm, several of the most popular features on ByDanJohnson.com are free — PlaneFinder 2.0; LSA Videos; SLSA List; FIRM List; LSA Market Info, Industry database; many articles; and, of course, “SPLOG.” *** Call it our Christmas present to you… SPLOG now welcomes Plane & Pilot magazine LSA Editor James Lawrence and his “Hangar Flyin” blog. Jim and I write often about LSA topics and you will now be able to read all of our posts in this one location …all archived back to the beginning of LSA. You can expect to read 200 posts a year or one every other day, keeping you aware of the latest and greatest in Light-Sport Aircraft *** Jim is an extraordinarily talented fellow. If you’ve looked at beautiful photos gracing aviation magazine covers or the pilot reports inside, you’ve probably seen Jim’s work.
Rotax Lifts Time Between Overhaul to 2,000 Hours
The Rotax 912 got off to rough start with the Diamond Katana. Mechanics were not adequately prepared so correct, proper maintenance was not always performed, for a time tarnishing the brand. Now, companies like Aero Technical Institute have trained many mechanics and maintenance is far better, burnishing the brand's reputation.
No one doubts the leading position of Rotax engines among Light-Sport Aircraft. Of course, most European producers use the Austrian brand, but so do many U.S. builders even including Van’s Aircraft. However, despite their dominance, some GA pilots have scoffed at the brand, saying it isn’t a “real” aircraft engine partly as it didn’t match the 2,000-hour TBO (Time Between Overhaul) common to American brands like Continental or Lycoming. Well, that argument has evaporated. *** Rotax not only upped the TBO on its flagship four-stroke 912 engine, they even made it retroactive. Those following an optional Service Bulletin issued on December 14th can increase the life of the 912 they already own by performing what is essentially a detailed inspection; some older models may require some updates. (Click here for details.) The change applies to the 80-horsepower model, to the the popular 100-horsepower version and to the turbo-charged 914 model as well.
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