Normally, this website focuses tightly on airplanes and the equipment and services needed to keep them flying. However, on regular occasions, I receive questions about density altitude and light aircraft. A surprising number believe LSA perform less well than legacy airplanes in these conditions. (They’re wrong.)
Since I also hear questions regarding techniques to fly in mountains, why not combine these two challenges? This information can be useful to anyone who flies any kind of aircraft anywhere in the world.
To provide the best information, I went to an expert. I know a thing or two about airplanes but Paul Hamilton, founder of the Sport Aviation Center, is an expert trainer, not only writing and making videos on the subject for years but regularly providing flight instruction. Further demonstrating his versatility he does so in three-axis and weight shift.
I asked Paul to compose a short lesson about density altitude and he quickly complied.
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Electric Record UPDATE — Record Set, Trek Continues…
“WE DID IT!” boasted the team from down under!
“We are thrilled to announce that this afternoon we achieved a World Endurance Record for an electric aircraft, breaking the previous mark set in Germany last year.” (Note: Official recognition always takes more time.)
Pipistrel distributor Michael Coates, wrote, “South Australian-based Eyre to There Aviation … Flying a Pipistrel Alpha Electro plane, arrived in Port Augusta late yesterday (Friday June 25) after breaking the previous mark of 750 kilometers on the leg between Shoalwater Point Station and Whyalla.”
Lead by Eyre to There Aviation Managing Director, Barrie Rogers, the team will continue to Adelaide aiming to fly 1,350 kilometers by the end of the journey.
More than Distance
“Along the way, the team has also broken other world records for electric aircraft,” Coates reported, “including longest over-water flight (30.8 kilometers); furthest distance in a 24-hour period (330 kilometers); and fastest speed between waypoints (177 kilometers per hour ground speed).”
Barrie reported he and his team battled strong winds and rain as well as below zero morning temperatures to achieve the record.
Warp Speed! — Designer Alberto Porto Says, “Make It So” with Risen SuperVeloce
Most of us would be mighty pleased to sit comfortably and gaze upon our pace-setting aircraft. As reported recently, Alberto Porto, head of Porto Aviation, flew to a higher altitude and managed to squeak past the 400 kilometer per hour (true airspeed) barrier in his supersleek Risen powered by the turbocharged Rotax 914 engine.
Most of us, however, are not Alberto. Apparently, this man does not care to sit idly and admire his past achievements.
When you’ve already designed what may be the fastest LSA-type aircraft in the world, what do you do next?
Shorten Risen’s wing span, install a more powerful engine and go even faster. Duh!
Original Risen wingspan: 29.5 feet — Risen SuperVeloce wingspan: 26.9 feet. How much difference results when span loses 31 inches and power increases 40%? Speed demons want to know.
Can LSA Fly So Fast?
The speed olympics are going on in Europe where authorities do not restrict the velocity of what they call “ultralights” or “microlights.” In the USA, very similar models are called Light-Sport Aircraft, except LSA are trapped by that darn 120 knot speed limit.
Going the Distance on Battery Power — Record Attempt Reveals the State of Art in Electric Propulsion
Does Alpha have the tiny little motor that could?
Article updated 6/22/21 —DJ
That sounds like an old childhood story (“The Little Engine that Could…”) but here we are in the new millennia with electric cars, huge wind farms, vast solar collector projects, biofuels, and more. Subsidies are pouring in to electric projects around the globe. Hundreds of developers building “urban air transport” multicopters are raising millions of dollars.
Will human-flown conventional aircraft join the electric parade? One company has pursued the electric dream further than most.
This story is about a group in Australia that aimed to set a new world record, one of a rather different sort.
In this case the team plans a “record attempt flying a Pipistrel Alpha Electro plane,” Australia and USA Pipistrel dealer Michael Coates wrote. “[The flight] will start at Parafield Airport at 7:00 a.m. on Saturday June 19, 2021.” Total distance, Michael added, will be 1,150 kilometers, which “will shatter the previous record of 750 kilometers flown in September 2020 in Germany.”
This project hopes to break the previous distance by more than 50 percent.
Rotax 915iS Proves a Winner — “Best Powertrain Concept in the Light-Sport Aviation Industry”
How does modern-day Rotax relate to the Wright Brothers? Here’s a trivia test for light aviation enthusiasts.
Answer: Both started out in the bicycle business.
A little over a year ago, the engine builder from Gunskirchen, Austria celebrated their 100th anniversary. Check this article that contains a link to a beautifully-presented history of the company. It also describes how the company got its name.
In production for more than 30 years, Rotax’s 9-series engine design was a significant departure from earlier aircraft engines.
The 9-series is physically smaller, uses liquid cooling, an electronic control unit, and a gearbox to change engine revolutions from 5,000 rpm to slower speeds that work for props. The 912 enjoys a much better power-to-weight ratio than familiar models such as Lycoming’s O-233. That veteran engine produces 100 horsepower (at 2300 rpm; higher power is available at increased revolutions) using 233 cubic inches of cylinder displacement.
Family Flying Adventure… AirCam Enthusiasts Flock to Gorgeous Jekyll Island, Georgia.
“Winds are going to be rather sporty,” observed AirCam developer, Phil Lockwood, as he and Robert Meyer and the AirCam team finalized arrangements for another fly-out, this one to Jekyll Island (09J).
The single runway near the resort island had a crosswind forecast for arrival day. When it comes from the east, air tumbles down over a tree line to disturb a smooth approach. The air was indeed “sporty.”
I’m an AirCam enthusiast even though I don’t own one. I earned my multi-engine rating in an AirCam some years ago and I’ll take any opportunity to fly one.
Numbering 300 AirCams
(…that’s 600 Rotax engines!)
Many of you know the story by now. AirCam was first developed to fly National Geographic photographers trying to document nature in Namibia. From what I can tell the entire country appears to be one enormous, dense jungle. Where ya gonna land?
Phil to the rescue.
LSA Update — Finland’s ATOL Avion… Ekolot Topaz Wins Another… Fresh SW-51 Video… New FAA Reg Update Video
Summer is fast approaching and for much of the northern hemisphere, that means seaplane flying. For all pilots, covid fear is dissipating and summer skies beckon.
In this LSA Update…
Learn about the return of Finland’s wood-and-composite LSA seaplane, now rebadged as Avion from new supplier Scandinavian Seaplanes (updated 6/15/21)
Check out another award for Ekolot’s handsome and deluxe Topaz
See a very fresh video of the impressive ScaleWings SW-51 in flight
Watch a video version of our recent FAA regulation update on Mosaic
As the globe slowly emerges from the dark cloud that was Covid, the light aviation industry is doing admirably to move forward with developments and improvements.
Come along for the read — check out these stories.
Atol is Back …with Avion
According to main man Anssi Rekula, “Finland is a true [paradise] of seaplane flying with 188,000 lakes, 45,000 miles of river and 4,000 miles of seafront.” That is surprisingly similar to the United States even though America is 29 times larger by area.
Flight Design Introduces CTLS GT with Rotax 914 Turbo Power
Recently I interacted with a reader, someone considering a light aircraft for purchase. He inquired about the ability of ultralights or Light-Sport Aircraft to cope with high density altitude. He raised valid and worthy points but showed a certain lack of knowledge about the capabilities of light aircraft. (We are working on a more detailed article on this subject.)
Here’s the simple response: light aircraft with modern (read: powerful and efficient) engines tend to perform admirably well in high elevations, higher heat, and high humidity. If you fly almost any of these aircraft in high density conditions you already know they perform sprightly.
In contrast, I logged hundreds of Cessna 150 hours from my days as a flight instructor, and — with a similar amount of power as most LSA but also quite a few more pounds — that aircraft definitely does not perform as energetically.
So, a higher power-to-weight ratio is good, but do limits exist?
Airborne at Last — Scalewings’ Intricate and Spectacular SW-51 Achieves First Flight
This flying dream has been years in the making. Admittedly, it’s a big project, but so authentic is this 70%-scale P-51 Mustang lookalike that I think I see you already starting to drool.
Don’t feel too conspicuous. It’s happening to me, too, along with nearly everyone else. [Article updated on 6/4/21 regarding price information; see below. —DJ]
Of the many thousands of airplane designs created since Orville and Wilbur made their first flight 118 years ago, North American’s muscular Mustang consistently ranks as the most-admired flying machine.
You probably can’t afford an original (or even the maintenance it takes to keep one flying) but you might be tempted by this fantastic carbon fiber vision from Euro developer, ScaleWings AeroGroup and its ultra-energetic designer, Hans Schoeller.
SW-51 Finally Flies!
On May 20th, 2021, SW-51 Mustang successfully performed its first flight at Mlada Boleslav airport (LKMB) in the Czech Republic.
ScaleWings reported, “Aircraft serial number #001 took off at 11:37 am into a light cloudy sky.” The all-important first flight went without problems.
Faster and Faster — Porto Aviation’s Risen Eclipses the 400 Kilometer per Hour Barrier
The appeal is obvious. What pilot doesn’t like the idea of flying faster? Even those of us who enjoy low-and-slow Part 103 ultralights remain intrigued by the idea of going fast, eating up the miles en route to a destination. [Article updated 5/31/21 with additional information. —DJ]
Since I first saw this aircraft when it was unveiled to the world at Aero 2015, I have kept my eye on Risen. It was clear this design was going places… literally.
I used a bit of English humor in the lead photo saying “Risen Shine,” meant to play off “Rise and shine,” a get-out-of-bed-and-get-to-work phrase common in the U.S. The truth is, you don’t pronounce it RYE-sen. Porto Aviation Group marketing man Stéphan D’haene clarified that they say REE-sen.
However you may say the name, Risen is one ripping-fast aircraft. Below you’ll read about its latest speed record but Americans may be interested to hear the first example is now tearing up the skies over Montana.
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