Turbo Evektor MAX
One of Czech Republic’s leading LSA makers, Evektor-Aerotechnic, has upped the ante with its Turbo-powered SportStar MAX, a lovely LSA that I flew with the standard powerplant recently and will have a report in Plane & Pilot coming up soon. *** The new muscle comes courtesy a turbocharged Rotax 914 UL, which takes the MAX way higher than sport pilots can legally fly: all the way up to 28,850 ft.! Can you say pressure suit? Climb rate, already pretty peppy, jumps to 1,320 ft/min, and of course it jumps off the ground a lot quicker too. *** Thinking about mountain flying in the U.S.: you could legally fly this wee beastie at 16,000 feet over the Rockies. Now there’s a thought. *** The first Turbo MAX went to a Canadian customer. I’ll hope to get an update hop at the Midwest Expo in 3 weeks. *** In a side note for our pilot friends of the Euro persuasion, the MAX just earned its EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency) Permit to Fly, which gives Europilots the right to fly the MAX with a PPL licence, at 600 kg MTOW and with non-commercial pilot training.