Strong Survive, Even Thrive in Another Slow Year
All other producers may be specialty or smaller manufacturers but they account for 258 aircraft – or one in seven LSA! – including some rising stars like Arion’s Lightning LS-1. photo courtesy Arion Aircraft
Accompanying this article is our customary chart showing market share of the entire fleet of LSA. I’ve received a few comments over recent months that we should emphasize current-period results. Market share for many products, computers, for example, are given as total market share (“Windows has 90% of the market.”). *** In truth, I have reported current-period results in the article text for the last few updates. We’ve collected all market reports to make reviewing them easier. Here’s a look-back with emphasis on results only for 2010. *** With 83% of the year (10 months) accounted for, Piper‘s legacy brand is convincingly leading the market. At 43 airplanes registered in 2010 (24% of all registrations), the Vero Beach, Florida company is rising rapidly. Note as always that these figures do not match actual sales activity at companies. *** Following Piper, CubCrafters is enjoying a strong year, said Jim Richmond at AOPA as his company added 37 LSA registrations (20% of all ’10 LSA). The company also has a Part 23 line and does service work on Cub-types, so the enterprise is surviving well in this downturn. *** No one should be surprised that Cessna added 29 Skycatchers (16%) to FAA’s registry (the source of all figures for this report). Other reports suggest Cessna should ship about 150 LSA for 2011, which will sharpen an already-close battle for second place. *** Looking at overall fleet share, American Legend, Czech Sport Aircraft (Piper), and CubCrafters are within a few aircraft of one another. Tecnam is within easy catch-up range, and Cessna will likely join this club in 2011. Remos may resurge and the Jabiru/Arion group is also tantalizingly close. All these brands trail perpetual market leader Flight Design by a wide margin. *** Back to 2010… industry stalwarts Flight Design and Tecnam are having OK years at 17 (9%) and 14 (8%) respectively registered in the first 10 months of the year. Next up is newer arrival, the Lightning with 9 (5%) new registrations, followed by American Legend at 6 and Paradise at 5 registered. *** Honorable mentions for registration activity in 2010 go to TL/SportairUSA for adding four new Sirius; Aerotrek with four new A-series LSA; Skykits with four Savannah, FPNA with three A-20 series models; and, 3Xtrim with a pair of Navigator 600s. *** At 182 registrations and projecting to a full year, I estimate 218 new registrations in 2010, down 4% from an also dreadfully slow 2009. After two years of waiting for greater certainty in the economy, several industry veterans believe buyers could unleash some pent-up demand in 2011.