iPhone Fever…and Light-Sport Aviation?
Apple’s new iPhone features UltraFlight Radio podcasts.
Unless you’ve been off-planet, you’ve surely seen ads or publicity for Apple’s iPhone, which goes on sale today. The ultra-cool device has many nifty features but one service it offers is podcasts, some of which are about aviation. *** A favorite of many ByDanJohnson.com readers is Roy Beisswenger’s UltraFlight Radio. Podcasts are offered by segment; this means each interview is available separately from the whole two-hour weekly Internet radio broadcast. These podcasts have become available free-of-charge on iTunes and they have long been archived on Roy’s UltraFlight Radio website. Roy reports that more shows are heard from archive than live (understandable for the convenience) but with the iTunes podcast listing, you can pick them up easily at your leisure. *** With today’s much-hyped introduction of the iPhone, you’ll be able to listen to his interviews of LSA leaders where ever you are. Roy’s topics range widely throughout sport aviation often including interviews of LSA producers.