I hope you can attend 2020’s Midwest LSA Expo — the last airshow in 2020. If you cannot attend, rest assured your trusty reporter will be onsite and gathering all the info on the coolest aircraft I can find.
What will be available? Well, if I am honest, we will have to see when we arrive to be certain. In these virus-impacted times, things have a lousy way of changing at the last minute, however…
Those who attend should see a few aircraft that few Americans have seen before. Here’s a quick take, not forgetting the statement about how arrivals can be altered beyond the wishes of any particular vendor.
Rare and/or New Aircraft
MC-01 by Montaer — We almost didn’t see it. Insurance has been getting harder to find and more costly. That’s true for all aircraft but the situation is especially challenging for a new design (even if it significantly resembles an earlier design). However, Gregg Ellsworth and AIR (Aviation Insurance Resources) came to the rescue so now importer Ed Ricks of Montaer USA has a good chance to get this all-new design to Midwest 2020.
When you look at the image of MC-01, some of us see the Paradise P1NG. No surprise, as the designer once worked with Paradise. While the new model bears a close resemblance to the earlier SLSA, that one has largely disappeared from the U.S. market, so Montaer is filling a void. Paradise, and now Montaer, have long offered a yoke control with a voluminous three-door cabin. It makes people think Cessna 150 but larger (and it performs substantially better). The first U.S. delivery will also have hand controls, a choice available to offer assistance to some pilots.
Merlin Lite by Aeromarine LSA — If you know Merlin, you should be asking, “…Lite?” Wasn’t it already light? Ah, that is Merlin PSA. This is Merlin Lite …and yes, it is lighter, if you can believe that. Proprietor Chip Erwin of Aeromarine LSA is one of those can’t-sit-still people and he’s taking his early success with Merlin PSA even further with a lighter-yet, lower-cost-yet model powered by the Polini Thor engine that tens of thousands of powered paragliders use. The good news is you don’t have to run this one off the ground.
I’ll have more on this, possibly before Midwest 2020 because this model is literally hot off the factory floor. Put this in perspective. Merlin PSA, also a single seater, is an all-metal, fully enclosed, well-equipped aircraft that you can assemble for around $35,000. Options and choice of engine can increase the base but it is easily one of the great bargains in aviation. A 60-horsepower four-stroke V-Twin engine will make the “bigger” Merlin soar into the sky, but just for fun, come see Merlin Lite at Midwest 2020.
SmithSilver by Tri-State Kite — Owner Mark Smith‘s enterprise is “the nation’s leading source of quality aftermarket parts for the complete line of the Quicksilver ultralight aircraft, and has been in business more than 33 years” he expressed. Mark has become a guru of the Quicksilver type, has made numerous components for them, and will have something called SmithSilver at Midwest 2020. I’m as curious as you and look forward to checking it out.
BTW, are you puzzled by Mark’s business name …specifically “Kites?” When hang gliders were a lot simpler than today’s sophisticated models, they were often called “kites,” a term that followed even earlier boat-towed rigs that literally had to be tethered like a kite. Even the first hang gliders were more than a mere kite but the name was quick and easy, and it stuck. Mark’s time in the business goes back far enough that his business name could reflect that …even if today it sounds a bit odd for an aircraft company.
Read for yourself Mark Smith’s history of design ideas for the Quicksilver aircraft.
Sparrow by Carlson — This oldie but goodie has not been seen for some time but thanks to the people behind the MiniMax series of affordable aircraft, the Sparrow is returning to the market. Lots of readers remember this once-popular model. Following the death of Ernie Carlson a few years back, the brand fell out of sight for most buyers even though Ernie’s wife, Mary, kept the business running.
Now with help from David Cooper of Team MiniMax (and some partners), the single place Carlson Sparrow will be returning to the market, with plans for the two-place in their mind but still on a back burner. This project is still new but come to Midwest 2020 and ask questions.
F2 by Flight Design — I have reported this impressive new top-end Special LSA before but for most Americans, this will be their first viewing. I saw it in Aero 2019 but it had not flown then. It’s all wrung out and approved now and I look forward to a flight in the bigger, better model.
After Midwest 2020, F2 will go home with Tom and Tom Gutmann of Airtime Aviation, the world’s largest dealer/distributor for Flight Design aircraft. As winter follows in a few months, Airtime’s base in Oklahoma makes sense versus Flight Design USA in Connecticut. This is the first F2 in America so they’re sharing the treasure.
Vashon Ranger — While it’s not brand new, Ranger R7 is new enough that many LSA enthusiasts have yet to see one and Vashon Aircraft has never displayed at Midwest before. The brand has done respectably well as our industry reports, as seen on Tableau Public, demonstrate.
After their first deliveries in 2017, Washington-based Vashon has grown rapidly, thanks to a familiar construction at a good price (starts just below $100,000 fully built and reasonably well equipped). Through the first half of 2020, the company had already almost matched all of 2019, so despite the virus, more Rangers are taking to the sky. You should check this one out in person, but I’ll be angling for a flight in the new design so we expect to report more and capture video.
SD-1 (kit) By SD Planes —Readers of this website like affordable aircraft and the SD Planes single place kit is surely a great value in light aircraft. Construction is significantly wood. If you don’t already know, building from wood is achievable by most, much less challenging that kits that involve welding or composite work.
Check this video for more about building the airplane and for a look at the two seat model from the same designer. SD-1 is a modest project, not only from the build effort but you can keep the base price below $20,000, an amount the importer said includes the engine.
If you simply can’t see yourself building a single seater — no matter how much fun it might be — U.S. rep John Vining has the SD-2 Sportmaster. Both share the same ease of construction.
VL3 by JMB Aircraft — This spring, we had a contest going on between three speedy European aircraft: Sweden’s striking Blackwing, Switzerland’s super-sleek Risen, and JMB Aircraft‘s VL3. Of these, only one will be at Midwest 2020: VL3.
You already know this airplane under the marketing name Gobosh. It was sold as a fixed gear, fixed pitch prop Special LSA. In Europe, where no speed limit applies to what they then and still call “microlights” or European ultralights, companies like those mentioned above seek the highest speed they can achieve. All use the Rotax engine, so it becomes about airframe smoothness, wing efficiency, and getting as lean as possible, hence retractable gear.
For now in the U.S., such aircraft must be built as kits but in 2023, such models will become LSA (or maybe Light Personal Aircraft, depending on what FAA eventually decides about a possible new category).
Fusion 212 by Magnus — Did you wonder if this handsome aircraft disappeared? That’s understandable because we haven’t seen it for a short time (and, of course, not this unusual year).
I did a flight in Fusion and you can check it out in this video. What could be better? You could attend Midwest 2020 and fly it yourself. At minimum, you can talk to the representatives, ask questions, and closely examine the all-composite aircraft built in Hungary but represented by Magnus USA.
This list is not inclusive of all players but you can check the Midwest 2020 program to see all expected exhibitors.
Who Won’t Be Present?
I understand a few cannot be present and while I certainly respect their decision not to take chances, well… darn it! I’ll miss these folks.
Rob Rollison the proprietor of the very successful Aerotrek line has elected not to go. He cited concerns about the virus and how that can affect a show that is already modestly attended. Such things matter to vendors swayed by high traffic at shows like Sun ‘n Fun or Oshkosh, but an individual pilot actually benefits from a smaller number of attendees.
Although the company appears on the site layout, apparently Rans has elected not to attend after many years of doing so. This is just that kind of year, I guess.
Two other aircraft are not quite ready yet. These include two entries from Deon Lombard‘s Aeropilot USA distributorship. He is expecting the first M-8 Eagle, rebadged as L600 Eagle to provide continuity for the earlier Aeropilot Legend/L600 Deon formerly represented (he still owns the dealership for several more months but will then switch to the L600 Eagle; I will report more on that later). In addition, Deon is bringing in from South Africa the sleek composite RV-like Whisper kit-built aircraft. Perhaps at DeLand in January or certainly by Sun ‘n Fun 2021, both aircraft should be available for your inspection.
Deon will have the InnovAviation FX1 we saw at Midwest 2019 (here’s our video on that model). He’ll also have a very special opportunity for one buyer of the same aircraft I flew. Come and see for yourself.
However, while we regret missing a couple regulars, I’m pleased those who show should (fingers crossed) have plenty to look at and I expect to make several reports from the event — the last of the year since DeLand Showcase has pushed into 2021 (January 28-29-30).
Travel safely and I hope to see you in Mt. Vernon!
To help you psych’ up for Midwest 2020, here’s a few videos assembled by Videoman Dave. He’s putting up lots before this event — go to his YouTube channel to see many more.
Hi Dan,
The article above shows a beautiful light grey low wing aircraft with open canopy.
Cannot find in this article what it is called.
In the market to buy an SLSA.
Thx for your great work,
Presuming you meant the light gray low wing in flight, that is the JMB VL3 (see here). If you meant the other low wing, that is the Whisper.
Where is it located ?
Ron: Midwest LSA Expo is in Mt. Vernon, Illinois about one hour’s drive east of St. Louis. Check their website for more (link in article).