Probably like a lot of you, I enjoy different kinds of flying but if asked to state one favorite, it’s an easy question to answer. I’m a great enthusiast of soaring flight. Over decades of sampling a large number of aircraft of every description, I’m still drawn to a machine, which lacking any kind of powerplant, relies on the performance of the design and the skill of the pilot to stay aloft. I remain fascinated with locating rising columns of heated air. Circle well enough into one of these invisible thermals and you may be rewarded with an invigorating sensation of lift, of riding the swirling airmass thousands of feet into the air …silently. It’s mesmerizing to observe the ground fall away as you are propelled higher and higher. You may never have felt such thing and you may be hesitant about launching into the air in an aircraft that will allow only one approach and landing per flight; no exceptions.
Let’s Get High… Really High, OK? Exploring the “Upper Atmosphere” in a Pipistrel Motorglider
Riding the Wave
Some years back I flew with Pipistrel dealer, Robert Mudd, to more than 17,000 feet. Conditions would have allowed us to soar even higher but at Flight Level 180, you enter Class A airspace and we were not prepared for that. Lift was abundant, though, so we had to go find sinking air to stay out of controlled space.Knowing about waves can help you better negotiate mountain flying.
- Wingspan — 49 feet, 1.5 inches
- Wing Area — 132 square feet
- Length — 24 feet, 1 inch
- Height — 6 feet
- Maximum Takeoff Weight — 1,213 pounds
- Standard Empty Weight — 644 pounds (typical weight 661 pounds)
- Useful Load — 569 pounds
- Payload (with full fuel) — 471 pounds
- Stall Speed (best flaps) — 35 knots
- Maneuvering Speed — 76 knots
- Maximum Rate of Climb — 1,063 feet per minutes at 62 knots
- Minimum Sink Rate (a key soaring term) — 217 feet per minute
- Takeoff Ground Roll — 433 feet
- Glide Ratio — 27:1
- Power Cruise — 110 to 115 knot with 80 horsepower Rotax 912
- Fuel Capacity — 15.9 gallons
- Fuel in optional long-range tanks — 24. 6 gallons
- Fuel Consumption — 3.1 gallons per hour at 110 knots
- Configuration — Available in tail dragger or nosewheel
- Endurance — up to 7.5 hours
- Maximum Range — 850 nautical miles
- Propeller — Feathering propeller option (approved for LSA motorgliders)
- Cockpit Width — 44 inches
- Baggage — 55 pounds capacity with external access option