While the Continental O-200 engine — used in several Light-Sport Aircraft — attains Chinese ownership, Lycoming appears to be making a stronger push to enlist LSA manufacturers. *** One example at Aero 2011 was the upgraded Tecnam Eaglet, which airshow visitors could compare with either Rotax or Lycoming O-233 power. The appearance difference was significant and may test the market for preference for the European Rotax engine that powers 75% or so of all LSA versus the standard bearer Lycoming that has hauled generations of Americans through the skies. *** A major difference is the air-cooled Lycoming versus the liquid-cooled Rotax. Those big fins to cool the Lyc’ demand what one Tecnam rep’ called “power bulges.” The effect on the nose cowl surrounding the engine is dramatic and I’ll bet pilots like one or the other better… which is exactly the point. Tecnam will continue building both so you can — as Burger King puts it — “have it your way.” *** The company has also upgraded the interior of the Eaglet, launched at Sebring 2009, with a highly finished interior complete with new interior door treatments (photo).