News from Sebring Expo 2017… “We had a lot of interest in Elf,” said Don Reece, the man behind Apogee A.C.E., the Florida dealer for Ekolot. Indeed, though even smaller and tucked behind Ekolot’s better known Topaz, Elf caught the attention of Videoman Dave and I as we scoured the Sebring exhibit grounds looking to shoot video of any aircraft or development of interest. We get to do this at many shows so catching our attention means something. (Watch for an upcoming video on Elf after editing is complete.) Ekolot Elf — It looks small and is physically smaller because Elf seats comfortably (but narrowly) a single occupant. It read “Light-Sport” on the outside but it has not completed the proof of compliance as of Sebring 2017. However, that’s the plan after an FAA regional office told importer Krzysztof “Kris” Siuba that Elf was too fast for Part 103 and any attempt to remedy that would be fruitless so it could not qualify for FAA’s simplest, least regulated category.
Legend Cub Continues to (Slowly) Tear Up the Skies
At last fall’s inaugural DeLand Showcase event, I got a chance to fly Legend Cub on their own Legend Floats. I’ve interviewed Legend folks about this model, but flying one was still on my to-do list. American Legend Aircraft Company was one of the very first in the Light-Sport Aircraft business and they’ve now fleshed out their product line of pretty yellow taildraggers… though, of course, they don’t have to be painted yellow even if almost everyone orders them this way. I guess it’s a vintage look thing, but I’m here to tell you these Cubalikes are nothing like your granddad’s Piper Cub (thank goodness, as Legend has made many desirable improvements). One of the biggest changes is the wide variety of engines this company has offered. They started with the Continental Motors‘ venerable 100-horsepower O-200, added the 120-horsepower Jabiru 3300 six cylinder model, then tapped the 115-horsepower Lycoming O-233, and now Legend offers the mighty 180-horsepower Titan, offered these days by Continental following their acquisition of ECi of Texas.
Vickers’ Wave Is Gearing Up Quickly for 2017
With that in mind, are you ready for one that might out-WOW the A5? You cannot ride a Wave today, but 2017 may be the breakout year for this impressively-configured LSA seaplane entry from the other down-under country of New Zealand.
Indeed, principal, Paul Vickers -- the namesake of Vickers Aircraft -- wrote at the end of 2016, "Great strides have been made in the past months here at Vickers. We may have appeared quiet but we have been very busy preparing for 2017, which will prove to be an incredible year."
See an earlier article on the company and read about Wave's use of the Titan engine.
Any company making a product as advanced as A5 or Wave (or Lisa or MVP) requires two ingredients never in sufficient supply, it seems: time and money. Reams have been written about Icon's ambitious fund raising and the other developing LSA seaplanes just referenced have also been active in the finance arena. Vickers was working hard at this 18 months ago, but found solid financial support a while back. This allows them the ability to concentrate all their energies on finalizing the aircraft.
Paul confirmed this impression when he wrote, "We have secured funding from the USA that will allow us to expand our operations." He continued, "New machinery for carbon fiber part production and larger premises will streamline our processes." He noted that additional staff was hired to fill key roles to ensure smooth production and timely deliveries.
"I traveled to various U.S. states in 2016 to personally meet with potential investors and found the ideal partner in Florida," said Paul. "Our new partner brings not only a vast wealth of aviation knowledge but incredible American business experience which will ensure a strong and responsible Vickers brand in the USA."
You are reading it first here that Vickers recently moved into what they call their "Stage 1 production facility," located at Hamilton Airport, New Zealand. This first stage of three will enable Vickers to produce 30-40 aircraft per year, according to Paul.
"In this new temperature controlled environment production carbon fiber parts are being prepared in accordance with manufacturing procedures that have been finely tuned over years of development," he explained. "It has always been of extreme importance to maintain control, quality, and cost over all components for the Wave. This has allowed for a modest investment and will result in an actual aircraft that will be both deliverable and affordable provided by an aircraft company that is sustainable."
"We have been developing the processes to produce conforming production components and we are very close to beginning structural testing on production sub-assemblies such as the wing carry thru and rear empennage." Nearby you see a recently infused carbon fiber mold insert just prior to trimming and finishing.
TenCate Advanced Composites USA has joined Vickers as a strategic partner to supply carbon fiber materials for Wave. "TenCate is pleased to support Vickers Aircraft with carbon fiber epoxy prepreg and ancillary composite materials for the development and production of their Light-Sport Aircraft," said David Clarke, CEO of TenCate. "We look forward to their successful introduction of this unique aircraft platform."
"Working with TenCate's superior products will enable us to produce an aircraft which will be of the highest quality yet help keep weight within LSA specifications," noted Paul. "TenCate is a leader in the aerospace composite industry and having them work with us to bring our aircraft to market will help make Wave exceptional."
"We have now acquired a critical part of our production process, a Zund carbon fiber cutting center," said Paul. The Zund cutting machine can cut carbon fiber at an astonishing three feet per second, ink mark part numbers and bar codes to integrate individual pieces of carbon fiber into our inventory system to ensure full traceability and correct placement during laminating." He added that the Zund cutter has the capacity to produce parts for more than 100 aircraft per year.
"We looked globally at other industry leaders and concluded that Zund was a stand out within composite manufacturing companies," reported Darryn Todd, VP of Composites for Vickers.
Along with the fresh funding Vickers has also appointed the American distributor for Wave. "We are very pleased to have such strong support from the USA," exclaimed Paul. "We are equally excited to have appointed a U.S. distributor in Florida, the ideal location for Vickers Aircraft USA."
Changes have been made to the Vickers Aircraft website and it now conforms to all screens including mobile and tablets.
Pilots not closely following Light-Sport aviation can be excused for thinking only one LSA seaplane is available. Established LSA companies like Progressive Aerodyne and their Searey or Scoda’s Super Petrel or Airmax’s SeaMax or any number of aircraft to which floats have been fitted may be somewhat baffled by the outsized attention Icon Aircraft’s long-delayed A5 receives from aviation and non-aviation media. On the other hand, most leaders of these companies do admit that Icon’s media juggernaut also brings attention to LSA seaplanes in general. With that in mind, are you ready for one that might out-WOW the A5? You cannot ride a Wave today, but 2017 may be the breakout year for this impressively-configured LSA seaplane entry from the other down-under country of New Zealand. Indeed, principal, Paul Vickers — the namesake of Vickers Aircraft — wrote at the end of 2016, “Great strides have been made in the past months here at Vickers.
Duc Hélices’ New Factory Hosts Engineer Students
In my experience, pilot love learning about engines. Yet without a prop, that engine may run fine, but nothing happens to the airplane other than converting a tank of fuel into noise. To get up and go, you gotta have a prop. How about a beautiful composite one? DUC Hélices New Factory — French propeller manufacturer DUC Hélices moved its facility late in 2016, relocating from Lentilly to Frontenas on the Villefranche-Tarare Airfield. Last year marked a turning point in the evolution of DUC Propellers, the company said. A relocation project was launched in April 2016 with the primary goal to move the company to the Villefranche-Tarare aerodrome to be at the heart of its business. “This move will allow [us] to expand our premises and modernize further. The move started in November of 2016 and an inauguration or grand opening will be completed by spring 2017.” Shortly after the big move, DUC was pleased to welcome engineering students from Centrale Lyon Engineering School the new site at the Villefranche-Tarare Airfield (LFHV) for a presentation of the facilities and DUC’s design and manufacturing activities (nearby photo).
Guardian Adds More Cockpit Power for iPad Users
If you own an iPad, iPhone, or its Android equivalents -- wait a minute, have we any pilots who don't own one or more of these handy gizmos? Well, if you're among the many, you need power for your favorite handheld tool. When I fly commercial and I'm in the gate house waiting for my flight, I appear to be like everyone else... looking for a free outlet to juice up my devices.
Guardian Power Port — The Tucson, Arizona company introduced a new and simple USB power upgrade option for aircraft owners who have an old 12 volt cigarette lighter socket in their current panel. Guardian's Power 250-101R Dual 2.1 Amp USB Power Supply with a 0.9" diameter round faceplate is designed to fit a standard round cigarette lighter socket opening in the instrument panel.
"Since USB has become a popular standard for powering smartphones and tablets, pilots in certified aircraft have been required to use bulky adapters for their existing 12 volt lighter socket to gain a usable USB port," explained Guardian. "The new round USB unit perfectly replaces the lighter socket and adds a clean dual USB port that sits flush with the panel converting any aircraft power source from 9 VDC to 48 VDC down to an output of 5 VDC at 2.1 Amp per USB port. Only two countersunk screws need to be added to mount the new unit and the power supply can be wired to aircraft power through a 2 Amp circuit breaker in place of the existing circuit breaker for the 12 volt lighter socket."
This round dual USB unit, along with all USB models offered by Guardian, is listed as part of FAA's "Non-Required Safety Enhancing Equipment" (NORSEE) letter of authorization issued to Guardian Avionics. This means the unit may be installed by an A&P/IA with only a minor alteration logbook entry in any Part 23, 27, or 29 certified aircraft/rotorcraft. No time consuming and costly STC or Form 337 required.
"There are tens of thousands of certified General Aviation currently flying in the United States with a factory installed cigarette lighter in their panel," noted Ash Vij, President of Guardian Avionics. "More and more of the pilots flying those aircraft are using tablets and phones with apps for navigation and they need reliable and safe USB power to power them in flight. Our simple, affordable, and attractive replacement is a fantastic upgrade for any aircraft owner."
See Guardian Avionics at Sebring Expo 2017 in exhibit space NC107.
If you own an iPad, iPhone, or its Android equivalents — wait a minute, have we any pilots who don’t own one or more of these handy gizmos? Well, if you’re among the many, you need power for your favorite handheld tool. When I fly commercial and I’m in the gate house waiting for my flight, I appear to be like everyone else… looking for a free outlet to juice up my devices. Now, your cockpit does not have to be one of those places of searching. Thanks to Guardian Avionics, you can recharge in flight in your GA airplane that was manufactured with a cigar lighter outlet. Guardian Power Port — The Tucson, Arizona company introduced a new and simple USB power upgrade option for aircraft owners who have an old 12 volt cigarette lighter socket in their current panel. Guardian’s Power 250-101R Dual 2.1 Amp USB Power Supply with a 0.9″ diameter round faceplate is designed to fit a standard round cigarette lighter socket opening in the instrument panel.
California Power System Announces Rotax Classes
Rotax Maintenance Classes — If you are a professional or wanna-be pro in the maintenance or overhaul of Rotax engines, you must take factory-approved training. You have choices in such training by recently California Power Systems announced a series of classes. • Rotax 2-Stroke Service Course is for technicians wanting to rebuild or maintain all water-cooled and air-cooled 2-stroke Rotax aircraft engines. Learn to perform a complete engine rebuild with failure analysis and a focus on preventative maintenance. —March 6-7, 2017. • Rotax 912 / 914 Service Class is for technicians wanting to service 912-series engines or owners wanting to do their own scheduled maintenance. This course will give any FAA A&P or LSA Repairman certificate holder the credentials to perform all scheduled maintenance and level #1 troubleshooting procedures. —March 8-9, 2017. • Other classes include: a 912 / 914 Maintenance Class for technicians wanting to perform more in depth maintenance tasks.
What Effect Will “BasicMed” Have on Light-Sport?
Tecnam's handsome Astore helped celebrate the company's 65th anniversary in business.
The number of inquiries or comments I have received compels me to speak to this subject. Several readers or viewers asked variations on this question, "Will this have an adverse effect on Light-Sport Aircraft?" I'll offer my response and then add some other comments.
Aviation medical reform is nearly complete (BasicMed becomes effective May 1st). Many pilots may be waiting to qualify. Most need only to fulfill the requirement for an online evaluation every two years (free from AOPA) plus needing to see a doctor every four. If they did not earn a third class medical in the last 10 years, they must get that out of the way first. This is potentially a big problem as many let their medical lapse for various reasons.
The good news: Light-Sport Aircraft or Sport Pilot-eligible kit aircraft trigger no such requirement.
The Airplane Factory's Sling is available as a two-seat LSA or a 4-seat kit.
However, the appeal remains strong for a new LSA at an affordable price or a used LSA at a reduced cost. These roomy, up-to-date aircraft commonly have modern fuel-efficient engines, highly sophisticated equipment including glass panels, and feature low operating costs with performance to match many GA airplanes, albeit with two seats. Light kit aircraft offer broad customization at modest expense. All can be flown with no medical proof other than a valid driver's license.
When the rule change was first proposed five years ago, LSA sales took a nose dive. That body blow to a young industry segment has long since been absorbed and pilots who want a late-model aircraft have been choosing from dozens of models that are now well-established in the market and boast good safety records.
Contrary to some naysayers, LSA has been a global success. Today, LSA and LSA-like aircraft represent well over 60,000 units worldwide with annual sales around 3,000 new units. That last figure is about triple the number of new Type Certified aircraft delivered annually, according to recent reports. Find more details on LSA around the world in this article.
Remos debuted their slick new GXiS model at AirVenture 2016.
"The 'hoops' put in by the FAA make [achieving BasicMed] anything but simple," he added. "There are still checks, there are still evaluations that make this far more complex than the LSA medical we currently have."
Eric summarized noting that, given those fresh "hoops," LSA will not lose its appeal due to the medical changes for pilots.
"After reviewing the new requirements, the so-called relaxing of the medical for pilots, I am rather surprised at the pundits' responses," elaborated Eric. "This is not at all the same as the LSA rule. Indeed this is in some ways worse than what they have at the moment, in my opinion. You now have people who have to go to a doctor who will be unsure of what is really required and perhaps reluctant to sign off on a certificate that they know so little about."
Eric suggested asking yourself these questions: "Will doctors unfamiliar with aviation be willing to sign off for aviation medicals? Will they be willing to take on the responsibility for this in light of the legal response, if it should occur (as it no doubt will) that a pilot has a medical issue while flying after seeing a regular doctor? I think that the positive thoughts expressed today by some might change when we recheck this in a few years. Time will tell."
"The LSA rule is far better," Eric concluded. "People should be made aware of this."
Are excited general aviation pilots kidding themselves about BasicMed? At least one prominent light aviation expert thinks so and judging from comments I’ve received, I am inclined to say this is much more common than some want to believe. The number of inquiries or comments I have received compels me to speak to this subject. Several readers or viewers asked variations on this question, “Will this have an adverse effect on Light-Sport Aircraft?” I’ll offer my response and then add some other comments. Aviation medical reform is nearly complete (BasicMed becomes effective May 1st). Many pilots may be waiting to qualify. Most need only to fulfill the requirement for an online evaluation every two years (free from AOPA) plus needing to see a doctor every four. If they did not earn a third class medical in the last 10 years, they must get that out of the way first. This is potentially a big problem as many let their medical lapse for various reasons.
Levil Aviation Makes iLevil 3 Do Even More
One company deserves to be in the focus of those returning pilots as well as the legions of current recreational or sport pilots (...that is, those of you who haven't been sweating the medical requirement because you have been flying your LSA and light Sport Pilot-eligible kits). I refer to a company that is a neighbor of mine here in Florida: Levil Aviation.
Levil makes those little boxes that are capable of making your iPad much more useful. Without Levil, these screens do some great work, no doubt. Yet they can do much more! Now, Levil Aviation has a new-and-improved iLevil 3 that I want to describe for you.
iLevil 3 boasts all the same features of units past (dual band ADS-B, WAAS GPS, AHRS*) and adds the following — an ability to accept a standard SD memory card which will record and save all of your flight information. This information can then be transferred into an Excel spreadsheet to present a clear picture of your flight (position, airspeed, altitude, attitude, and more).
The central Florida company sees this recording feature becoming a useful tool in this industry, for example, in a flight school environment to recreate a training flight in a safe, calm environment. Or, those doing flight testing in a new aircraft can now have access to valuable information with minimal effort and costs.
Levil Aviation marketing man Larry Rivera added, "Available on the iLevil3 AW model (the bolted-on unit; see photo, lower right) is a new optional GPS source meets the position source performance requirements for ADS-B out in the experimental aircraft market (according to FAA regulation 91.227)." Further the newest AW model can communicate with currently installed transponders (mode-S), to activate extended squitter, meeting the 2020 ADS-B mandate on experimental and Light-Sport. Levil recommends using one of Trig Avionics' transponders for this capability.
Levil general manager Ananda Leon said, "We always strive to enhance our current products by looking for ways to add functionality and usefulness to the instruments we manufacture. As a company that is owned and operated by pilots for pilots, we try to add features that we feel would make the overall flying experience safer, informative, and fun."
Levil Aviation was the first to manufacture a standalone AHRS* unit for iPad, eventually developing and introducing the iLevil all-in-one avionics products for iOS and Android leading to the release of the iLevil 3.
*AHRS is an abbreviation for "attitude and heading reference system" using sensors for three axes to provide attitude information including roll, pitch and yaw.
In the new world of BasicMed — got that shortened phrase in your vocabulary yet? — more pilots seem likely to return to the air. While some worry about what this means for sales of Light-Sport Aircraft and light kits that can be flown without a medical, I’m not worried. In fact, more pilots returning to the skies means more prospects for LSA airframe manufacturers and sellers, including pilots selling a LSA they already own. Welcome back to blue skies, aviators! One company deserves to be in the focus of those returning pilots as well as the legions of current recreational or sport pilots (…that is, those of you who haven’t been sweating the medical requirement because you have been flying your LSA and light Sport Pilot-eligible kits). I refer to a company that is a neighbor of mine here in Florida: Levil Aviation. Levil makes those little boxes that are capable of making your iPad much more useful.
Paul Poberezny’s Home Like You’ve Never Seen It
Usually the aerial views you see are of the jam-packed area to the north with giant military airplanes, bizjets, and innumerable groupings of all manner of aircraft from spam cans to homebuilts and everything in between.
Those of us who love light (lightest) aviation are drawn to the ultralight area... "down on the farm" ...the area now cleverly named "Fun Fly Zone." If you fly the weirdly shaped pattern of the ultralight area, you have almost certainly seen EAA founder Paul Poberezny's house with a view that might look something like the one above (courtesy Google Earth)."Pope Paul" died August 22, 2013 at the age of 91 after a amazing career spanning more than 70 years of flying and building arguably the most interesting member organization in aviation.
Back in 2004 and 2005, when I consulted EAA about the then-new Sport Pilot / Light-Sport Aircraft initiative, I visited Paul at his final home. I was focused on my talk with the man but he showed me around his mini-museum on the premises. That was a too-brief but highly personal glimpse of aviation history as captured by Paul.
Aircraft Spruce & Specialty announced, "[We have] purchased the former home of Paul and Audrey Poberezny in Oshkosh and will make the home available to the EAA for tours and special events." The original stone farmhouse is over 100 years old.
"This home hosted many of aviation's leaders and icons. [It houses] countless aviation artifacts and photos representing the relationships and events that shaped Paul's remarkable life ... providing insight into the lifetime passion and vision of one of aviation's greatest leaders," added Aircraft Spruce.
"Contact EAA for details on visiting the Poberezny home beginning in the summer of 2017," advised Aircraft Spruce. Cool! I'll bet many will take them up on this opportunity. Thanks to Aircraft Spruce for preserving this aspect of American aviation history!
Have you ever flown the ultralight area pattern at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh? Quite a few readers of have done so or have at least seen their buddy’s photo or video while flying above the world’s most famous airshow. Usually the aerial views you see are of the jam-packed area to the north with giant military airplanes, bizjets, and innumerable groupings of all manner of aircraft from spam cans to homebuilts and everything in between. Those of us who love light (lightest) aviation are drawn to the ultralight area… “down on the farm” …the area now cleverly named “Fun Fly Zone.” If you fly the weirdly shaped pattern of the ultralight area, you have almost certainly seen EAA founder Paul Poberezny‘s house with a view that might look something like the one above (courtesy Google Earth). “Pope Paul” died August 22, 2013 at the age of 91 after a amazing career spanning more than 70 years of flying and building arguably the most interesting member organization in aviation.
What Are Pilots’ “Most Important Issues?”
Update 12/6/16 — According to AOPA Online, "The Federal Aviation Administration has reviewed the AOPA Air Safety Institute's aeromedical online course and confirmed that it meets the third class medical reform requirements that Congress created last summer. Pilots would need to complete the course, which AOPA will offer for free, every two years in addition to seeing their personal physician every four years to operate under the law.
These steps are NOT required for anyone flying a LSA or Sport Pilot-eligible kit aircraft.—DJ
What issues are "most important" to general aviation pilots for 2017? Are "general aviation" pilots different than those of you who read The second question can only be answered by each of you, independently.
My guess is that while you might consider yourself a GA pilot, you might also — or distinctively — consider yourself a "recreational" or "sport" pilot. Whatever label you prefer, I found the following chart of interest. The question was posed in an earlier edition of Aviation eBrief and after some compilation they released the results. I don't know the current count of eBrief readers but it was once something like 65,000. Neither do I know, nor do they state, how many responses were used to compile these stats. My guess is that it was a large enough sample to be valid.
Here's the Shock Cub (Outback Shock in America) offered by SportairUSA . Its price is far below the well-selling CarbonCub and a fraction of any new GA model.
AOPA reported, "Medical reforms have been passed by the House and Senate, and signed into law." This action occurred on July 15th, 2016, even before last summer's Oshkosh. The survey was done since that time.
So, still the biggest single issue is "Third class medical reform?" Hmm, seems odd to me but I found it on the Internet so it must be true.
The number two issue — hot on the heels of the number one issue — was the "Cost of flying." It was not defined what cost this meant. Perhaps it was the overall cost. Or cost of operation. Or both. Likely, this was somewhat in the eye of the beholder.
Conclude what you will but I found it fascinating that the medical and the cost of flying comprised two-thirds of the pilots responding. The values sum to 100% so you were permitted one answer.
The sleek and highly refined BRM Aero Bristell is a handsome, superb-flying choice, a model in perhaps its fifth generation of evolution.
Sure, I know some LSA are priced beyond what many pilots can afford. Yet lower cost options abound, with prices well below $100,000 and a few selections closer to $50,000 and even that is for fully-built, ready-to-fly aircraft. What about kits, some of which can get airborne for $30,000. If you accept alternatives like trikes, powered parachutes, or gyros, the "cost of flying" can be held quite low. At even lower cost are ultralights, some below $20,000, less than the average price of a new car.
I have to wonder what these two-thirds of respondents are saying. Keep your aircraft choice under 1,320 pounds and you address both top issues. Do you get it? I don't.
If you don't receive Aviation eBrief and if you want it, you can sign up here. It is free. All of it may be of interest but it tends to focus on general aviation (i.e., certified aircraft) and only occasionally delves into recreational aviation or Light-Sport Aircraft.
Update 12/6/16 — According to AOPA Online, “The Federal Aviation Administration has reviewed the AOPA Air Safety Institute’s aeromedical online course and confirmed that it meets the third class medical reform requirements that Congress created last summer. Pilots would need to complete the course, which AOPA will offer for free, every two years in addition to seeing their personal physician every four years to operate under the law. These steps are NOT required for anyone flying a LSA or Sport Pilot-eligible kit aircraft.—DJ What issues are “most important” to general aviation pilots for 2017? Are “general aviation” pilots different than those of you who read The second question can only be answered by each of you, independently. My guess is that while you might consider yourself a GA pilot, you might also — or distinctively — consider yourself a “recreational” or “sport” pilot. Whatever label you prefer, I found the following chart of interest.
Sky Writing 2.0 — Flight Tracks in the Sky
Christian Majunke (R), CTO of REMOS, hands over the keys for GXNXT serial number 448 to Yeng Cheng and Prof. Dr. Juergen Pannicke from German Light Aircraft, the Remos dealer for China and Taiwan. This aircraft will be shipped to a customer in Taiwan.
The slow script building of the letters captivates the attention from tens of thousands on the ground; of course, many are pilots who are compelled by their interest to watch any airplane gyrations. I also enjoy these aerial penmanship exercises. However, in the 21st Century and with the looming 10th anniversary of the iPhone, perhaps it's about time aviation caught up to the tech wave.
In this story two Light-Sport Aircraft went aloft for a whole different sort of sky writing, call it Sky Writing 2.0. In this exercise the scale is vastly larger and the challenge is perhaps greater as the letters cannot be seen, not from the air or on the ground or by the pilot. However, they can be seen on the GPS track displayed on various devices. Websites and apps come into play, in this case FlightRadar24.
On Monday, December, 12th, Remos engineers Paul Foltz and Christian Majunke took off for a special holiday flight from Pasewalk, Germnany,, headquarters of Remos. They "wrote" the words "Merry Xmas" on FlightRadar's map while flying over Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in a Remos GXiS.
In announcing this aerial ballet, Remos said, "2016 was a very exciting year for the entire Remos team. In April we introduced the new Remos GXiS at Aero Friedrichshafen, and in summer we brought our new airplane to the EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh."
I had a chance to fly this bird with an old friend Patrick Holland-Moritz, now involved with marketing for Remos. GXiS a beauty. Read about that flight here.
"[Since then] we flew many hours without any issues," reported Remos. "We expect the certification both as German Ultralight Aircraft and U.S. SLSA very soon and are good on track for the European certification as LSA."
As the German company looks forward to a fresh year year with new ideas and projects, they added, "We would like to thank all our customers and partners for their support. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy new year."
I don't know if the British pilot saw the work of the Remos pilots but I could not resist this double story.
As CNN reported, Ben Davis, a recreational pilot from Buckingham, England accepted a challenge of delivering an aerial message to the screen in your hand, laptop, or on your desk.
Ben took his Evektor EV97 (similar to the Sportstar though clearly an earlier model) on a cross country flight but he flew in straight lines only part of the time. His goal wasn't to get somewhere, but to spell "Happy NY" on Flightradar24 as that website tracks flights all around the globe.
"Flying enthusiasts also use the website to log their [non-commercial] flights," wrote CNN reporter Alex Leininger. The message he was able to spell by his flight path can be seen on a map accompanying the flight details (nearby photo).
UK pilot Ben Davis tweeted, "Here's a ... Happy [New Year] to you all." He reported flying 215 miles taking two hours and 23 minutes. "Cheers," Ben said!
Ben reported his "sky writing" trip took two hours and 23 minutes and covered 215 miles between the towns of Royal Leamington Spa and Milton Keynes.
"It's my first-ever attempt and I'm pleased with it," Ben said. "If I'd made a mistake when almost done, I'd have had to scrap it and start over."
In the USA, Evektor is represented by Dreams Come True.
Almost every year at AirVenture Oshkosh, some pilot or team of pilots performs some sky writing, that is, trailing smoke while flying precisely enough that you can read what they are writing from the ground. The slow script building of the letters captivates the attention from tens of thousands on the ground; of course, many are pilots who are compelled by their interest to watch any airplane gyrations. I also enjoy these aerial penmanship exercises. However, in the 21st Century and with the looming 10th anniversary of the iPhone, perhaps it’s about time aviation caught up to the tech wave. In this story two Light-Sport Aircraft went aloft for a whole different sort of sky writing, call it Sky Writing 2.0. In this exercise the scale is vastly larger and the challenge is perhaps greater as the letters cannot be seen, not from the air or on the ground or by the pilot.
Aeropilot Legend 600 Is Newest Special LSA (#143)
Doesn’t the newest SLSA resemble an aircraft you know? Can you place it? Welcome Aeropilot Legend 600 imported by U.S. representative Aeropilot USA, which received a Special LSA Airworthiness Certificate from FAA on September 21st, 2016. After a bit of delay, we’ve now added Legend 600 to our 143-aircraft-long SLSA List. Deon Lombard is the American rep. He comes from an aviation family following Anton Lombard, a World War II pilot who founded Safair Freighters in South Africa. They report this was the nation’s first air cargo service and is now the largest air cargo company in the country. An aviation engineer by training, Deon created a flight school in South Africa and now runs Fly Light Sport California in Fullerton. First introduced in Europe at the 2011 Aero Friedrichshafen show, the Czech-based manufacturer said, “Legend was designed as an 80%-scale version of the very successful Cessna 182, with two passenger seating for [European] Ultralight or LSA.” They added, “But [Legend 600] actually has more passenger room than the Cessna.” Aeropilot’s European model is called Legend 540.
Glasair’s Merlin LSA Coming to Sun ‘n Fun 2017
Merlin LSA is the company's newest model and its first foray into fully-manufactured, ready-to-fly aircraft. This newest addition gives a complementary stable of aircraft entries to the Washington State enterprise now owned by Chinese investor and businessman, Tieji Fang.
Merlin is a composite high-wing using tricycle-gear airplane that flight schools prefer. Merlin uses a Rotax 912iS engine and has chosen Advanced Flight System glass-panel avionics (a company now associated with Dynon). An optional BRS parachute system is in development. Not offered as a kit, Merlin LSA carries a base price of $149,950.
According to my journalist friend, Al Marsh writing for AOPA, "[Glasair president Nigel] Mott contacted consulting engineer Chuck Hautamaki for [the Merlin] design." Al added, "Special emphasis was placed on making the aircraft docile, especially when performing aerodynamic stalls." Later, Glasair production manager and test pilot Ben Rauk coordinated with an outside engineer to investigate changes to the prototype seeking to reduce weight and improve speed.
"Much happened after we announced the first flight of Glasair Aviation's Merlin Light-Sport Aircraft," said company officials. "For nearly a year afterward, refinements and testing, testing, testing were the name of our game as we prepared our newest model plane to demonstrate compliance to ASTM standards and for production sales."
Again quoting Al Marsh, "The flight controls resemble [those on the now discontinued] Cessna Skycatcher, but Mott told Cessna [that] under the panel [Merlin's] side-to-side-sliding control stick uses entirely different engineering." Marsh observed that with no stick coming up from the floor heavier and older pilots will discover easier entry.
"We will roll out the first production plane ready for pick up in June 2017," said Glasair's Rick Paul. "In the meantime we are constructing our beta models, allowing us to offer demo flights at our Washington state base beginning in February 2017.
Glasair elaborated, "We continue our hard work to make the Merlin as strong, safe, light and enjoyable as can be. In our minds, it is the perfect Light-Sport Aircraft for rusty pilots rediscovering the joy of easy weekend hops across the state. New pilots will enjoy its stable, easy handling and forgiving landing gear." Certainly, occupants will appreciate Merlin's roomy 47-inch-wide cockpit. Good lateral visibility combines with skylights to facilitate seeing traffic around busy destinations.
"All in all, [Merlin is] a great plane for sport pilots and flight schools alike," Glasair expressed. For those wondering, Merlin is named after the smallest raptor, not the wizard.
"We are shooting to have a beta-model Merlin at Sun 'n Fun 2017. I'll keep you updated about that and production progress in general," said marketing representative Rick Paul.
Merlin Specs — cruise 105 knots (121 mph); stall with no flaps 45 knots, with full flaps 39 knots; wing Span 31 feet 9 inches; wing area 132 square feet; cabin width 46.5 inches; baggage capacity 50 pounds; and, fuel capacity 24 gallons.
Glasair Aviation (previously Stoddard-Hamilton) is a storied aircraft company in the USA that has since 1980 manufactured aircraft kits. Previously, they achieved broad recognition for the Glasair II and III series of speedy retractables in several variations. They struck gold again with the Sportsman (formerly GlaStar) with its rugged capabilities. The company reports more than 1,200 of their aircraft are flying. Merlin LSA is the company’s newest model and its first foray into fully-manufactured, ready-to-fly aircraft. This newest addition gives a complementary stable of aircraft entries to the Washington State enterprise now owned by Chinese investor and businessman, Tieji Fang. Merlin is a composite high-wing using tricycle-gear airplane that flight schools prefer. Merlin uses a Rotax 912iS engine and has chosen Advanced Flight System glass-panel avionics (a company now associated with Dynon). An optional BRS parachute system is in development. Not offered as a kit, Merlin LSA carries a base price of $149,950.
Icon Aircraft Advances Work of A5 Production
However, the company has been so long in coming to market that they've also created a group of naysayers. I see it as similar to the elections Americans just endured where one or the other candidate has some vigorous supporters and large chorus of those espousing #NotSomebody.
Indeed when Icon announced a production slowdown this spring, the latter group grew louder. The company said it was "in order to improve the supply chain and production processes." Not everyone believed them; it depended on which camp was doing the listening.
"Those changes are well underway thanks to a new composites manufacturing facility currently being built in Mexico and ongoing low-rate aircraft production in California," said Icon. They added that the California experience is "giving [our] manufacturing team insight into how to most efficiently build the A5."
Recently, A5 serial number 16 (out of a claimed 1,800 orders) rolled off the California production line, Icon reported. "It is receiving its FAA Certificate of Airworthiness this week." Icon added that the California factory will continue producing A5 aircraft at a low rate until the new composites manufacturing facility is completed. "This will allow the company to in-source the production of all composite airframe components once full-scale operations begin in March."
"The new 306,000-square-foot facility in Mexico will be finished in the coming weeks, and the installation of manufacturing systems and building improvements is already underway," said Icon. "The first airframe parts made at the new facility will be completed May 2017, with customer deliveries scheduled to begin next fall."
Some will surely lament that this means another year delay. (...sigh!)
"In the meantime, {the company] is occupying a temporary 34,000-square-foot building nearby where direct-labor training and limited composite fabrication have already begun," explained the California company. "Parts made at the new factory will be shipped across the border to the Vacaville factory, which will continue the A5 manufacturing process as it does today, including paint, systems installation, quality control, flight test, and aircraft deliveries."
In November, almost precisely as the DeLand Showcase ran its inaugural event, Icon began flight operations at the Peter O. Knight airport (KTPF) in Tampa, Florida. Those who know the area or who attended the AOPA convention in Tampa back in 2005 know this charming airport right on the water in the central Florida city on the Gulf of Mexico.
"The new flight center is Icon's first East Coast facility and offers the same courses as the flagship flight center at the company's headquarters in Vacaville, California," clarified Icon. Courses range from a single introductory A5 flight to a full Sport Pilot License with water endorsement for zero-time pilots. "[We] also offers transition courses for pilots already holding landplane or seaplane ratings." Courses are open to both A5 deposit holders and the general public.
Icon said it selected Tampa and Peter O. Knight because of the year-round flying weather, outstanding water flying, and the airport's convenient location just 10 minutes from downtown Tampa.
To learn more about Icon's Flight Centers, go to this website or send them email or call 707-564-4100.
More than any other one light aircraft company tends to resemble a Silicon Valley company (indeed, they are not location too far away, in Vacaville, California). Icon Aircraft markets like the big tech companies with compelling messages, visually striking images, and impressive airshow displays (albeit almost exclusively at AirVenture). They’ve managed to capture all kinds of media in and out of aviation. Cessna or Piper wishes they could market as well as Icon. However, the company has been so long in coming to market that they’ve also created a group of naysayers. I see it as similar to the elections Americans just endured where one or the other candidate has some vigorous supporters and large chorus of those espousing #NotSomebody. Indeed when Icon announced a production slowdown this spring, the latter group grew louder. The company said it was “in order to improve the supply chain and production processes.” Not everyone believed them; it depended on which camp was doing the listening.
Cessna Literally Scraps Remaining Skycatchers
What must be wrong with the photo you see nearby? Was that airplane damaged in some way resulting in it being sent to the scrap heap? Only Textron executives know for sure, but what I see appears to be a fairly worthy airplane about to be munched by heavy equipment.
Aero-News.Net Aero-News.Net broke this story after scoring some photos from Facebook, they report. That outfit is always fast with news and willing to tackle stories some others resist.
While I have sometimes been slighted for being a mostly-good-news guy, reporting the latest and greatest developments from light aviation, I cannot turn down a story as sad as this one, with regrets to those who prefer my generally cheery attitude.
This warehouse appears to contain about 47 airplanes, by my count. Note the yellow Kevlar parachute straps hanging from many fuselages. Most appear to have engines.
What galls me is that in the photos I see — this is all the evidence that I have uncovered, thanks to the headstart from Aero-News.Net — it appears that beyond airframes, Cessna chose to scrap perfectly good, indeed brand new, engines, tires and who knows what else.
I should think those parts could have been salvaged in some way to be used on other aircraft. Perhaps the whole warehouse-full could have been given to charities, or as Aero-News.Net suggested, perhaps to the Civil Air Patrol, where the legal liability might have been contained.
Yet companies with billions at their disposal might not have been moved. The few million dollars that might have been received for parting out engines and more could have come back to bite Cessna and Textron if, for example, a single lawsuit found the company at fault for selling subpar components. As some legal eagle once said, "Your company may be one lawsuit away from being out of business." At a public company like Textron, that risk may simply have not been an option on which they were willing to gamble.
Could all this have been avoided? I'm no lawyer but I have to believe some option might have been possible. For example, one company I know offered to buy all the remaining Skycatchers (original story from February 2014). Cessna execs were interested enough to listen. The group proposing the purchase said they thought they had a deal. It was not to be.In the end, for a giant like Textron, the matter came down to dollars and sense. Instead of disassembly, or using the parts to maintain the 275 or so Skycatchers still in operation, they chose to scrap the works, brand new engines and all.
Let's have a moment of silence in respect of airplanes being scuttled... and then, let's get back to enjoying the many dozens of fine Light-Sport Aircraft still on the market. Indeed, many LSA available are superior to Skycatcher anyway.
See many of these and more at the upcoming 13th annual Sebring Sport Aviation Expo scheduled for January 25, 28, 2017. All y'all come on down!
What must be wrong with the photo you see nearby? Was that airplane damaged in some way resulting in it being sent to the scrap heap? Only Textron executives know for sure, but what I see appears to be a fairly worthy airplane about to be munched by heavy equipment. Aero-News.Net Aero-News.Net broke this story after scoring some photos from Facebook, they report. That outfit is always fast with news and willing to tackle stories some others resist. While I have sometimes been slighted for being a mostly-good-news guy, reporting the latest and greatest developments from light aviation, I cannot turn down a story as sad as this one, with regrets to those who prefer my generally cheery attitude. So… why this destruction? Look, I get it that a billion-dollar corporation like Textron surely sized things up from a legal and accounting perspective. Giant companies don’t take chances with their substantial funds.
Continental Launches Fresh Website; Supports STEM
Sportair USA represents the new Outback Shock powered by the mighty Titan engine. Look for it at American airshows in 2017.
In the world of Light-Sport Aircraft and light kits, Continental is perhaps best known today for the line of Titan engines the company acquired from ECi in 2015. Their Titan has taken the Light-Sport Aircraft and light kit-built aircraft sector by storm. A growing number of these flying machines are embracing the company's potent 180-horsepower engine. In every so equipped aircraft I've flown, that Titan powerplant gives a feel that must feel like a rocket-assisted military aircraft. Oorah!
Continental is a growing conglomerate these days. "We have significant operations on three continents, a global supply chain, highly experienced teams and outstanding Maintenance Repair Organization capabilities in Mattituck." They also own Southern Interiors; you can find all that and more on their new website.
As if it didn't look energetic enough before, Just Aircraft now offers the Titan X340 on their eye-catching SuperSTOL.
Here's Continental's upgraded website. Go have a look and see for yourself. I found a lot of information and it is all more accessible than in the past.
However, that's not the only goal Continental has been pursuing that you might find worthwhile.
Unless you've been off on a Mars colonization expedition, you must know about STEM education efforts. In case you were off-planet, STEM means Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. The goal is to interest youth in these fields because the nation needs young people to fill roles in these disciplines and because it's good for those students. Jobs in these fields can be well paying, satisfying, and long lasting. In an age when kids live at home late into their 20s, better jobs should be broadly appreciated.
Continental announced today that it joined the Mobile Airport Authority Foundation and member companies of the Mobile Aeroplex at their base at Brookley Field to contribute to a Mobile, Alabama STEM initiative that will sponsor 36 students to attend the National Flight Academy's six-day Deployment program on June 4, 2017.National Flight Academy's adventure begins on a landlocked, virtual aircraft carrier, Ambition (CVT-11). Students live aboard for six days surrounded by advanced technology, flight simulators and virtual reality missions that ignite imagination and encourage learning.
After a group identifies participating children in 10th and 11th grades from Alabama, students will join other candidates from around the country in cruises of up to 126 individuals fully chaperoned by trained NFA educators to ensure they get the maximum benefit from this unique, fun and innovative learning environment. While aboard, they will participate in activities that demonstrate the practical use of STEM skills and also gain valuable leadership and teamwork experience.
"As one of the members of the [local] aviation business community and a long-term business in the community, Continental Motors is proud to join our fellow businesses to participate in demonstrating the value of STEM to our future workers," said Rhett Ross, President and CEO of Continental Motors.
Good for Continental! I imagine those kids will be thrilled by the opportunity.
Continental Motors is known worldwide for its aircraft engines. It is also a true global company with operations bases in Hong Kong, Alabama, and St. Egidien, Germany. Most readers are aware that the longtime Alabama company is owned by interests in Hong Kong but they remain very U.S.-centric, right down to the southern drawl of some employees. In the world of Light-Sport Aircraft and light kits, Continental is perhaps best known today for the line of Titan engines the company acquired from ECi in 2015. Their Titan has taken the Light-Sport Aircraft and light kit-built aircraft sector by storm. A growing number of these flying machines are embracing the company’s potent 180-horsepower engine. In every so equipped aircraft I’ve flown, that Titan powerplant gives a feel that must feel like a rocket-assisted military aircraft. Oorah! Continental is a growing conglomerate these days. “We have significant operations on three continents, a global supply chain, highly experienced teams and outstanding Maintenance Repair Organization capabilities in Mattituck.” They also own Southern Interiors; you can find all that and more on their new website.
Sonex B, Now Available In Red!
Sonex Aircraft had so regularly brought bright yellow airplanes to airshows, folks could be excused for thinking that was the only color available. Of course, since the company sells kit aircraft, you can have whatever color you wallet can handle.
Why wouldn't you want a red one? The color works for Ferrari.
Indeed, the newest model from Sonex is not about the color at all. "We just wanted to separate the new B models from the earlier models," said General Manager, Mark Schaible. Changing up their airshow model paint job may stimulate people to look more closely... exactly the idea.
Why a big debut for B-models?
Sonex designer and founder John Monnett explained, "It's what [customers] have been asking for! More of everything you want in a sport aircraft: More room and comfort, more panel space, more fuel, more engine choices, and more standard features combined with reduced build time and the same great Sonex and Waiex flight characteristics."
B-Models will completely replace the original model Sonex and Waiex in the Sonex Aircraft product lineup.
Getting More Specific...
• Sonex and Waiex B-Models have been enlarged by straightening the forward fuselage sides, changes that improved creature comfort,
• B-models enlarged the interior by offering more width and comfort at the shoulders, hips, knees, and feet,
• B-model seat backs have been moved aft, a seating geometry change that accommodates taller individuals,
• Staggered seating is available via upholstery seat back cushions. A center "Y-stick" offers dual controls with easier cockpit entry and roomier seating,
• Electric flaps reduce cockpit clutter and dual throttles are standard.
As they replace the earlier (yellow) Sonex and Waiex designs, B-Model kits will ship with more standard features and these points are different than the list above. In particular, these upgrades relate to the building project as Sonex sells only kit-built aircraft.
"B-model aircraft will require less build time, the company reported. "Assembled wing spars and machined angle components are now standard. Upgrades and accessories such as the AeroBrake hydraulic brakes, dual AeroConversions throttle quadrants, and AeroConversions trim system are now included," noted Sonex. "Build time improvements include more laser-cut, formed and machined parts, machined canopy bows for easier installation with a better fit, an easy-fitting horizontal-split cowl, and engine mounts that bolt quickly and accurately to the airframe.
All these changes represent a great time savings for a better result, certainly worthy of a new model description... hence: B-models. Sonex and Waiex B-Model kits were offered at an introductory price of $23,000. As always, check with the Oshkosh factory to learn the current deal but rest assured this company is not a budget buster.
AeroVee is a complete VW conversion engine kit package offered in 80 horsepower and turbocharged 100 horsepower versions, by AeroConversions, a product line of Sonex Aircraft. AeroVee engine kits continue the Sonex Aircraft tradition of simple, elegant design: a 2180 cubic centimeter Aero-Engine that can be run on 100LL avgas or mogas. "All of the supplied components are brand-new, zero-time parts," assured Sonex.
AeroVee engines come as a complete kit that you can assemble yourself in approximately 12 hours, with the aid of an AeroVee assembly and installation manual and an instructional DVD, along with free phone or email technical support. An AeroVee DVD is available for purchase separate from the engine kit for those that wish to preview the project.
Pardon a little fun in the title. I recalled the line long ago attributed to Henry Ford, “You can have any color [Model T] you want as long as it’s black.” Sonex Aircraft had so regularly brought bright yellow airplanes to airshows, folks could be excused for thinking that was the only color available. Of course, since the company sells kit aircraft, you can have whatever color you wallet can handle. Why wouldn’t you want a red one? The color works for Ferrari. Indeed, the newest model from Sonex is not about the color at all. “We just wanted to separate the new B models from the earlier models,” said General Manager, Mark Schaible. Changing up their airshow model paint job may stimulate people to look more closely… exactly the idea. Sonex Aircraft debuted a new B-Model design for the Sonex and Waiex models earlier this year at Sun ‘n Fun 2016.
VIDEO — Dreams Come True with Harmony
In the video below shot at the Mid-West LSA Expo, you hear from Steve Minnich, who operates Dreams Come True, a family-run Evektor dealership in Dayton, Ohio.
Harmony is the evolution of the SportStar, the airplane that launched the Light-Sport Aircraft phenomenon back on April 5th, 2005. Along with Flight Design's CT, the two were honored at a ceremony at Sun 'n Fun that year where FAA presented the #1 and #2 aircraft to satisfactorily demonstrate compliance to the ASTM standards.
Harmony looks like a much more expensive aircraft after steady evolution by the Czech manufacturer. A comfortably wide cockpit presents a large instrument panel easily able to handle big-screen digital instruments. It can easily appeal to someone used to a Bonanza or a Cirrus but who wants to spend less money flying for that hamburger or pancake breakfast. Handling is responsive yet thoroughly conventional. In-flight behavior is predictable and stability is excellent.
Find out more about Evektor's professional-grade Harmony LSA at Steve Minnich's Dreams Come True page, which leads you to their website and much more.
See more about all kinds of LSA, light kits, and ultralights on our LSA Videos page that is approaching 500 videos for your entertainment and educational enjoyment.
You can watch more than 1,000 videos on Videoman Dave's YouTube channel publishing as Your support of Dave's YouTube channel allows him to do his work. Please consider subscribing annually or Lifetime.
This weekend, let’s watch some video. At airshows (where I seem to spend a lot of time), my video partner Dave and I race around from booth to exhibit and attempt to find new aircraft or products we think may be of interest to our viewers. I’m pleased to tell you that we must do this fairly well measured by a million and a half minutes a month spent watching Dave’s YouTube channel according to Google, which owns the popular video outlet. In the video below shot at the Mid-West LSA Expo, you hear from Steve Minnich, who operates Dreams Come True, a family-run Evektor dealership in Dayton, Ohio. Harmony is the evolution of the SportStar, the airplane that launched the Light-Sport Aircraft phenomenon back on April 5th, 2005. Along with Flight Design’s CT, the two were honored at a ceremony at Sun ‘n Fun that year where FAA presented the #1 and #2 aircraft to satisfactorily demonstrate compliance to the ASTM standards.
Tecnam Upgrades Popular Sierra, Now Called Mark 2
On the 65th anniversary of this company founded in 1948, Tecnam brought their sparkling new Astore to the market (so named in honor of the very first aircraft the company offered). At its debut most thought Sierra had been replaced by Astore, perhaps never to be seen again. Happily, that is not the case.
An old line is: Nothing succeeds like success. Therefore, given the impressive run of Sierra the First, and even with the Astore, Sierra Mark 2 may be utterly logical. "The market is always demanding greater comfort and more features," says Tecnam Managing Director, Paolo Pascale, "so improving and updating our product is a must."
The Capua, Italy-based company announced, "Tecnam has introduced a substantially updated and improved Mark 2 version of the company's popular P2002 Sierra." The model name P2002 indicates the original design was created that year.
Sierra Mk2's cabin has been enlarged. A glance at the instrument panel or its snazzy sports car-quality seats displays the premium new interior design.
Led by their patriarchal and celebrated designer Luigi Pascale — this year's winner of the LAMA Outstanding Individual Award — Tecnam engineers redesigned the canopy to provide more headroom. With the new canopy, a positive-locking mechanism assures reduced noise level.
Seats are not only handsome but now offer additional fore and aft adjustment to better accommodate folks of different sizes and shapes.
Beside a sleeker engine cowling Sierra Mk2 has several distinctive options for paint colors and interior fabrics. The new creations definitely upgrade the older design and will impress anyone you take aloft with you.
A few facts and specs are in order. Sierra offers a 600 nautical mile range thanks to 29 gallons, thanks to the good fuel economy of its Rotax 912 engine, burning 4.5 gallons per hour, noted Tecnam. Sierra Mk2 weighs 809 pounds empty, has a 514 pound useful load with 44 pounds of baggage. It can cruise at 120 knots, Tecnam advises while stalling at just 38 knots. It climbs at 800 fpm.
To my eyes — and many others agree — one of the best aspects of the Sierra is its sliding canopy. You can slide this aft, at least partially, in flight and those of us who enjoy an open cockpit love this sensation in an otherwise very civilized environment. About this all-clear canopy Tecnam noted it offers, "full rollover protection, tested via inverted drop tests.
A glance at the panel shows the great advancements in instrumentation since Sierra was first offered, long before digital glass screens and devices like iPad (which, by the way, Astore neatly incorportated into its panel). You can choose from either Dynon SkyView or Garmin G3X, either of which is superb.
Finally, handling has always been a very strong area for the Tecnams I've flown (which has been all their LSA models). The company stated, "The horizontal stabilator tail design provides remarkable longitudinal hands-off stability along with minimum drag and weight penalty. This provides balanced two-finger flight control."
The first model will be delivered to Tecnam U.S. in time for the 2017 Sebring Expo. The show runs January 25th-28th. Even if you can't make that 13th annual event, I'll be all over Sierra Mk 2.
Fourteen years ago, light aviation leader Tecnam brought their only low wing, the Sierra, to market. It went on to become one of their most popular airplanes …and that’s truly saying something since the Italian company has a broad line of beautiful airplanes. On the 65th anniversary of this company founded in 1948, Tecnam brought their sparkling new Astore to the market (so named in honor of the very first aircraft the company offered). At its debut most thought Sierra had been replaced by Astore, perhaps never to be seen again. Happily, that is not the case. An old line is: Nothing succeeds like success. Therefore, given the impressive run of Sierra the First, and even with the Astore, Sierra Mark 2 may be utterly logical. “The market is always demanding greater comfort and more features,” says Tecnam Managing Director, Paolo Pascale, “so improving and updating our product is a must.” The Capua, Italy-based company announced, “Tecnam has introduced a substantially updated and improved Mark 2 version of the company’s popular P2002 Sierra.” The model name P2002 indicates the original design was created that year.
Shark Flies in American Skies
Another once-popular light aircraft sold in the USA — Skyboy, mentioned in this article and another — also sport the distinctive shark fin tail. These designs are substantially different, expressions of a creative designer, but all share this common appearance.
Now Jonathan Baron — operator of Virginia-based PB Aero — reported that the aircraft designer's most recent project, called Shark, has taken its first flight in the USA. Shark appears to be very different from MD3 Rider or Skyboy... low wing versus high wing; tandem versus side-by-side seating; retractable versus fixed gear; basic versus full featured. However, sharp readers may have already noted the vertical stabilizer and ventral fin look almost identical.
If you noticed that, give yourself a pat on the back. That is indeed a similarity and it is why the name of the new plane was chosen. Doesn't it look like the tail of a shark? That design feature relates to principal creator, Jaroslav Dostál. He likes the look and finds it efficient to use the configuration. Continuing the theme, Jaro added shark-like cooling fins (gills?) in the aft portion of the engine compartment.I first met Jaro many years ago at the Aero Friedrichshafen show in the south of Germany. Jaro is a talented engineer and is smart enough to know that producing the aircraft is a job for persons with those skills. He is a longtime expert in using composite and his design prowess is well regarded. Extensive use of carbon fiber helped keep the weight down for Europe's ultralight weight limit of just 472.5 kilos (1,040 pounds, around 80% of the weight of LSA) when a parachute is mounted; one is available for Shark.
Created as a high-performance, all-composite European ultralight, Jaro sought a fast-flying cross country aircraft. Tandem seating and the related slim shape are essential to the goal. A flight exceeding 300 kilometers per hour (188 mph) proved Shark can zoom along quickly on its Rotax 912 engine. The popular engine and sleek aircraft also allowed Jonathan to take a friend and enjoy a $20 hamburger (I'll call it), with only $9 of that expended on an hour long flight to and from an airport restaurant.
The zippy speed, however, pushes Shark into the Experimental Amateur Built category as the speed is too fast for Light-Sport Aircraft in the USA and retractable gear is not what FAA had in mind when they created the category more than a dozen years ago.If you are up for the building effort and if you have the budget for this speedster, you could enjoy exceptional visibility with the long, uninterrupted canopy. Tandem seating also helps both occupants get essentially the same view. In a slick design aspect, the aft seat enjoys its own instrumentation smoothly integrated into a cabin cross brace at the rear of the front seat.
Earlier, Jaro spoke of a LSA-compliant model with fixed gear and other changes to keep it within the parameters of FAA's regulation, however, with the market mainly overseas where greater speed is permitted, movement toward that version appears to have been postponed. If PB Aero finds a following for the retract Shark, the stiff-legged model might follow. Contact Jonathan Baron to find at more at this email. Keep up with the enterprise at their Facebook page.
When you look at the photos of this new-to-Americans aircraft, you might have a vague recollection of one or more aircraft that looked something like Shark. Are you fuzzy about that recollection? That’s understandable. It’s been a decade since FlyItalia’s MD3 Rider (photo below) had U.S. representation. MD3 did earn Special LSA approval, taking its place on our SLSA List at number 15. While Spaceport Aviation still reports operating a Rider for students, the model has mostly disappeared from American skies. Another once-popular light aircraft sold in the USA — Skyboy, mentioned in this article and another — also sport the distinctive shark fin tail. These designs are substantially different, expressions of a creative designer, but all share this common appearance. Now Jonathan Baron — operator of Virginia-based PB Aero — reported that the aircraft designer’s most recent project, called Shark, has taken its first flight in the USA.
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