Simple, light, and affordable is not a throwaway line. Each word is pivotal. Like many of you, I have enjoyed the advancing development of the LSA space, leading to Mosaic LSA in about 15 months. Additional operational capabilities plus features like autopilot, synthetic vision, and powerful, compact engines… all these can build a very exciting airplane. With Mosaic, the list gets even longer: more weight, more seats, more powerful engines, plus retract, adjustable props, even aerial work for entrepreneurs (see full list). Wonderful, I agree. Some pilots have asked for more and industry with FAA have been working to achieve these potentials. Yet this is a path to ever-more complex (and expensive) aircraft. Have you been waiting for Mosaic LSA? If yes, your wishes may be answered in 15 months. If not, please continue reading. Simple, Light, Affordable — All three words are key. Much depends on your aviation goals.
Simple, Light, Affordable… Why Recreational Flying Can Soar in 2024
TL Sport Aircraft's Sparker, already in active operation, is a candidate for Mosaic LSA.
SIMPLE PLEASURE — Quicksilver Sport 2S; photo by James Lawrence
Sometimes I find my attention returning to the easy pleasures of sightseeing around the local area, basic stick-and-rudder flying, feeling the air. While features like modern economical autopilots make cross-country flights easier, operational procedures for sophisticated instrumentation absorbs my time. Using this great gear becomes almost second nature, a muscle memory, if you fly often. Yet as with apps on your computer or device, you must invest time to keep up with software changes and the particulars of operating digital avionics offered by Garmin, Dynon, MGL, and Kanardia (among others).The Aircraft Factory's Sling HW, a four seater already flying and ready for Mosaic. Lots to occupy you in this cockpit.
Badland's F-series, based on the former Kitfox Lite.
Aviating can be simply about the physical act of flying. It doesn't all have to be about sleek designs, cool tech, or powerful engines.
Kolb's Firefly, seen aloft with rare tricycle gear, has long been an affordable choice for homebuilders.
CGS Hawk is available in two-seat or single seat; different builders each supply affordable models in kit or ready-to-fly.
Light is a key ingredient in keeping aircraft affordable. Require more material inputs and you increase costs in a multitude of ways. Physically larger, heavier aircraft cost more, maybe a lot more. You'll need more power and your skill set must be kept in tighter tune. True, light aircraft are more affected by turbulent air. So what? If it's that kind of air, I might choose to ride my bike rather than fly.Aeromarine-LSA's Merlin Lite has excited pilots with its potential; electric propulsion, already worked out on earlier models, is available.
Affordable is a major focus of this website. If you can't afford it then you are somewhat doing a Walter Mitty, dreaming about owning some shiny new speedster that you may never buy. If you can't afford flying, you won't fly or will fly less. Those aren't good choices.Fisher Flying Products' Koala looks very cub-like and is affordable and fun to fly.
Aerolite 103 offers gas or electric, all for remarkably low prices. Their order book is overflowing. (image from an article appearing in EAA's Sport Aviation)
- Future Vehicles Dingo, contact info and all content on this website
- Aerolite 103, all content on this website
- Quicksilver Sport 2S, all content on this website
- Badland F-series, all content on this website
- CGS Hawk Single, all content on this website
- CGS Hawk Two-Seater (incl. SLSA), contact info and all content on this website
- Aeromarine-LSA's Merlin Lite, all content on this website
- Kolb Firefly, all content on this website
- Fisher Koala, all content on this website
- Electric-propulsion aircraft, covered on this website
- Many other choices can be found on this website. Please use these free features: