Light-Sport Aircraft ended a successful year in 2007 with sales up 98%, registering 565 new fixed wing airplanes for the calendar year for a total of 1,118 airplanes. Including weight shift, powered parachutes, and gliders (no gyro or lighter-than-air yet), total registrations for the year hit 720, up 120% over the previous year close and totaling 1,395 LSA nationwide. For comparison, the general aviation industry produced as many single-engine (SE) piston airplanes each quarter as the LSA industry did all year, and GA is expected to ship more than 2,200 SE pistons for 2007. Can LSA match that performance in the next two or three years? My forecast says, “Yes!” I estimated 600 for 2007 (we hit 92% of that target). I’ve forecast 1,000 units in 2008 and doubling that again in another year or two. If I’m right, LSA may someday meet or exceed all other SE piston sales in the USA.
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Dynamic Spins Into SLSA; Unveiling at Sebring
SEBRING 2008 UPDATE — Sport Aircraft Works, importer and marketer of the fast-selling SportCruiser, will announce an LSA version of their Dynamic WT9. Previously, the retractable speedster (174 mph max cruise) was only available as a kit but the Slovak designer decided to pursue American SLSA certification at 550 kg (1,212 pounds). [UPDATE: Dynamic won SLSA approval on January 8th.] *** As part of their effort to meet the standards, the Aerospool Dynamic underwent spin testing by company test pilot, Jozef Chupek. “He finished this task without any undesirable control behavior,” reported the company. Testing was done in a variety of CG load and control input configurations. “All testing situations were recoverable using normal spin recovery procedures,” Aerospool added. “Spin test flights were flown with our standard aircraft; we didn’t make any special modifications [other than] safety elements such as spin recovery parachute and ejectable cockpit.” Testing was observed by members of the Slovak Civil Aviation Authority.
Oh, Wait! One More in 2007…Rans S-19LS
As we bid farewell to 2007, up popped one of America’s top kit producers: Rans. During the year the industry reached number 65 in Special Light-Sport Aircraft approved. Randy Schlitter sent a note saying, “We achieved SLSA status for the S-19LS on December 21st.” He added, “The S-19LS is the first all new aircraft made and designed in the USA specifically for the light sport category to receive SLSA status since the ruling went into effect.” S-19LS relied heavily on CAD/CAM methods. “In fact we never built a prototype; the first aircraft was production tooled,” continued Schlitter. *** S-19LS features the 100-hp Rotax 912ULS, an all-glass cockpit, and a $110,000 introductory price. Since late 2005, Rans has successfully produced the $85,000 S-7LS Courier. Delivery of the first S-19LSs should begin in 10 months, according to the company. If demand warrants, the Hays, Kansas company projects building 50 a year within 12 months, and possibly doubling output later.
Fast As a South African Cheetah, The Kit
We have many great airplanes among the 62 models in the SLSA fleet. But the price tag for some of these beauties could motivate you to consider a kit. Why not? Homebuilts and Ultralights proved many folks could manage the build effort. Organizations like EAA are ready to help. *** With all that in mind, Midwest Sport Aviation would like you to consider the Cheetah XLS they import from Rainbow Aircraft in South Africa. The fixed wing aircraft shares traits with the Ikarus C-42, for example, both use sewn Dacron coverings. Cheetah also resembles the French SkyRanger which remains available in the USA. Like SkyRanger, Cheetah is a fast-build kit. *** Trike expert Mike Blyth formed Rainbow Aircraft in 1995 with his Ukrainian partner, Vladimir Chechin. Blyth sold his interest a couple years ago. Cheetah first flew in September 2001; today Rainbow turns out six aircraft a month.
Sport Aircraft Works Revs Up; Hits 3 Benchmarks
October 2007 was the One for Sport Aircraft Works, U.S. importer of Czech Aircraft Works (CZAW) airplanes. They registered #41 SLSA with FAA, they took order #101 for their SportCruiser, and they sold a pair of SportCruisers to the #21 school to adopt the brand and become a Sport Aircraft Pilot Center. Customer deliveries reached 40 for CZAW’s best-selling SportCruiser. Sport Aircraft Works Director of Sales Bob Anderson said, “SportCruiser is one of the few aircraft sold as a Light Sport Aircraft that was designed for the 1,320-pound weight limit,” that is, it wasn’t scaled up from a European 992-pound (450 kg) microlight. The company partners with Gleim Publishing for training documents in their Sport Aircraft Pilot Centers. *** Sport Aircraft Works also represents the Aerospool WT-9 Dynamic which can be homebuilt as a retractable speedster or flown by a Sport Pilot with fixed gear and a prop that translates speed into more climb.
Certifying LSA
A Review of the Industry Consensus Standards Method
In the aviation world, the new light sport aircraft category is all the rage, with interest at aviation trade shows climbing off the charts. New aircraft certified using ASTM International industry consensus standards recently reached model number 50, with all approvals coming in less than two years, a record in aviation history worldwide.
Doing things correctly and quickly is not uncommon in the world of light sport aircraft. This is a highly entrepreneurial activity populated by get-it-done businessmen and women who are highly motivated to get their nascent industry off the ground – literally.
Welcome to Committee F37
ASTM International’s Committee F37 on Light Sport Aircraft is just five years old, yet it has produced, from scratch, specifications for design, performance, quality acceptance tests and safety monitoring for LSA. ASTM standards guide the preparation of pilot operating handbooks, maintenance manuals, and a system of service bulletins to advise consumers of maintenance needed to keep their aircraft in good operating condition.
Soaring Concepts Powered Parachute Earns SLSA #59
Sometimes it seems like all the attention is focused on fixed wing Special Light-Sport Aircraft. This makes some sense as they represent the majority, about 80% of all types. Still, you can’t ignore weight shift trike producers and those working to achieve airworthiness for powered parachutes. After a slow start, we now have 6 trike models approved as SLSA (and I’m waiting for verification on 2 more) plus we have 5 powered parachute models. Sales of non-fixed wing aircraft account for more than 21% of all SLSA registered with FAA with powered parachutes representing a quarter of this one-fifth share. *** Soaring Concepts president Galen Geigley reported his fresh airworthiness certificate was granted October 3rd, becoming model number 59 to earn approval. The company was founded in 2000 and in 2006, their Sky Trek won Reserve Grand Champion from AirVenture judges. Priding themselves on a well equipped aircraft, the 2007 Sky Trek SLSA is available with “leather illusion seats that gives you the premium look of leather with UV protection.”
Six Chuter Powered Parachutes Joins the LSA Parade
As the deadline approaches for ultralights needing to convert to LSA, companies are recognizing the need to get products ready for the new age of light-sport. The latest: Six Chuter, one of the original producers of powered parachutes…but one that took their time hopping on the bandwagon. *** Director of Communications, Doug Maas (who also completed the production test flight), reports the company developed more than 1,000 pages of documentation to meet ASTM standards. The voluminous information came from creating a brand-new carriage with multiple configurations. Legend (which is SLSA #58) can be a single seater, tandem seater, or a somewhat rare side-by-side powered parachute (photo). This is a novel approach to certification and explains the delay for the company’s SLSA entry. Six Chuter said, “The Legend XT SSDC (Side-by-Side Dual Control) is our SLSA development model targeted for flight instructors and others who enjoy a side-by-side configuration.” Six Chuter will offer the XT SSDC and other models as either fully-built SLSA or as ELSA kits.
“Seal of Approval”…IndUS Audited Successfully
Some folks wonder about the new Statement of Compliance to ASTM standards. Is this a true certification system? FAA doesn’t do the certification, so how do we know it means anything? Good questions. A manufacturer certifies their airplane. A Designated Airworthiness Rep (DAR) examines it. Companies behind each approved SLSA (now 38 aircraft) must also do an annual internal audit. Now industry association LAMA has started promoting voluntary independent audits, to be certain a design has met and still meets ASTM standards. The first of these was performed and today LAMA was advised that IndUS Aviation, maker of the Thorp T-211 and Thorpedo, successfully completed the first external audit of a LSA builder. LAMA president Tom Gunnarson called IndUS, “an accredited company.” Such third-party audits — plus a proposed decal applied to every aircraft showing successful completion — is likely to win support from EAA, AOPA, insurance companies, FAA, and NTSB.
Long-Wing Cross Country Cruiser & Soaring Machine
One actually got approved last year, I’m told, but a new 2008 model Urban Air Lambada UFM 13 more recently received its airworthiness as our newest, and 57th, Special Light-Sport Aircraft (SLSA). This is the second aircraft to use the ASTM standards for Glider (see 8/6/07 SPLOG) but is the first motorglider. TST-14 is more properly a “powered sailplane,” a rather fine but clear distinction. Imported by Bostik Industries LLC, Lambada is part airplane and part sailplane. It glides an impressive 26:1 or 30:1 from a 42.65- or 49-foot wing setup (both are standard; you exchange wing tips). Yet using the 80-hp Rotax 912 it will also cruise at better than 100 mph for 800 nautical miles on 26.4 gallons of fuel in two wing tanks. Lambada is a carbon and glass fiber shoulder-wing design available in taildragger or tricycle gear. It also comes standard with a Magnum Ballistic Parachute system, folding prop, stainless steel exhaust, and tinted canopy for $93,500.
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