If you pay any attention to LSA seaplanes, you should already know about Aventura. Certainly, pilots seeking a recreational waterbird that won’t ruin their budget likely already know the company, Aero Adventure. This Florida producer has seaplane kit aircraft that can get airborne for less than $60,000. Yes, you read that right and that figure includes everything needed although you may elect added-cost options such as glass avionics or a specialized paint job. While some models of LSA seaplanes appeal to the wealthy class at prices approaching $400,000, Aero Adventure makes …seaplanes for the rest of us. Two years ago, Aero Adventure was focused on their S-17 model featuring the 117-horsepower AeroMomentum engine. You could buy a factory-built version of this on a very limited basis as the company periodically put their airshow model up for sale as a used aircraft. For 2020, however, the DeLand, Florida company is throwing the door open much more widely.
A Special Light-Sport Aircraft Seaplane for the Rest of Us: Aventura SLSA 912
New-To-Be LSA Seaplane
Given the sweeping effects of the coronavirus lockdown, Aero Adventure has experienced some delay getting FAA to come make their evaluation of the company's Special Light-Sport Aircraft entry. Hopefully, boss Alex Rolinski will succeed in getting this done soon but it is presently out of his hands. He asks FAA regularly but permission has not yet been granted for inspectors to visit Aero Adventure.Very Special Light-Sport Aircraft
Despite their best plans, no one saw the coronavirus panic coming, so Aventura SLSA remains "to-be" until FAA permits on-site inspector visits to perform the evaluation they elect for a new entry. Paperwork could be examined in an FAA office but a visit to the manufacturing facility is likely for any new entry.Current Specifications for Aventura 912*:
- Top Speed — 105 mph
- Cruise Speed — 75 mph
- Range — 300 Stature Miles
- Stall Speed — 47 mph
- Rate of Climb — 1,000 fpm
- Takeoff Distance, Land — 250 feet
- Takeoff Distance, Water — 350 feet
- Fuel Capacity — 23 gallons
- Empty Weight — 840 pounds
- Gross Weight — 1,430 pounds
- Useful Load — 590 pounds
- Payload (with full fuel) — 452 pounds
- Height — 7 feet
- Length — 23 feet
- Wing Span — 30 feet 8 inches
- Wing Area — 161.7 square feet
- Landing Gear — All three wheels retract