For years I’ve said that of all aircraft to succeed with battery electric flight, the first truly usable, enjoyable aircraft would be a Part 103 ultralight. I’ll list several reasons below but the aircraft you see in these images is already flying with electric propulsion and you can get on the list now. U-Fly-It boss Dennis Carley said they are working on a name. For now, I’ll call the new entry the Electric Aerolite 103 and this machine is ready for market. A few customers already offered payments to get in line (more on that below, too) and one man wrote a check for an Electric Aerolite even while he keeps flying his gasoline-powered Aerolite. How’s that for a vendor’s dream? Are you ready for electric? It’s ready for you! “Clean and Tidy” You hear that phrase about Aerolite fairly often. A very knowledgeable veteran of the light aircraft business, Scott Severen, spoke of visiting U-Fly-It, producer of the Aerolite.
Sun ‘n Fun 2021 / Day 1 — Charged with Excitement …Battery Electric Aerolite 103 Is Flying Now!
"Clean and Tidy"
Powered by the sun? Yes, if you have solar collectors on your hangar or house. Whatever the "fuel" source, Electric Aerolite 103 will cost pennies to fly.
Part 103 Industry Status
One of the most popular Part 103 ultralights, possibly the market leader, Aerolite 103 is a well proven aircraft with excellent handling, good performance, and most features pilots want, all for a price most can afford.
Why Do Ultralights Lead in Electric?
I recall a project to make a Cessna 172 fly with electric propulsion. Did you ever hear how that went? No, you didn't …probably because it didn't work well. Electric power isn't the problem. A Skyhawk is not that efficient an airframe and its base weight and payload demand a large collection of weighty batteries.Here's the business side of Electric Aerolite. A rather tiny-looking motor is mounted slightly above the wing (where heating has proved to be no problem) with the battery packs occupying space formerly used for gasoline. You see three battery packs in position while the fourth has been removed to show visitors.
Making 30 horsepower, electric motors show their super efficiency and delivers comparable performance to gas-powered engines while requiring almost no maintenance.
A Few Facts About Electric Aerolite
You'll want to ask the factory for the best and latest info but following are a few questions and answers I overheard.In this view of the battery pack "tray," you see the prototype version. This will be cleaned up slightly but the method is similar to the way every car battery is carried. A lower tray holds the batteries and a top clamp secures them. Connectors are on the top of the battery packs, well out of harm's way.
Dennis Carley flies a gasoline powered Aerolite for my camera. Compare the gasoline engine and fuel tank to the images above. Also worth noting is Aerolite's tail volume. A big vertical stabilizer and rudder are reasons why this popular Part 103 ultralight handles so well.