I have been working in this industry since, well… before it was an industry, so a long time. In all that time I have continually been impressed with the willingness of businesses that are clearly competitors to join together in ways that promote the entire light aircraft sector. From the Sport Pilot Tour of the early 2000s to the LSA Mall of the 2020s, gathering industry together to better present the entire segment has worked amazingly well and I commend those many companies that participated enthusiastically. Daily reporting from the season-launching Sun ‘n Fun 2022 continues… * Mustang Collaboration One such example is a fascinating collaboration, in this case between two companies each producing a substantially authentic scale model replica of the famous World War II fighter. One has a market established over several years. The other has a spectacular new entry. How can you imagine the story ends?
Producers of P-51 Mustang Replicas Collaborate; Refined Hiperlight; New Gyroplane
Mustang Collaboration
Refined Hiperlight Biplane (Special LSA-to-be)
When I interviewed Ron Jones of Thunderbird Aviation in Michigan at AirVenture Oshkosh 2021, he grabbed my attention when he reported that he believes he can sell a complete SLSA version of SNS-9 Hiperlight using the Jabiru 2200, 81 horsepower engine for $65,000.Hummingbird H2 Gyroplane, All-Terrain Gyro?
Talking to representatives of gyroplane companies at Sun 'n Fun confirmed that the gyro market that had slumped a bit over the last couple years has now steadied and is recovering. The sector has had to cope with being the only LSA that manufacturers cannot deliver ready-to-fly. This will get fixed in Mosaic LAMA is sure, but a requirement to build from a kit has certainly restricted sales. Now things are improving so a new entry might be expected. Making its U.S. debut at Sun 'n Fun 2022, welcome Hummingbird H2.* In case you're wondering what happened to my Sun 'n Fun Day 3 report… in a word: rain. A heavy downpour starting at noon and continuing into the afternoon scuttled my plans to shoot additional photos. Never fear, though, the Day 3 report will still come out, but as a summary article at the end of Sun 'n Fun. Look for some mighty interesting news discovered at Sun 'n Fun 2022.