Welcome to a New Year! …and to a new airplane, a new Part 103 entry to be specific. One of the most amazing discoveries of 2020 — the year Covid upset lives around the globe — is the particular and peculiar strength of Part 103 ultralights. In a year that has seen hundreds of thousands of small businesses fail under the pressure of executive orders, and the lockdown of an amazing percentage of the world’s individuals, the littlest airplanes have found new life. Are you surprised? I was… despite being a fan of Part 103s for several decades. What will happen in 2021 and beyond? No one has a crystal ball but I am going to guess that we will continue to see strength in the 103 segment for one primary reason: affordability. You Can Afford Your Own Aircraft FAA’s Part 103 is an American phenomenon, dating to 1982, when the nearly 40-year-old regulation was issued.
Quantum Development… Brazilian Part 103 Ultralight Entry Explained by Designer
You Can Afford Your Own Aircraft
FAA's Part 103 is an American phenomenon, dating to 1982, when the nearly 40-year-old regulation was issued. Did lead rule writer, Mike Sacrey and his band of bureaucrats know what they were unleashing? How could they? They could not see the future any better than anyone else.Describing the Project
"I decided to use the fantastic Hero wings. As the two aircraft are quite different, I made some modifications. Quantum has a trapezoidal aluminum wing with a profile from engineer Harry Riblett. It was never used on any aircraft but in the initial simulations they behaved very well so I decided to use it. I removed the flaps and the machined spar of Hero and added lift struts. I kept the wing tips and the result weighs only 55 pounds per wing including aileron. At that moment I found that I was on the right path!Flying Quantum
"As I prefer not to brag about my own design, I collected information from the experienced pilots who flew Quantum.About André Godoy
André Godoy hails from Campinas in the state of São Paulo. "During my childhood, I lived near an aerodrome and I could see all the colorful ultralights flying over my house. At the age of seven I found my vocation; I wanted to work in aviation."U.S. Part 103 Entry
"Now we are working to make a specific ultralight to meet the American Part 103 regulation," André continued. "We will engineer a weight reduction to stay within the 254 pound limit and we will use the new Polini Thor 202 engine to have lower speeds.This and other photos by FotografAir, provided by Sector Aircraft.