We are awash in bad news from Ukraine. Some is honest reporting of the extremely difficult circumstances for many in the war-racked nation. Yet media does not always grace itself, always finding the worst of the news to report in somber tones. Amazingly, it’s not all bad. While heads of state send troops into harms way, most of a nation’s citizenry merely attempts to live a normal life amid the chaos of war. Doing business and living your life while bomb warning sirens shriek is something most Americans can’t grasp, thankfully. Aeroprakt, builder of the very successful A-22 and A-32 series of Special LSA, suffered directly when a missile hit their flying club building (report here, scroll to last video). Their main factory remains in the central city of Kyiv, where it has been for many years. I visited this location back in 2003 so they’ve been stable for more than 20 years.
Here’s Some Good News from Ukraine — LSA Manufacturer Aeroprakt Is Building Steadily
Aeroprakt's winners: A-22 on left in blue and A-32 on right.
Aeroprakt of Ukraine in 2023
I had to ask, even though I was worried about the answer: "How is Aeroprakt doing while the war rages?" It is reasonable to think Aeroprakt must be struggling to stay aloft when so many citizens are focused on defending their homeland. The glare of the world's spotlights during the turmoil is surely uncomfortable and unhelpful.IFR Trainer
Heavenbound brought the first full-IFR-equipped A-32 to Oshkosh and it sold before the week finished. Since Aeroprakt has modest prices compared to many other LSA — A-22 is the price leader but even A-32 isn't bad — you may not be surprised to learn an IFR A-32 sells for $195,000.An IFR-capable Aeroprakt A-32 fitted with Garmin G3X Touch, GTN 650, plus Garmin autopilot and all lighting.
As you can see in the Video Pilot Report below, A-32 can have a central Y-stick but dual yokes is how A-22 was originally fitted. Note a bottle holder on the side of the panel which is built to allow generous forward-side visibility.
- Heavenbound Aviation, U.S. importer for Aeroprakt
- Aeroprakt, the Ukraine manufacturer's website
- Detailed descriptions of A-22 and A32, on the importer's website (in PDF form)