ST. PAUL, MINN., — As a spring soaring season creeps ever closer, another new harness called the Tenax has been introduced by Woody Valley. Italian Ignazio Bernardi claimed the popular Euro harness had a 30% share of the pilots in the last World Meet in Monte Cucco. Woody Valley also has offerings for recreational pilots (the RS2), but the new Tenax is aimed precisely at the competition pilots who want the very least drag. Indeed, aerodynamics and ergonomics appear to be the push among all state-of-the-art harness makers. • Tenax features a "redesigned body shape" to improve comfort and drag reduction while also making entry easier. Tenax also has some internal pockets to help cleanliness but also has external access for two cameras, a radio, a drag ‘chute, and an emergency parachute. According to Bernardi, it is also "possible to install a ballistic parachute" (though this is not something with which U.S.
Product Lines – February 04
ST. PAUL, MINN. — More news seems to surround power and hang gliders or paragliders. Why? Well| first, it’s winter. Less flying occurs, at least in the northern latitudes. So pilots are talking about gear and powered harnesses and nanotrikes are part of the discussion. Secondly, expressions of interest by soaring pilots may be a result of USHGA gaining member approval for adding these machines to the mix (nanotrikes are not presently included; only foot launched aircraft). Add one more fact, the steadily-increasing age of HG&PG pilots, and no one should be surprised that discussion includes power (and wheels). With that in mind, I like to dispense with one item right now. Corrections Dept.: In August last year, I wrote about some spectacularly high flights accomplished by Minnesota pilots using powered harnesses for their initial launch into huge thermals. I also said, because that’s what I understood, that all four pilots reaching 10,000 feet AGL used NRG Mosquito harnesses sold by Bill Fifer of Traverse City Hang Gliders.
Product Lines – February 02
ST. PAUL, MINN. — As you read this, the 2002 Air Sports Expo is happening. Hope you made it. This event — a rare traveling indoor air show — has great potential for new enthusiasts to find hang gliding and paragliding, I believe. Of course, they may also find sailplanes, ultralights, aerobatic aircraft, R/C models, and more since the show features all these elements of sport aviation. u EAA has a magazine called “Sport Aviation.” Yet their coverage isn’t what we might call “sport aviation”(unless you consider homebuilding an aircraft a “sport”). Conversely, the Air Sports Expo features the kind of flying that’s done strictly for fun, for sport. Some of those EAA aircraft are 200-mph transportation alternatives. Building and flying them may also be for sport, but the aircraft themselves can serve a purpose of transport. Nothing wrong with that, but it isn’t what we do (nor is it what sailplanes, ultralights, aerobatic aircraft, or modelers do).
Product Lines – February 01
ST. PAUL, MINN., — Aeros is finally getting ready to show their new Stalker rigid wing entry after much design work and generating considerable market interest. U.S. Aeros, the Yankee distributor for the low-price producer, will show the Stalker at this month’s Air Sports Expo in Indianapolis, Indiana (7-10 Feb.). The show will present lots of aircraft from sailplanes to ultralights to aerobatic machines, plus RC models, powered parachutes, and, of course, hang gliders. Typically hang gliding enjoyed a good turnout at these events. • I believe the Air Sports Expo has the potential to be a powerful marketing tool for all the air sports and I encourage all midwest pilots to try to make the event. Contact fellow organizer, David Newill, at 317-873-2262 or go to • If you attend you can examine the Aeros Stalker up close and personal. To date, only a private web site has let dealers (and the odd reporter) have a first glance.
Product Lines – February 00
ST. PAUL, MINN., — Bits and pieces are floating around in the aftermath of a new millennium and celebrations of grand style around the globe. It’s a good time of year to catch up on details before a new contest and soaring season begins. ••• Why did Aeros name their new rigid wing, "Stalker?" Aeros is the maker of the Stealth topless hang glider, which has achieved amazing U.S. market penetration. To explain the choice of names for their new rigid glider — which conjures a negative image for many Americans — Aeros identified "Roadside Picnic" as a popular novel with a mystical theme. In the book "Stalker" is the main character, idealized as "Neither hunter nor militarist, he’s just trying to survive, to understand, to learn… fearless and courageous, a pathfinder, an explorer, looking for happiness." OK, very positive and perhaps very appropriate for a new high-perf glider, but the name is still odd for American consumption.
Product Lines – January 04
ST. PAUL, MINN. — Happy New Year, glider fans. Once again a new year brings wintertime chills, at least for us northerners. So, this month I have some warm-up ideas to get you in the mood for a new soaring season. Mexican Flying Tours are in full swing for HGs and PGs. Cold weather flyers take note of temperatures in the 80s with plentiful thermals and authentic Mexican food. One outfit calls the experience a “Mextravaganza.” Super Fly Paragliding Mexico Tours 2004 treks to the famous Valle de Bravo site in central Mexico. At it for eight years, Super Fly takes you to fly three sites in seven days during January and February. PG gurus Jeffrey Farrell and Chris Santacroce are leading two tours in January and one in early February for pilots with P2 ratings or better and a minimum of 50 flight hours. They’ll handle the language, pickup and delivery from Mexico City airport, offer 5-star lodging in “a new, secure, classy, and clean hotel,” local club memberships, XC retreival in air conditioned vehicles, and in-flight coaching by radio.
Product Lines – January 02
ST. PAUL, MINN. — Welcome to a new year of soaring. While much of the country endures cold winter weather, spring thermals make for pleasant thoughts. ••• According to early reports, Moyes is preparing a new glider called the Litesport. Parlaying the popularity of their topless, high performance Litespeed, Moyes will reportedly build the new Litesport with a kingpost. Naturally it doesn’t offer the performance of their top-of-the-line model, however, Moyes competition star Gerolf Heinrichs is planning to compete on a Litesport in the (now summertime) Australian contests. At least he’ll fly one in the Australian Open, though observers say he’ll return to the Litespeed for the Aussie Nationals later in their season. Keep updated at where you can also find a detailed and well-presented tuning guide for the Litespeed. • An interesting sidebar to this story are numerous comments I heard at the October USHGA Board of Directors meeting where a surprising number of highly experienced pilots commented on their enjoyment of flying “simpler gliders,” like the Wills Eagle and Falcon.
Product Lines – January 01
ST. PAUL, MINN., — An interesting thing happened last fall. As 2000 came to a close, Italian flex-wing (Laminar) producer, Icaro, reached an accord with Germany’s top rigid wing (ATOS) producer, A.I.R. ••• Web writer, Davis Straub, reported in his Oz Report, "A.I.R. has moved its assembly operation and shipping to Icaro in Italy. Icaro has been a strong partner with A.I.R. from the start, producing parts and making sails, as well as being responsible for a significant portion of the distribution. Now it looks like Icaro is in a stronger position with respect to A.I.R." • Icaro confirmed Straub’s report saying, "In these past years, Icaro played already an important role at A.I.R. with producing the major part of the sails, the A-frames and the keels for the ATOS and, in addition, has sold over 130 of them." Icaro expressed, "Since the ATOS has been performing in such an incredible manner (present World and European Champions fly ATOS), we will not modify it for next year." • Straub, an outspoken supporter and user of rigid wings — such as in his notable record reported here in October — adds his personal feelings, "As a customer I feel more secure in having a larger and more diverse hang gliding company taking on more responsibilities for the ATOS.
Product Lines – January 00
ST. PAUL, MINN., — Welcome to a new era of hang gliding… well, and everything else, I guess. If you’re reading this, the Y2K bug evidently didn’t stop civilization as some feared. At least you got your Hang Gliding magazine. Is something more important than that? ••• As we start a new millennia, it pays to take stock of the state of the art. Topless flexwings are achieving great flights and cost Six Grand. Rigids wings seem to be the new darlings despite breaking the Ten Grand price barrier. We have carbon/kevlar helmets, highly sophisticated electronic navigation and flight performance instruments, and everybody flies with a parachute, sometimes two. Heck, we’ve even got luxury sport utility vehicles to haul it all around. Aren’t we something, cool 21st Century pilots? So I suppose it makes sense that lots of attention seems focused on the harness as we start a new year. It’s the new front line in the relentless drive for more performance.
AirSports Expo 2002
An example of a motorglider that may qualify under the FAA's proposed Sport Pilot rule is the lovely Lambada with its wonderful compound wings.
Ultralights to the right, sailplanes to the left and hang gliders dangling made for a lively display in the Ontario convention center.
Programs developed with the powerful computers at Silicon Graphics offered a real flying sensation as results were viewed on three large-screen televisions.
The sleek GD 808B motorglider has a fully retractable tractor-style powerplant.
AirSports Expo attracts a large crowd and many vendors. On the first day in Ontario, California, you could see this was going to be the largest AirSports Expo yet. In the shadow still lingering from September 11, many wondered and worried about participation and attendance, but the concern was baseless. A flurry of activity in the last few weeks before the show brought so many requests for exhibit space that the already designed floor plan had to be scrapped and redrawn. More than 2200 pilots and other visitors saw the exhibits of 65 vendors. While still small next to Sun ’n Fun or AirVenture Oshkosh, this was a good turnout. The range of vendors included many aircraft suppliers and all manner of accessories and informational products. Gathering of Eagles AirSports Expo represents the combined efforts of the Soaring Society of America (SSA), the U.S. Ultralight Association (USUA), and the U.S. Hang Gliding Association (USHGA).
Ultralight Motorgliders
A third-generation design from Noins Aeronautiques Alpaero, Exel is a sleek ultralight motorglider with a 45-foot cantilever wingspan.
A tiny single-cylinder engine has little exposure to the air, and Exel's fully folding prop further reduces drag.
Designed by Max Barel, the Graal is a multi-composite of molded wood and carbon fiber. It was successfully test-flown on January 4, 2004.
Some Americans have seen the Silent at airshows. Lucky them. This beautiful italian work of art is every bit as slick as a $150,000 motorglider, but it sells for only $32,000.
One reason for a one blade prop is that it fits into the Silent's compace interior.
Pilots will find plenty of goodies in the Motor Swift. Phone, GPS, radio and variometer/altimiter/barograph line the eyebrow level. Handles or levers control flaps, trip, throttle, joy-stick and the rocket parachute.
The flying-wing Motor Swift is a California design built in the U.S. for some years before Belgium-based Aeriane bought the rights to manufacture it for the European market.
The ultralight motorglider evolution continues in Europe. Ultralight motorgliders are as rare as hen’s teeth in the U.S., but Europe is blessed with several choices that nicely complement high-end, high-priced full-size motorgliders. While America has the lovely Esprit from Aero Dovron, our soaring friends across the Atlantic continue to lead this specialized market. Full-size (higher-weight) motorgliders start at more than $100,000 and can surpass $200,000. Those who can afford them are surely thrilled with such beautiful machines, but most of us can’t spend that kind of money regardless of their superb performance. However, at $20-$30,000 ready-to-fly, a clean self-launching soaring aircraft is more affordable. Like their larger siblings, these efficient designs can also cruise under power respectably well, giving them broader appeal than pure gliders. Noins’ Excel One of the newest of the breed is the Excel from France’s Noins Aeronautiques Alpaero. Based in beautiful Tallard in the French Alps, Noins is revered by French soaring pilots.
Czech Aircraft Works
Czech Aircraft Works fabricates the wings, tail, and control surfaces for the Part 23-certified OMF Symphony.
Two of the aircraft built by Czech Aircraft Works, the Zenair 601 and 701, are fitted with the company's floats.
The Zenair 701 is fixed to Czech Aircraft Works' aluminum floats.
Chip Erwin, Czech Aircraft Works CEO, was pleased to show off his new downdraft paint booth.
An American finds success building aircraft overseas. This is not a story about a Czech company. It’s about an American company in the Czech Republic, a distinction that makes this story different. For months we have been hearing and reading about sport pilot and light- sport aircraft (LSA). The FAA’s new rule is creating plenty of excitement for some very good reasons. That excitement is not confined to the U.S. Overseas manufacturers are eyeing the new rule as a way to enter the U.S. market. One of those in the best position to take advantage of the new rule is Czech Aircraft Works (CZAW). An American In Prague Chip Erwin hails from Wisconsin. Today, he is an American who owns a company in the Czech Republic. His CZAW has become one of that country’s largest aircraft producers. He accomplished all of this during the single decade when the Czech Republic regained its independence.
Copperstate’s 30th Anniversary
Copperstate celebrates its 30th anniversary at a promising new venue. That’s the dustiest place on Earth!” the pilot said upon returning from Phoenix Regional Airport in late 2001. John Kemmeries, a Phoenix-based ultralight entrepreneur, had sent the pilot to check out the proposed site for the Copperstate regional fly-in. The pilot’s reconnaissance report suggested a dry and dirty venue for the Arizona fly-in, but he had no way of knowing the event organizer’s vision. As I approached the area in BRS’s Cessna 172 Hawk XP for the 2002 fly-in, I found myself searching vainly for an airstrip among the desert’s uniform brown color. As the GPS led me along, I suddenly saw a large swatch of green dotted with colored tents. My uncertainty vanished; the site stood out like the proverbial sore thumb. Welcome to the new, improved Copperstate as created by thousands of volunteer man-hours and the support of a local land owner.
Blois Airshow
Large crowds at Blois, France, made more than 90 exhibitors happy. The choices in light aircraft were broad.
DynAero of Dijon, France, unveiled and flew its surprisingly roomy four-seat, carbon-fiber kit airplane. It cruises with a full load at 150 knots on only 100 hp.
The prototype Evolution from Dallach of Germany flew every day, retracting and deploying its Cessna 210-style gear system.
BMW and Mercedes are both offering powerplants to light aircraft. This sleek Chapelet trike built in France uses the BMW opposed-cylinder entry.
Loaded with options and ready to fly, the composite Junior from Poland costs $33,000 in Europe and weighs only 594 pounds empty.
The B&F Technik Polaris cruises and climbs fast. It proved to be a delight to fly.
This French light-airplane show Tops Anything in the U.S. The name of the French venue is a bit awkward for Americans, though it rolls off the French tongue fluidly. Blois—pronounced Blwah—is a superb airshow that should grab the interest of every light-airplane enthusiast. Light Airplanes Everywhere! I’ve been to Sun ’n Fun for more than 25 years and to Oshkosh nearly as many. I spend a lot of time in the ultralight area of each, and they’re big events, no question. But both take a second seat to Blois. Yes, believe it or not, the event 185 kilometers south of Paris last August is the largest of the ultralight airshows I’ve seen. With 90 exhibitors and more than 500 aircraft, most of which were flown to the event, Blois beats even Paradise City at the Lakeland, Florida, Sun ’n Fun fly-in. I’ve known of this 22-year-old show since the ’80s but attended for the first time last summer.
New Aircraft Arrive at Arlington
Washington-based North Wing Design released its Apache Sport this spring at Sun 'n Fun but subsequently improved its looks with this new pod fairing.
Mark Beierle has developed this tiny radial engine using eight cylinders, though he says it's still a work in process.
Designer Darryl Murphy followed a familiar pattern by fitting a larger engine to his JDM-8 that flew well with the Rotax 277.
Sport Flight Aviation is back and has reviewed its designs with CAD software. The company is now ready to start production.
With 200-foot-tall trees and mountain peaks topped with snow throughout the year, Washington is a scenic place for an airshow. Despite a drought that caused the grass to crunch underfoot, light aviation looked alive and well at the EAA’s Arlington gathering for 2003. Local Boys Make Good One main attraction was the much-anticipated RV-10 four-place aircraft that drew big crowds. But a Washington-area group also revealed their efforts of past months. Sport Flight Aviation displayed in the ultralight area with the first of 50 kits in progress. Two completed Talons—the last of the old design—stood alongside a new Typhoon. The new closely resembles the old. Company owners Todd Thompson and Ron Osborne took pride in showing me extensive CAD-generated drawings printed after a lengthy effort to document the popular northwest design. Each of the men operates a non-aviation business. They teamed up to resuscitate a company left leaderless after the death of its founder, Roger Bitton.
Aero 2001
Marketed by Ikarus Comco, builder of the Cyclone seen in the U.S., the low-wing Eurostar is built in the Czech Republic.
The P92 Golf was made retractable without altering the design much.
HK Aircraft produces the non-ultralight Wega 100 and is certifying it to the European JAR/VLA standards.
The Czech company ATEC produces the sharp Zephyr with a composite exterior but wood wings.
Light aircraft abound at Friedrichshafen’s air fair. Once Oshkosh AirVenture has ended, you may be interested to hear of another gathering that challenges the Wisconsin affair for supremacy when it comes to light aviation. No, I’m not referring to Sun ’n Fun. Inside the vast and numerous indoor halls of Aero 2001 in Friedrichshafen, Germany, the largest aircraft on display was a Cessna 206. But most were smaller, what the European Community calls ultralights, and the choices were as wide and diverse as the great halls that exhibited them. An Air Fair, Indeed When Germans speak English to Americans, they call their airshows “fairs.” Indeed, this July event was as large as some state fairs and resulted in near sensory overload for several U.S. airshow veterans who attended with me. Aero, which alternates years like many European airshows, has been hosted by the southern German town of Friedrichshafen for the last decade.
Aeroprakt Aircraft
Kiev is famous for its church spires and its trees.
In the Kiev, Ukraine, factory, an A-20 fuselage takes shape in a fixture.
Using a model, Aeroprakt chief engineer Yuri Yakovlev reveals the company's new four-seat twin.
An American in Ukraine: We develop a taste for the local sport airplane product. The September 2000 KITPLANES® cover featured Howard Levy’s report on Aeroprakt airplane kits about to be imported into the U.S. Recently, I visited the factory and flew the airplanes. Here’s what I found. We’re Not in Kansas In a land far away, people with a strange language are doing something good for pilots in America. They’re building some fine aircraft and coincidentally helping Yankees discover their distant land. The country is Ukraine, the city is Kiev, and the company is Aeroprakt. Don’t feel bad if remnants of the old Iron Curtain blocked your view. I had the same impression until I traveled to the ancient country for a look. Before we get to the airplanes, though, let me give you a brief tour of the country, the city and the company. Then you’ll get my impression of the aircraft.
Quest Air
Forming two lines, the gliders stage for launch. As pilots judge the conditions soarable, a rush to launch ensues.
On hang glider lower surfaces, pilots often choose bright colors in a throwback to the early years of colorful wings.
A pilot tells his wingman to signal the tug pilot that he is ready to launch from his cart.
Contest director Steve Kroop used two launch lines and 14 towplanes to speed competitors into the sky.
The Quest Air international contest was held on Sheets Field in north central Florida.
Running a meet with more than 100 world-class pilots means having enough launch carts (20 were available) and moving them to where they are needed.
Like any of the Olympic sports, a world-class hang gliding championship brings together pilots so good that the rest of us can only imagine performing as well. Two hang gliding contests clustered right after Sun ’n Fun draw the best of the best, and 2001 was a banner year for top talent. This year the Wallaby Open and a contest at nearby Quest Air switched positions with the Quest meet coming first this year. The highest-ranking world pilots flew both week-long competitions. Cross-Country Tasks Some power pilots believe that hang glider pilots jump from mountains and slide into the valley. That may have been true 25 years ago, but today, meet organizers routinely call for racing flights from 50 to well over 100 miles. In daily events called tasks, competing pilots are out on the course trying to make goal. As many as 100 gliders are pursuing the destination as furiously as the lift will allow.
Honoring Mike Sacrey
Creating Ultralight Vehicles
For the term "ultralight vehicle" Mike gives credit to FAA's Juan Croft, who developed the original foot-launch policy for powered hang gliders. Mike explains: "In the late 1970s, Juan reviewed powered hang glider operations, and he argued that they would not be a hazard to air commerce. Based on his recommendation, the agency chose to classify powered hang gliders as vehicles rather than aircraft and to regulate them differently because they were and are recreational vehicles rather than air commerce vehicles."The Magical 254-Pound Weight Limit
One of the most-asked questions by ultralight newcomers and veterans alike is, "How did FAA choose 254 pounds for the maximum empty weight of ultralight vehicles?" Mike finally tells the story: "The weights were a compromise. First we started talking about how much weight pilots could actually foot-launch. The original proposal was for 155 pounds, but people told us they were routinely launching 200-pound ultralights. We didn't necessarily believe that was the case, but that's what manufacturers and enthusiasts represented to us. After many discussions with those active in the industry, the weight of 254 pounds came down because we thought manufacturers and owners could build a safe machine at that weight, and then we added the weight exemption for a 'safety device to be deployed in a potentially catastrophic situation.'" Mike says that exemption came about as the rule-making team began to consider the repercussions of inair/ structural failures. "We heard a lot of talk about parachutes that could lower the whole machine to the ground in the event of a structural failure, and that seemed worth investigating." Then, as now, some enthusiasts marvel that safety devices didn't include all manner of other safety gear. Mike responds: "In fact, we were thinking specifically of parachutes, although we didn't want to say only parachutes because we didn't want to limit ingenuity. But we decided that safety devices to be deployed in a catastrophic situation did not mean brakes or a radio, as some have challenged since the rule's institution. Frankly, we argued about many of them, including radios, brakes, and a transponder, or even a horn because it would let people on the ground know to get out of the way. People tried to say brakes were needed, but that's not true in a catastrophic situation. "The idea of the whole-airplane parachute was relatively new. Many pilots were wearing parachutes with hang gliders-and there had already been successful deployments. A couple of companies were working on systems for powered ultralights, and we thought, 'Why not give them an extra allowance?' We were limiting the weight of the airframe, thus to some extent interfering with the design, so we thought emergency parachutes would just be a good redundancy. "At that time there was a lot of talk in regulatory circles that if you're going to make some piece of equipment optional, there should be some extra privilege if pilots/owners added it. For example, in other aircraft, if you added a transponder, you were allowed to fly through additional airspace. "We decided that if owners added the extra weight of the parachute, we'd give them the extra weight allowance so that they wouldn't pay a penalty in weight for equipping their vehicle with this safety device." With several "saves" recorded because of the availability of ballistic chutes, history shows the rule-making team's logic was sound. But how did extra weight for floats figure into the special exemption? Mike explains that, too. "Regarding floats, we could see that if people were operating off water they weren't operating anyplace where they were going to be involved with other air traffic. In the examples I saw, people were operating at low altitudes in small bodies of water, and they just were not a threat to other air traffic." Could ultralight manufacturers have convinced Mike and the team that more airframe weight was reasonable? Remembering that "foot-launch" had been the prior rule, Mike says perhaps, but not likely. "The weight was definitely a negotiation. The industry was trying to convince us that these were the same machines they had been foot-launching, but it's hard to convince someone you can footlaunch a 300-pound vehicle."Speed Limits in the Sky
How about that 55-knot or 63-mph speed limit? Wasn't that rather restrictive? (In the context of the proposed sport pilot/light-sport aircraft rule that carries a top speed limit of 132 mph, this question seems relevant.) Mike responds with typical logic: "First of all we looked at the speeds at which most of the machines were operating, and 55 knots was about average. Second, we looked at the damage that could be caused-the faster the projectile or the aircraft was going, the more kinetic energy you have. "We looked at the type of technology that was being used, the wing designs, and we decided that a 55-knot speed would be adequate for sport and recreation. These aircraft were never going to be transportation machines per se, so it was a compromise, as are most things in regulatory language. We knew that if we kept a limit on the top speed and if we could get the stall speed down pretty low, the chances were we would not have much third-party injury or damage. And I don't think we have had much third-party injury or damage." Many who know him think Mike is some kind of ideal FAA regulator. How might he act today if he had remained in his old role? He muses: "I, for one, would be for a new definition of ultralights with a new, higher empty weight, and I wouldn't object to some speed increase on the top end, but I would object to any speed increase on the bottom end, though that would be a very difficult thing for a designer. The low kinetic energy has been responsible for fewer injuries and fewer third-party damage incidents; consequently, we haven't had a significant part of the public saying that ultralights are a problem."Why No Certificate?
Because most ultralights fly only locally, many certificated pilots will somewhat grudgingly admit a certificate may not be necessary. However, we all know some ultralights fly long distances. Mike explains: "We decided that ultralight flying was a sport similar to mountain climbing and skiing, and we didn't have any intention of coming up with standards for the machines. We had a good model for that in the sport parachuting rule, which is the model that I settled on and became the major advocate for- not licensing the aircraft, not licensing the airmen, just limiting the potential for disaster by (1) keeping them out of certain air space, and (2) limiting the size of the aircraft and the amount of fuel they could carry. "Of course we know that ultralights have gone all around the United States, but I submit that every time, they were being operated by somebody having adequate knowledge to do it safely. In some cases they were already certificated pilots at another level, but even if not, the truth is they were able to do it safely without endangering anyone else, and that's all that mattered. That's all licensing is about-it's just a method to assure the public that a reasonable minimum of knowledge has been gained. Licensing or certification is not some magic panacea." Although Mike encountered some resistance within FAA for his "letthem- fly-freely" philosophy, he continued to use logic to further his goals. "We knew we could not have an inspector at every airport or place where hang gliders or ultralights could be operated. That was foolish thinking. It was better to depend on industry, the community, and the marketplace to determine what's successful." In the end it may have been the political climate that allowed Mike to work his rule-making magic. "The timing was good. Our government was into self-regulation. Politically, the administrations didn't want new governmental functions; this was during the Carter and Reagan administrations. Carter was talking about smaller government, the Paperwork Reduction Act was in force, and simplification of regulations was our marching order, so it all flowed fairly smoothly. Nobody wanted to get the federal government into new areas, particularly in regulatory matters. Whenever you came up with a regulatory scheme you had to show how you were saving taxpayer's money, not spending it. So this rule worked well in that climate." Nearly 20 years later, it is obvious to aviators in and out of the ultralight industry that Part 103 has functioned admirably. However, even such a marvelously simple rule required more detail. Advisory Circulars 103-6 and the very important 103-7, which helped FAA field inspectors as well as ultralight designers determine if a given ultralight met the rule, provided that detail. This still was not the limit of Mike's work. Important innovations that came once Part 103 was written into law included the exemptions for two-place training in powered ultralights and for the towing of hang gliders. Mike states: "I did the two-place exemption and the towing exemption, and both of them were difficult to convince FAA General Counsel to accept. FAA's top lawyers are very leery about exemptions. They feel you should go back to rule making rather than exemptions, but we talked about how we needed expediency and the fact that we could increase the safety of ultralights. "While many cite ABC's 20/20 program in November of 1983 as having been extremely harmful to the sport of ultralighting, it actually helped us get the two-place exemption through because we were able to convince people that just by having some experience in the twoplace machine with an experienced pilot we could essentially replicate the kind of safety that was involved in conventional training aircraft. They went for that, and we got the exemption." In his Hall of Fame nomination document for Mike, Carmen Miranda of EAA Ultralight Chapter 71 wrote, "It should be remembered that the extraordinary success enjoyed by the ultralight community today in the United States is in no small measure due to the personal efforts and vision of this one FAA official."Offering My Congratulations
In closing, I'd like to add my personal thoughts. I've come to know Mike, not as an FAA man but as a person and fellow pilot. Since we first met I've enjoyed his calm demeanor and winning smile (not always attributes I associate with my representatives in FAA). We've had numerous conversations, and you know what — he's "one of us." In his acceptance speech, Mike recognized the irony of EAA inducting a "rule maker" into the ranks of sport aviation's finest. Yet anyone who's ever met and talked to Mike finds this of no surprise whatsoever. While some rule makers load regulation upon rule to the shoulders of pilots, Mike and his associates in the early '80s helped create the least imposing rule in the thick book of FAA regulations. As I've often, and proudly, repeated, this is an FAA rule that can be printed in its entirely on the front and back of one 8.5-by-11-inch piece of paper. Lastly, Mike's work has had a profound influence on my life and that of thousands more owing to his dedication to ballistically deployed emergency parachutes. By seeing the future (BRS was very young at the time and had yet to save its first life), Mike not only helped provide me with a career, but he also allowed these devices to save literally hundreds of lives. Please join me in giving Mike a round of applause for his work on aviation's tiniest rule, the famous Part 103. Not only did he accomplish a noteworthy rule creation; he did so in barely one year once the NPRM was published. Perhaps Mike puts it best when he summarizes: "The rule started out to be a prohibitive rule-prohibit the operation here, prohibit the operation there. What we were able to do was make it into a permissive rule that allowed the operation of ultralights and put significant responsibility on the operators and on the industry. That was the whole model. If I became famous for any part of 103, it was because I advocated letting the pilots regulate themselves. Regulation shouldn't limit invention." Amen — and congratulations to Mike Sacrey, an FAA rule maker pilots can applaud! EAA has bestowed a well deserved honor.Note to readers — This article first appeared in EAA Sport Pilot magazine. The layout is unusual because of magazine formatting, but all the text and photo information is as it originally appears… —DJ AND LEARNING THE HISTORY OF FAR PART 103 Not long after takeoff, the airline captain’s deep voice transmitted the following: “Ah… Los Angeles Center, I see hang gliders not far off my wing. They aren’t in our airspace, but I’m surprised to see these guys up here.” Thus began the impetus to create Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) Part 103. Of course, the rule had no name at the outset, but one FAA official saw the future. Honoring the foresight of this man, EAA recently inducted W. Michael “Mike” Sacrey into the EAA Ultralight Hall of Fame during ceremonies on November 2, 2001, at EAA headquarters in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Mike holds an airline transport pilot (ATP) rating with numerous sign-offs for a variety of jets and multiengine seaplanes.
Light Sport Aircraft – What you may fly!
Light Sport Aircraft
Manufacturer List
Light Sport Aircraft Specifications
Thunder Gull
Rans S-4
Harmening High Flyer
Light Sport Aircraft
The FAA’s new sport pilot/light-sport aircraft notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) has been released. With a 90- day comment period underway, the proposed pilot certificate and aircraft categories are on the minds of all light-aircraft producers and anyone who flies for fun. The flying machines that will fit under the proposed new aircraft categories will be called light-sport aircraft, and in this article we’ll take a look at what’s currently available|and what the future may hold. “The FAA’s new rule is destined to globalize the light aviation industry.” The promise is great for Americans. When the new sport pilot/light-sport aircraft NPRM changes are finalized and implemented, we will enter a new era in light aviation. People who have wanted a light aircraft to fly for fun but who didn’t have the time or skill to build it will be able to buy a ready-to-fly airplane. And, they’ll be able to learn to fly in less time and at less expense than the cost of acquiring a private pilot certificate.