Perhaps you knew years ago that Brazil was an aviation beehive of activity. Since Santos-Dumont early last century, the South American country has been known for aviation.
This millennia, the Brazilians have adapted to Light-Sport Aircraft and ASTM standards, which the country’s CAA accepts (as do several other nations). Not only have they populated the skies over Brazil, but several companies have moved to establish their business in the USA.
Seamax, Super Petrel, the engineering behind the Texas Aircraft Colt, Paradise P-1, Flyer SS …all these are Brazilian designs and except for the last two, all have an active U.S. presence and all have the Brazilian factory as a partner or owner. For the record, this is also how Tecnam and others have handled their American representation. This may not assure success but it does keep the factory deeply involved with their entry to aviation’s largest marketplace.
Now, Welcome Montaer
The first airshow in too long, Sun ‘n Fun 2021 is where Montaer made its formal debut to American pilots. Displayed in Paradise City — Sun ‘n Fun’s main light aircraft area — MC01 jumped out to get your attention in a bright red, white, and black paint job.
Montaer Aeronaves, the Brazilian company name, formed in late 2013 “with the aim of bringing innovation to national aviation.” An engineer who formerly worked with Paradise Aircraft, Bruno de Oliveira leads the company. If you think Montaer looks remarkably like Paradise and the P1NG, you’d be right though Bruno reported he has made “numerous changes and refinements.”
Montaer’s MC01 starts with 4130 molybdenum steel tube “to provide greater safety to the crew.” MC01 is skinned with an aluminum fuselage and wings. These materials are popular with American pilots who are aware they can achieve repairs almost anywhere.
MC01 is powered with the 100 horsepower Rotax 912 that now also offers service not only all over the U.S., but around the world.
Aimed at GA Pilots —Montaer followed the lead of Paradise in using a control configuration that will seem completely familiar to the legions of pilots that have been trained in Cessnas and Pipers.
MC01 has dual control yokes with a steerable nose wheel and dual toe brakes. Although many Sport Pilots say they prefer — or at least have adjusted to — joystick control, many pilots find control yokes preferable. No joystick option is presently available.
However, Montaer has also followed Paradise’s lead by offering hand controls to accommodates pilots who want to fly but have lost the use of their legs. In fact, the very first American purchase of Montaer MC01 is going to such a pilot up near Oshkosh. I’m sure I join many others in congratulating Bruno and Montaer in making arrangements for such people to achieve their dreams of flight.
Features of MC01 — MC01 is well equipped with a 10-inch Garmin G3X Touch screen, a G5 back-up system, GMC 507 autopilot, and a GTX 35R transponder with ADSB out (photo).
Elevator trim controls are provided on both yokes. At the base of the instrument panel pilots will find all circuit breakers and other switches. Throughout this design, you see a layout that most pilots will find familiar and comfortable. All these common controls may help pilots quickly adapt to flying Light-Sport.
Montaer has installed all leather seats, headliner and side panels (photo). The interior fit and finish will please most pilots. Both seats are fully adjustable forward and back allowing, for comfort for tall and short people. These adjustments can be made while sitting in the seat. Yet MC01’s seats do more.
Again similar to Paradise models — which are no longer available in the USA — MC01 has fully-reclining seats. While the company said, “This is important for tall people to adjust the seats for more head space,” it brings additional benefits. For example, if you want to camp in your MC01, the reclining seats can provide a sleeping surface. The aft cabin has sufficient of room to permit this.
Three-Door Configuration
Although Jabiru offers three doors on their J-250 and J-230 series, no other LSA producer offers a full human-entry-sized door aft of the main two doors most Light-Sport Aircraft offer. Paradise has such an arrangement and so does Montaer. However, the two airplanes diverge as Montaer puts the third door on the right side of the aircraft where Paradise was on the left.
That third door pairs nicely with the hand controls. “A large third door allows pilots with the need to carry their wheel chairs,” Montaer noted. While all pilots will applaud the easier access to the spacious baggage area, such access can be the deal maker for a pilot wishing to take his wheel chair along. That is something to celebrate, I believe.
Technical Specifications
Montaer MC01
All specifications provided by the factory
- Wing Span — 28 feet 10 inches
- Aircraft length — 21 feet
- Empty weight — 855 pounds
- Useful load — 465 pounds
- Fuel Capacity — 37 gallons
- Range — 780 miles
- Cruise speed — 120 miles per hour
- VNE — 137 miles per hour
- Stall Speed — 45 miles per hour
Hi Dan,
Your article lists a person from Oshkosh that is buying this aircraft who would you have his information or could you share my information with him? I am also in a wheelchair from Green Bay and I am in the process of purchasing a Vashon Ranger. I would love to be able to talk to someone closer if possible.
You can contact the dealer who sold him that aircraft and who has been in touch with him as of Sun ‘n Fun. That man is Ed Ricks and his email is Good luck and safe flying!