CubCrafters Set Records In a second year of modest recovery for the LSA sector, most companies were happy to sell the same as the year before. Against this plain backdrop CubCrafters stands out sharply. The company announced that it delivered 58 new airplanes (52 of which were LSA models), a 23% increase over 2011, and more units than any year in the company’s history. They’re aiming for deliveries of 66 ready-to-fly aircraft this year. CubCrafters’ 2012 deliveries are divided among their three models: Carbon Cub SS, Sport Cub S2, and Top Cub (the latter not a Light-Sport). • They also reported shipping 24 of their Carbon Cub EX kits in 2012, another record. That’s 82 aircraft and makes them likely the light aviation leader for the year (we hope to publish our customary market report soon). CubCrafters General Manager Randy Lervold said, “Despite the economic climate, we’ve managed to defy industry trends.” Congratulations, Team CubCrafters; job well done!
Happy New Year LSA News Wrap
Former FAA Administrator Randy Babbitt (L) will address the LAMA Dinner group of 300 LSA professionals on opening night of the Sebring LSA Expo (January 17-20). photo courtesy EAA
The all-new Paradise City at Sun 'n Fun (layout still subject to last-minute changes). The curved arcs in the center are the newly relocated LSA Mall. Runway is seen at bottom. The hash markings identify irrigation on the RC runway that uses this area at other times.
AirBorne makes hang gliders, like the clean "blade wing" at the top plus a line of trikes from two seaters to very light single seaters.
Team Will Wing posed for a company photo to celebrate the holidays and reaching their 40th year.